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The 61 th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy. ‘06 Funded by: NSF- Exp. Phys. Chem Mag. Hyperfine Interaction in 171 YbF and 173 YbF Timothy.

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Presentation on theme: "The 61 th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy. ‘06 Funded by: NSF- Exp. Phys. Chem Mag. Hyperfine Interaction in 171 YbF and 173 YbF Timothy."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 61 th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy. ‘06 Funded by: NSF- Exp. Phys. Chem Mag. Hyperfine Interaction in 171 YbF and 173 YbF Timothy C. Steimle, Tongmei Ma Arizona State University, USA & Colan Linton University of Brunswick, Canada

2 Motivation for Magnetic Hyperfine studies of YbF 1)Insight into f-block bonding & chemistry. Mag. hyf. interactions probe valence electrons: H= b F (I  S) + c(3I z S z - I  S)+…. b F (Fermi Contact)  Prob. of finding un-paired electron in vicinity of nuclei with non-zero spin c(Dipolar)  spatial coordinates r&  of unpaired electrons.

3 Motivation for Magnetic Hyperfine studies of YbF (cont.) 2) Needed in scheme to test of elementary particle physics beyond the standard model via measurement of electric dipole moment of electron, d e. d e Requires effective electric field of unpaired electron, W d W d is calculated using highly accurate  theory b F & c (Exp.) b F & c (calc. using  theory ) Most accurate test of  Theory

4 -1- NucleusIsotopeNatural Abundance (%) Spin(h/2  ) Magnetic moment (  N ) Elect. quadrupole moment(10 -24 cm 2 ) Yb 170 3.50 171 14.31/2+0.49367 172 21.90 173 16.15/2-0.67989+0.28 174 31.80 176 12.70 F100.01/2+2.682 Nuclear Properties for Yb and F Many Isotopologues !

5 1.Barrow & Chojnicki “ Analysis of Optical …” J. Mol Spec. (1975) 2.Lee & Zare “ Chemiluminescence of YbCl & YbF“ J. Mol Spec. (1977) 3.Van Zee et al “ESR of YbF at 4K” JPC (1978). 4.Dunfield et al (New Brunswick group) “ Laser Spectroscopy…” J. Mol Spec. (1995). 5.Dickinson,Coxon,Walker&Gerry “ FTMW spectroscopy…”,JCP (2001). Previous Spectroscopic Studies YbF Ref. 4  Fine structure A 2  & X 2  parameters for 172 YbF, 174 YbF & 176 YbF Ref. 5  Precisely determined Fine and hyperfine parameters for 172 YbF, 174 YbF & 176 YbF for X 2   Ref. 3  Hyperfine parameters for 171 YbF, in matrix C. Linton Int. Sym. On Mol. Spectrosc. 1995

6 -2- Previous Spectroscopic Studies System Ed Hind’s Group 1.Sauer et al “Anomalous spin-rotation coupling in the X 2  +...” PRL (1995) 2.Sauer, et al “Laser-rf double resonance of 174 YbF in the X 2  + state: Spin- rotation, hyperfine interactions, and the electric dipole moment.” JCP (1996). 3.Sauer,et al “ Perturbed hyperfine doubling in the A 2  ½...” JCP (1999) 4.Tarbutt,et al “ A jet beam source of cold YbF radicals.” J Phys. B (2002) 5.Hudson, et al. “Measurement of the Electron Electric Dipole Moment Using YbF Molecules.” Phys. Rev.Lett. (2002), 6.Condylis et al “Stark shift of the A 2  1/2 state in 174 YbF ”. JCP (2005) G. Meijer’s group (Collaboration w/Hind’s) 1.Tarbutt et al “Slowing Heavy, ground-state molecules…” PRL, 92, (2004).

7 Electronic Structure predictions for YbF 1.Dolg, M. et al ‘A combination of quasirelativistic pseudopotential and ligand field…” Theo Chim Acta (1993). 2.Wang, et al, “ Density Functional calculation…” J Chem Phys. (1995). 3.Titov, etal “P,T-odd spin-rotational Hamiltonian for YbF.” PRL (1996). 4.Quiney, “Hyperfine and PT-odd effects in YbF 2  ” J Phys B (1998), 5.Parpia, “Ab initio calculation of the enhancement of the electric dipole moment of an electron in the YbF molecule.” J Phys B (1998) 6.Liu et al “Fully relativistic DFT….” JCP (1998). 7.Mosyagin, et al “Electric dipole moment of the electron in the YbF molecule.” J Phy. B: (1998) 8.Titov, et al. “ Two-step method for precise calculations of core properties in molecules” Int. J. Q. Chem. 104 (2005) 9.Nayak et al “Ab initio calculation of the P,T-odd effect in YbF” Chem Phys. Lett. (2006).

