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The First Republic in China 1912-1916 Why did the Republic fail? Assess the consequences of the Chinese revolution of 1911.

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Presentation on theme: "The First Republic in China 1912-1916 Why did the Republic fail? Assess the consequences of the Chinese revolution of 1911."— Presentation transcript:

1 The First Republic in China 1912-1916 Why did the Republic fail? Assess the consequences of the Chinese revolution of 1911.

2 China

3 The situation in 1911 Country in disarray Many critics of the new regime are still around 7 Foreign governments have interests in China China in danger of breaking up Challenges of twentieth century technology Government is under pressure

4 Who was Yuan Shikai?

5 1912 1 st January – Sun Yat Sen becomes President 12 th February – Pu Yi and Prince Chun abdicate 13 th February – Yuan Shikai becomes President 11 th March – A new constitution is drawn up - elections to be held at the end of 1912. The Revolutionary Alliance becomes the Guomindang (GMD) Over 300 parties fight the first election

6 1913 January 1913 – Election result announced -GMD win 269/596 seats -Song Jiaoren shot on the way to the National Assembly Early 1913 – GMD fall out with Yuan Shikai over Reorganisation Loan May – Yuan dismisses all pro-GMD military governors Summer – GMD troops defeated October – Yuan is declared President. GMD are dissolved and dismissed from government Sun flees China End 1913 – USA, GB, Russia, Japan recognise Yuan’s government

7 1914 Jan 1914 – National Assembly dissolved Feb 1914 – Provincial assemblies also closed down May 1914 – Yuan strengthens his power as President. Increases censorship. -Now has control over war, finance, foreign policy and citizens’ rights. -Announces plans for wide-ranging reforms August 1914 – World War One declared - Japan declare war on Germany and seize Shandong

8 1915 January – Japan make the 21 Demands 7 th May - Day of National Humiliation August – Rumours abound that the people want Yuan as their emperor November – A petition begs Yuan to consider it - Yuan bows to “public pressure” Yunnan, Guzhou, Guangxi declare their independence in protest

9 1916 January – Yuan is crowned Emperor Leads to protests, loss of support March – Backs down June 6 th – Yuan dies Replaced by Li Yuanhong. Li is deposed by Zhang Xun who tries to restore Pu Yi This fails 1917 The Warlord Era has begun

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