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21st Century e-learning 1st Sept 2014. e-Learning goals Time and place shifted learning Collaboration Differentiation/personalisation of learning Formative.

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Presentation on theme: "21st Century e-learning 1st Sept 2014. e-Learning goals Time and place shifted learning Collaboration Differentiation/personalisation of learning Formative."— Presentation transcript:

1 21st Century e-learning 1st Sept 2014

2 e-Learning goals Time and place shifted learning Collaboration Differentiation/personalisation of learning Formative feedback and assessment Students leading the learning Better reflection of life at home and work!

3 Sandringham eLearning Strategy Upgraded Wifi Laptops and iPads for teaching staff Students Bring their Own Devices Google Apps for Education Office 365 for staff and students MySandStorm portal to gather learning tools Realsmart for Assessment for Learning Links with home : Show My Homework and upgraded Parentmail The tools for mobile learning

4 Case Study : SJB School, Woking 2 year journey - now 1000 teachers and students with mobile devices Wide usage across faculties : augmented reality in science, sketchbook in Art, Maths exercise book, D&T coursework etc etc Students take notes, submit work and receive feedback online

5 Case Study : SJB School, Woking Teachers author their own content on iTunesU and iBooks Custom learning tools apps have been developed for quick starters and plenaries Student and staff planners are electronic

6 Not that we do things for Ofsted, but… “The highly effective use of small hand-held devices has substantially improved pupils’ access to a wider range of knowledge. One student remarked, ‘These have improved what and how I learn and I can share this much more quickly with others.’ Students were eager to show how quickly teachers check and correct work on this resources making suggestions for improvements.” Ofsted, May 2014

7 And so down to the pedagogy …

8 M. T. H. Chi, “Active-constructive-interactive: a conceptual framework for differentiating learning activities,” Topics in Cognitive Science, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 73–105, 2009.

9 Now Concentrate… You will be selecting one or more of these tools to work on immediately afterwards

10 Active Learning QR Codes : engage students and direct them to online resources Socrative Quiz: Formative assessment and tracking Annotate with Skitch

11 Constructive Learning Google Apps: Share documents with students, a whole class at a time Google Apps: Create a document that can be edited by multiple people simultaneously Haiku Deck: Create presentations that are concise and beautiful

12 Interactive Learning Edpuzzle: Find a Video and annotate with voice commentary and embedded questions Plickers: Polling and quizzing using your iPad Google Classroom: Set assignments, collect work, give feedback

13 Over to you... 30 minutes You have recipe cards on your tables that give a start point for using the tools Pick something at the appropriate level e.g. If you have never shared a Google Document, do this before diving in to set up Google Classroom Brew up something useful that you might use in the next couple of weeks, maybe with year 8 and their tablets (if you teach year 8!)

14 Further Training iPad sessions tomorrow in H1 08:45 – 11:15 iPad for Learning 11:30 – 14:00 iOS Creativity Two strands in Twilight INSET iPad Teaching Apps (FEM & DAK) Assessment and Monitoring using iPads (DAH & ANC) Visit another school Monday 29th September: Honywood School, Coggeshall, Essex Thursday 16th October: Chiswick School, London Date TBC: Learning bus to Samuel Ryder School, St Albans Use your Digital Leaders Genius Bar at Lunchtimes Let them help you to prepare for or help in lessons! Sandagogy and App of the Week

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