8 Experimental approach YbF skimmed molecular beam: Pulse Valve /Ablation Source SF 6 (2%) + Ar Plasma Pulse Valve 355 nm Nd:YAG Pulse Laser Yb Rod -3-

9 Molecular Beam LIF Spectrometer -4- (Or Pulsed dye) Or Box car


11 Low-resolution LIF with Pulsed Dye laser O P 12 (4) Next frame

12 High-resolution LIF spectra of YbF: P 12 (4) branch feature of (0,0) band of A 2  1/2 - X 2  + transition 176 YbF 174 YbF 172 YbF 170 YbF 171 YbF G=0 G=1 173 YbF G=3 G=2

13 X 2   : Case b  S with two nuclear spin 173 Yb(I=5/2)F G = 2 & 3 171 Yb(I=1/2)F G = 0 & 1 A 2  : Case a  J with two nuclear spin 173 Yb(I=5/2)F F 1 = J-5/2.. J+5/2; F=F 1  1/2 171 Yb(I=1/2)F F 1 = J-1/2.. J+1/2; F=F 1  1/2

14 Electronic transitions for P 12 (4) of 171 YbF -7- X2+X2+ A 2  1/2

15 Energy Levels for P 12 (4) of 173 YbF -8- A 2  1/2 X2+X2+

16 What has been measured o P 12 (N) N= 2-11, 15 R 1 (N) N= 3-6, 10,15 170 YbF 171 YbF 172 YbF 173 YbF 174 YbF 176 YbF #32 123 34 149 32 34

17 Known or Estimated Molecular Constants for the X 2  + State of YbF (MHz) -9- Parameter 170 YbF 171 YbF 172 YbF 173 YbF 174 YbF [a] 176 YbF B 7250.0611 7246.3390 7242.1231 7237.9298 7233.8271 7225.7150 D (  10 3 ) 7.176 7.171 7.167 7.163 7.159 7.151  -13.44792 -13.44000 -13.43218 -13.42440 -13.14679 -13.40174 b F (F) 170.65878 170.58234 170.45900 170.36031 170.26374 170.07280 c (F) 85.6010 85.5052 85.5007 85.4512 85.4208 85.3070 FTMW Fitting procedure Isotopic relationships

18 State Parameter 170 YbF 171 YbF 172 YbF 173 YbF 174 YbF 176 YbF X 2  + b F (Yb) 0.241(2) -0.0657(3) c (Yb) 0.014(1) -0.00440 [b] eQq 0 (Yb) -0.0345(3) A 2  T 0 (-18700) 88.913(4) 88.899(2) 88.875(3) 88.860 88.845 88.811 B 0.24583(2) 0.24839(6) 0.24825(4) 0.2481 [a] 0.24797(4) 0.24769(5) (p+2q) -0.3978(3) -0.3976 [a] -0.3974(2) -0.3972 [a] -0.3971(1) -0.3966(1) d (Yb) 0.0360(3) -0.0107(7) eQq 0 (Yb) -0.0365(5) Std. dev. 0.00320 0.00305 0.00214 0.00235 0.00228 0.00216 -10- Fitting procedure Transition wavenumbers fitted directly to standard 2-spin hamiltonian operator. X 2  + :  D,  b F (F) &  c(F) for all isotopologues held fixed to the scaled FTMW values. ESR 0.254 ESR 0.010

19 Modeling spectra-Results for o P 14 (4) Calc

20 Future work: Optical Zeeman Spectroscopy 171 YbF G=0 O P 12 (4) {

21 Horn antenna Pump/Probe Double resonance Precise pure rotational spectroscopy

22  A 2  1/2 -X 2  + (0,0) band of YbF was recorded at near-natural linewidth limit.  Magnetic hyperfine parameters for both ground and excited states of 171 YbF and 173 YbF were obtained.  Optical Zeeman measurements in progress. Concluding Remarks Thank you !

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