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Theory of prompt and afterglow emission Robert Mochkovitch (IAP) Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Multi-Messenger Era (Paris, 16-19 June 2014)

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Presentation on theme: "Theory of prompt and afterglow emission Robert Mochkovitch (IAP) Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Multi-Messenger Era (Paris, 16-19 June 2014)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Theory of prompt and afterglow emission Robert Mochkovitch (IAP) Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Multi-Messenger Era (Paris, 16-19 June 2014)

2 central engine relativistic jet photosphere internal dissipation: prompt emission RS FS afterglow emission jet break What we know for (almost) sure….

3 central engine relativistic jet photosphere internal dissipation: prompt emission RS FS afterglow emission jet break Unsettled issues: acceleration/energy content of the jet: thermal/magnetic? dissipation mechanism at work? respective contributions of the forward and reverse shocks to the afterglow surprises in the early afterglow What we know for (almost) sure….

4 The prompt emission Brief observational summary Temporal properties: hard X-rays diversity of light curves bimodal duration distribution variability down to the ms time scale long bursts: collapsars short bursts: merging of NS

5 Temporal properties: optical → diversity of behaviors GRB 990123 GRB 041219 GRB 080319B GRB 990123 : optical not correlated to hard X-rays GRB 041219 : optical and hard X-rays correlated optical flux consistent with extrapolation of the hard X-ray spectrum at low energy GRB 080319b : correlated (?) optical flux 100 times brighter than extrapolation of the hard X-ray spectrum at low energy (the naked eye burst) RAPTOR

6 Spectral properties GRB spectra are (too) simple : broken power-laws    +2  +2 EpEp grey area: bright BATSE bursts solid line: Fermi data (Lu et al, 2012) Phenomenological Band function:

7 Going beyond the Band function: → indications of the presence of an underlying thermal (photospheric) component Spectral properties Polarization positive detection in a few events: - GRB 041219A:  ~ 4 – 40% (IBIS; Götz et al, 2009) - GRB 100826A, 110301A, 110721A:  ~ 20 – 80% (GAP; Yonetoku et al, 2011,2012) Additional power-law in some cases (excess at low (keV) and high (>10 MeV) energy) (Guiriec et al, 2010) GRB 100724B GRB 110721A

8 Models Basic requirements z → D L + observed flux → E ,iso = 10 51 – 10 54 erg short time scale variability → compact source Relativistic outflow to avoid opacity problem:  → e + e -  min  ~ 100 – 1000 Acceleration of the flow Thermal :  = 400.. r acc ~  r 0 m: entrained mass (fireball model) (Hascoët et al, 2012) T 0 ~ a few MeV

9 Acceleration of the flow Magnetic : slower acceleration: initially → Acceleration may not be completed at the photosphere → Thermal emission can be much reduced if → Remaining magnetization at infinity ?.. (Tchekhovskoy et al, 2010) r 1/3

10 Dissipation processes below the photosphere: “photospheric models” np collisions shocks → energetic electrons (and positrons) reconnection IC on thermal photons at a few optical depths below the photosphere + synchrotron contribution/geometrical effect at low energy IC syn E E2N(E)E2N(E) (Vurm et al, 2011) Planck → Band

11 Dissipation processes above the photosphere: internal shocks variable Lorentz factor in the outflow  r  r 1>1>  rr dissipate 10 – 20 % of the flow KE Redistribution of the dissipated energy :  e x E diss : into a non thermal (power law) distribution of electrons  B x E diss : in magnetic energy → synchrotron emission (Daigne & Mochkovitch, 1998)

12 Above the photosphere: reconnection  ∞ > 1 difficult and uncertain physics → few predictions except ICMART (Internal-Collision-induced MAgnetic Reconnection and Turbulence) Potentially large efficiency : 30 – 50 % ? (Zhang & Zhang, 2014)

13 Evaluating the models Internal shocks : many predictions in good agreement with observations : hardness – duration, HIC, HFC, W(E) Potential problems efficiency requires cooling electrons in “fast cooling regime” → low energy slope  = -1.5 while obs ~ -1 (see however Derishev, 2007; Daigne et al, 2011; Uhm & Zhang, 2013) acceleration of electrons: much energy into a small (1%) fraction of the electrons magnetic acceleration required to avoid bright photospheric emission but then what about  ∞ and the existence/efficiency of shocks ? Pulse width Time lags Energy [keV] 8-260 keV 260 keV-5 MeV >100 MeV >1 GeV GBM LAT Time [s] Photon flux [ph/cm 2 /s] (Bošnjak & Daigne 2013)

14 Reconnection: natural model if magnetic acceleration with large  ∞ ? uncertainties with the spectrum: general shape, low energy spectral slope  Photospheric models: less uncertain input physics requires an “adaptable dissipative process” should work for a full range of L, E p (X-ray flashes, X ray emission during quiescence in gamma) → Looking for tests of the various models…

15 Temporal tests steep decay at the end of the prompt phase high latitude emission tbtb tbtb  -3 IS, ICMART :  t ~ t b →  ~ -3 Photospheric models :  t << t b In photopheric models the initial decay must correspond to an effective behavior of the central engine RR (Hascoët et al, 2012)

16 Spectral tests additional thermal (photospheric) component in the spectra ? expected in internal shock, reconnection models… …but a priori not in photospheric models where the spectrum is the (modified) photospheric emission (Guiriec et al, 2013)

