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Great Depression & New Deal Political Cartoons Analysis Turnbull.

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Presentation on theme: "Great Depression & New Deal Political Cartoons Analysis Turnbull."— Presentation transcript:

1 Great Depression & New Deal Political Cartoons Analysis Turnbull

2 Why political cartoons?  How do you mostly get information now?  How did the population get information before modern technology like the TV/internet?  Do you think the same as people back then did?

3 Political Cartoons  Historical documents that voice opinions of the times and the artists who created them  Political Cartoons are editorials that are used to influence opinions  Many times, especially in older cartoons, hold symbols that are prejudice.  Political cartoon can have obvious messages, but may also contain hidden messages

4 SymbolsPeopleActionsMessage What symbols do you see? Are there any people? What kinds of actions are going on? What do you think the authors message is?

5 Step 1: the obvious

6 Step 2: what does it mean?

7 Step 3: Describe & Explain

8 1. 1933, by Clifford K. Berryman, Washington Post

9 2.1934, Cary Orr, Chicago Tribune

10 3. June 1941 Dr. Seuss

11 Thesis Statement  It is a sentence or two in your text that contains the focus of your essay and tells your reader what the essay is going to be about. Based on the past three slides, what could your thesis statement or main idea be?

12 “The policies of FDR helped America overcome the Great Depression of the 1930s.” “The policies of FDR helped America overcome the Great Depression of the 1930’s by increasing productivity, by getting unemployed persons back to work, and by satisfying more radical factions of society.” Which is better? Why?

13 4.

14 5. 1936, Dorothea Lange, “Migrant Mother”

15 6. 1942, Ckem Albers, Arcadia, CA

16 Long story short  Look at all the little details first, then try to figure out what it means.  A political cartoon is an artists opinion, and they tried to influence others.  Sometimes there are obvious messages to the audience, but sometimes the author has a hidden message you should look for.



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