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Presentation on theme: "STUDY GUIDE ANSWERS IMMIGRATION, INVENTIONS AND PROGRESSIVES."— Presentation transcript:


2 IMMIGRATION 17) Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Norway and Sweden 18) Seeking freedom and better lives for their families 19) European immigrants entered in through Ellis Island. Asian immigrants entered in through Angel Island. The Statue of Liberty was the first view of many new immigrants.

3 IMMIGRATION, CONT’D 20) Chinese workers helped to build the Transcontinental railroad Immigrants worked in textile mills Immigrants also worked in steel mills Immigrants worked in the clothing industry

4 Thomas Edison Alexander Graham Bell Orville and Wilbur Wright Henry Ford Andrew Carnegie J. P. Morgan John D. Rockefeller Cornelius Vanderbilt Light bulb/electricity Telephone Airplane Assembly line Steel (Bessemer Process) Banking/Finance Oil Railroads INVENTIONS/INVENTORS #27, #28

5 IMMIGRATION, CONT’D 21) They often worked for very low pay and in dangerous working conditions. Living conditions were also poor, unhealthy, crowded and caused diseases and fires. People lived in tenements in slums (low- cost) apartment with entire family. Impoverished neighborhoods. 22) New York, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Detroit, and Cleveland

6 IMMIGRATION, CONT’D 23) Housing shortages, unsanitary living conditions (overcrowded) 24) New York City started built the world’s first subway system. In addition, trolley (street cars) were also used especially by residential communities outside of the city

7 IMMIGRATION, CONT’D 25) Immigrants were expected to assimilate to American culture. Assimilation-the process by which a minority group gradually adopts the customs and attitudes of a dominant culture 26) The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 & The Immigration Restriction Act of 1924

8 INVENTIONS/INVENTORS, CONT’D 29) A form of business organization that enables a group of individuals to operate as a single legal entity 30) The seizing of a person assets in order to pay business expenses 31) The Bessemer Process made steel cheap and easier to produce. Steel is lighter than iron 32) Very little government regulation allowed the inventors to build such huge businesses.

9 PROGRESSIVES 32) “Square Deal” 33) “New Freedom” 34) Government controlled by the people Guaranteed economic opportunities through government regulation Elimination of social injustices

10 PROGRESSIVES, CONT’D 35.) Referendum-allowed people to express their views on the actions of lawmakers through a direct vote 36) Initiative-allowed the people to vote directly on proposed reform laws 37) Recall-allowed voters the right to remove a public official from office 38) Primary-elections intended to give the people more of a voice in choosing political candidates

11 PROGRESSIVE, CONT’D 39) The 17 th Amendment gave direct election of U.S. Senators 40) The 19 th Amendment have women the right to vote 41) Susan B. Anthony-leader 42) Muckruckers-writers that exposed the abuses of child labor

12 PROGRESSIVE, CONT’D 43) Dangerous working conditions, diminished relationships and company towns (ex. Pullman Town) 44) See 45, 46 Sherman Anti-trust Act-prevents any business structure that creates a monopoly Clayton Anti-Trust Act-Expands the Sherman Act and outlaws price- fixing which helps to exempt labor unions 47) Company town-people lived and worked in the same place- houses owned by the company

13 PROGRESSIVES CONT’D 48) Knight of Labor 49 & 50) Strikes 51) McCormick Plant workers wanted 8 hour work days and decided to strike. The end result was violence and destruction-workers threw a bomb at police which ended in a riot.

14 PROGRESSIVES CONT’D #52 KNIGHTS OF LABOR  Anyone could join  Aimed to get rid of capitalism by creating worker owned businesses AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR  Enrolled only skilled workers  Sought higher pay, shorter hours and improved working conditions

15 PROGRESSIVES CONT’D 53) Fricke, manager of Carnegie Steel wanted to cut worker wages. The workers went on strike. He called in the Pinkertons- special police force know to break up strikes. The strike failed and they Homestead company reopened with military occupation.

16 PROGRESSIVES CONT’D 54) Founder of the American Federation of Labor (AFL); 1886 Samuel Gompers


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