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Summary from NIU Workshop and Prague Summary from NIU Workshop and Prague S. R. Magill Physics and Detectors for a 90 to 800 GeV Linear Collider: Third.

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Presentation on theme: "Summary from NIU Workshop and Prague Summary from NIU Workshop and Prague S. R. Magill Physics and Detectors for a 90 to 800 GeV Linear Collider: Third."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summary from NIU Workshop and Prague Summary from NIU Workshop and Prague S. R. Magill Physics and Detectors for a 90 to 800 GeV Linear Collider: Third Workshop of the Extended ECFA/DESY Study Prague, 15 th -18 th November 2002 Workshop on simulation, energy-flow algorithms, and software for the Linear Collider November 7 – 9, 2002

2 Agenda of the NIU Workshop Day 1 : Simulation and Analysis Tools LCD software – JAS and LCDROOT European perspectives GEANT4 Status Demos and Tutorial with JAS Day 2 : CAL Reconstruction/E-Flow Algorithms ECAL/HCAL issues Approaches to E-Flow Algorithms Discussion on Simulation/Software Priorities Day 3 : Wrap-up, new simulation/analysis plans, etc. Web site -

3 Simulation/Analysis Tools Highlights Working towards - GEANT4 for everyone In the spirit of 1 Linear Collider -> 1 G4 executable worldwide? What is needed to achieve this : Common input format from generators Output compatible with analysis packages –> interfaces for existing packages - JAS, ROOT, etc. Common Geometry description package -> all existing detectors, new designs, easy modifications to existing models Common data definitions -> E-Flow record

4 A general discussion: towards a Geometry Description Language?  “ Specifications for a detector geometry description language ” at  Could generate GDML code (see the “ Geometry Description Markup Language ” project at Missing human resources to seriously start it! New sub-detectors Simulation Reconstruction Analysis Common Geometry Access (CGA) API Geometry database DGDL


6 CAL Reconstruction/E-Flow Highlights E-Flow Algorithms – variety and complementarity Clustering – emphasizing “traditional” calorimeter analysis techniques - Fuzzy clustering (minimize cal cell “distance” to combine into clusters) - Cluster ID neural network (using cluster properties to define E-Flow objects) Track extrapolation – linking cal cells to found tracks - Analog version for ECFA TileCal (SNARK) - Digital version under development (many places) Hit density gradient – defining digital clusters - Split/merge clusters - Find cluster boundaries Particle reconstruction in CAL models - Photons (known cluster shape) - Muons (calorimeter MIP tracking) - Neutral hadrons (Analog/Digital energy resolution) -Alternatives to SD/LD detectors - See web site for all the details

7 Programme of the Prague Workshop (of interest to the Calorimeter Working Group) Web site – Calorimeter Working Group Progress in hardware/electronics development – ECAL/HCAL Approaches to E-Flow Testbeam prospects Simulation Working Group Move to G4 Continued analysis with fast MCs Worldwide compatibility Overall Detector Performance Presentations Global tracking performance E-Flow results NEW

8 Calorimeter Working Group Highlights - See web site for many hardware details

9 ECAL :  Sampling tungsten-silicon  Sampling radiator-tile HCAL :  Sampling radiator-scintillator tiles  Sampling radiator-gas detector n CALICE CALICE W-Si Rint~170 Pad 1x1 cm SD-LCD W-Si Rint~120 (SLAC-Oregon) Pad 0.5x0.5cm LCCAL 5x5cm tiles (Italian labs) 3 silicon layers ACFA choice 4x4cm tiles 2 layers fibers Staggered tileRint~160 (Uni. Colorado)tile 5x5cm CALICE tile-HCAL CALICE tile-HCAL projective tiles 9 layers CALICE CALICE DHCAL ( Pad 1x1cm 1bit-readout 40 layers And some exotic proposals (crystal ECAL,…)

10 CALICE performances studies include  Performance variation with dead wafers, with inter-calibration(Only ECAL), with pad size (DHCAL), perf. on jets with HCAL resolution, with variation of X0 in tungsten plates,…  Electronics readout performances,noise,etc…is included (ECAL only)  Performance with jets (at Z peak for both HCAL option)  Performance with jets at high energy (numerical values for tile HCAL)  Studies of DHCAL performance (single track) with radiator (steel, tungsten,…), with pad size.  Electron, muon ID. for isolated particle/in jets (better than ALEPH…) TO DO  Almost everything - performances with pad size, with layer numbers (partly done for ECAL) - performances at high energy (including boson mass) - input for the electronics (HCAL mainly) - input for Lumi. measurement (end-cap), input for TPC T0 calibration. …………

11 What's new II: RPCs in HCAL And a little controversial! G10 Gas Chamber Glass Iron Spacers Magnetic field direction

12 Mokka, impact of the gas in HCAL ElectronsPions Gas Scin

13 Simulation Working Group Highlights



16 Overall detector performance WG Very Short Term Priorities  Common languageReconstruction data model included in the general/common framework coordinated by simulation people i.e. Ties Behnke & Franck Gaede Next month Before end of 02 First Intermediate meeting Early beginning of January 03 MINI- WORKSHOP  Collect the existent developments  Make them public available  Fill the missing holes  Welcome new comers  Go ahead to Amsterdam involving different sub-detectors e.g. Tracking, EFLOW, Flavor ID Following data model presc. and feed back to Franck & al. Full list of items on Web page

17 A preliminary list of items we may discuss during this Mini- Workshop Reconstruction data model (improvements, feed back to simulation people) Status of what exists (enlarge the vision e.g. CMS, Belle VTX algo. As commented during this session) How to make them public available if not yet (time scale, effort needed, performances, contents, algorithms involved, detector based on, …) How to move to a or a various event reconstruction packages merging tracking reconstruction w/ ‘eflow’ reconstruction clusters, include ID flavor (missing pieces, foreseen improvements, effort needed, what one side need from other sub-detectors, e.g. hits information from back track interaction not coming from IP, as commented during this session) What are the benchmark processes we want to exam at first priority (Which key numbers) How we intent to perform the comparisons and share the work. Comparisons to test the various sub-detectors options, test the sub-detectors parameters in a whole detector context e.g. numbers of layers, pad size, VTX techno, added options, TPC geometry, Quad position, …

18 Impact on Future Work Plan to have future workshops focussing on CAL simulation and analysis emphasing E-Flow algorithms At NIU and Prague, started discussion that could lead to a very flexible, maintainable, and compatible simulation/analysis environment for worldwide LC detector study/design. At Prague, new study group organized to address specific issues of E-Flow reconstruction, etc., across subdetector boundaries.

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