17 Optical emission Bursts where  /opt are correlated suggest similar emission radii : R em,  ~ R em,opt → risk of self-absorption in photospheric models High energy emission  → e + e - :  min depends on R GeV R GeV  R MeV possible with IS, ICMART but not in photospheric models GRB 080916C (Abdo et al. 2009) GBM : keV-MeV LAT >100 MeV >1 GeV

18 Polarization Models with synchrotron emission (internal shocks and reconnection)  Large  possible if:  - ordered in emission region i.e.  B > 1/  ( lines anchored at the source)   - Jet viewed on the edge :  v ~  j (within 1/  ) (random ) Photospheric models Polarization averages to ~ 0 except if the jet is viewed on the edge (but synchrotron contribution can be present →  ≠ 0 )  (Toma, 2014)

19 Conclusions (prompt emission) Best and worst for each model: Photospheric emission B: reliable physics; good spectra W: early steep decay ≠ high latitude emission ; optical prompt self-absorbed Internal shocks B: large set of predictions agrees with observations W: acceleration of electrons ;  ∞ ∞  ; low energy spectral index Reconnection B: natural if  ∞ is large ; possibly large efficiency W: few predictions ; spectra ? territories: friendly hostile Terra incognita internal shockslargequite largesmall photosphericmedium reconnectionsmall large Model geography

20 The afterglow … results from the deceleration of the flow by the external medium (uniform or stellar wind) The pre-Swift era: afterglows looked pretty simple ! Forward shock dynamics described by the Blandford-McKee solution (at deceleration radius: swept up mass ) uniform medium stellar wind R -3/2-1/2 t -3/8-1/4 Shock dissipated energy injected into a non-thermal distribution of electrons:  e, p,   and amplifies the magnetic field:  B  Injection Lorentz factor of the electrons: m  B  m 2   Post-shock magnetic field: → c  B  c 2 

21 Afterglow spectra and light curves are made of consecutive power-law segments multi-wavelength fit of the afterglow → E K,  e,  B, p, n/A * Hz  c < m m < c day E K = 2.6 10 53 erg ; n = 0.14 cm -3  e = 0.046 ;  B = 8.6 10 -4 ; p = 2 (Sari, Piran, Narayan, 1998) (Panaitescu & Kumar, 2000) (Panaitescu & Kumar, 2002) spectra light curves

22 Concerns: robustness of the results → constant microphysics parameters ? → uniform external medium often found; at odds with expectation for a WR progenitor The Swift era: surprises in the early afterglow plateau phase, flares, steep slopes, optical/X-rays: (a)chromatic behaviors… t -3.2 New ingredients/paradigm needed !

23 New ingredients Plateaus and flares: a late activity of the central engine ? Extended plateaus require large amounts of energy to be injected into the forward shock E 0 = 10 52 erg E inj = k  E 0 with k = 2, 10, 100 E fs = E 0 + E inj → efficiency crisis for the prompt phase but Ex: f mes = 0.1 ; k = 10, 100 → f true = 0.53, 0.92 ! Flares : late internal shocks ? But how to explain that ~ 100 s ~ 1000 s ~ 10000 s

24 New ingredients Plateaus: an initially inefficient afterglow ? “missing” energy” Let us assume: a wind external medium  e ∝ n - (n > n crit ) and constant for n < n crit ∝ R 2 → flat plateau for ~ 1 E fs (Hascoët et al, 2014) =1 ; A * =1 (Margutti et al, 2012)

25 New paradigm Making the early afterglow with a long-lived reverse shock Standard picture: the reverse shock is short-lived; it rapidly crosses the high  ejecta, heats the electrons → slow cooling electrons radiate in optical/IR: early optical flash ( GRB 990123; Sari & Piran, 1999 ) Alternative proposal: ejecta has a low  tail → the reverse shock is long-lived (Genet et al, 2007; Uhm & Beloborodov, 2007) Emission from the reverse shock sensitive to the distribution of energy in the ejecta → great flexibility in light curve shapes (Uhm et al, 2012) Plateaus injected power in the tail FS

26 Steep slopes -2.9 -3 But what about the steepest slopes? (internal plateaus) → magnetar activity ? (Lyons, O’Brien, Zhang et al, 2010) (luminosity/duration of the plateau ↔ energy reservoir of a magnetar) -9

27 Flares After completion of internal shocks the ejecta is highly structured Additional assumption: anisotropy of the radiation field in comoving frame FS (simulation by F. Daigne)

28 High energy afterglow emission Forward shock synchrotron emission… + inverse Compton (for the highest energy photons) (95 GeV @ 244 s and 32 GeV @ 34.4 ks in GRB 130427) Alternative: pair loading and heating at the blast wave (Vurm, Hascoët, Beloborodov, 2014) The pairs make: synchrotron emission → optical flash IC scaterring with prompt/early afterglow photons → GeV emission GRB 130427

29 Conclusion How to make new progress? Expect a Rosetta stone burst: GRB 130427A ? Enter a new era: SVOM (2020) an improved spectral coverage of the prompt emission GWACs: a real-time coverage in optical of ECLAIRs fov GFTs: dedicated follow-up telescopes The multi-messenger era neutrinos, cosmic rays, gravitational waves… → new clues on GRB physics ? (shock waves, magnetization) GWAC GFT

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