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Electromagnetic Radiation 3 1.Use of EM imagery in astronomy a.Potential and limitations b.Satellite programs 2.Finish Labs.

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Presentation on theme: "Electromagnetic Radiation 3 1.Use of EM imagery in astronomy a.Potential and limitations b.Satellite programs 2.Finish Labs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electromagnetic Radiation 3 1.Use of EM imagery in astronomy a.Potential and limitations b.Satellite programs 2.Finish Labs




5 Seagrass Presence/Absence 2003 samples taken by Olgalucia Gallego with Friends of Nature




9 2 1 3

10 Scientific notation Multiplication: add exponents and multiply numbers separately – (5.1 x 10 4 ) (2.5 x 10 3 ) = 1.275 x 10 8 Division: subtract exponents and divide numbers separately – (6.2 X 10 6 )/(3.1 X 10 3 ) = 2.0 X 10 3






16 Mangrove habitat is common on soft tropical and subtropical shorelines

17 Mangroves provide habitat, and buffer waves from severe storms




21 Mangroves are common along the coast of Belize. Satellite imagery tracks the density and type of mangroves from space. Differing EM wavelengths reflected from the surface indicate different habitat.


23 Ground-truthing calibrates and recalibrates the EM data from space

24 EM satellite data Used to determine what kinds of habitat are present Used to determine changes over time Used for planning responses to threats

25 Mangroves dominate the shoreline habitat in Stann Creek District Belize








33 Satellite imagery monitors Arctic ice

34 Satellites are also used to receive radio waves from wildlife tracking devices

35 New satellites such as PALSAR are adding to monitoring capabilities over time

36 Doppler Effect Interactive computer program Be able to evaluate an absorbtion spectrum to determine the speed and direction of an object’s movement

37 Doppler effect Waves are shortened and lengthened by the velocity of their source moving through space. As a wave source approaches an observer, waves become smaller As a wave source moves away from an observer, waves become shorter

38 Blue and Red Shift The shift toward smaller waves in front of a wave source is called “blue shift” The shift toward larger waves behind a wave source is “red shift”

39 Uses in Astronomy Celestial object typically move at very high rates of speed that can alter even the wavelengths of EM radiation By comparing the absorption spectra of common elements like hydrogen from stationary objects to those of moving objects in space, we can determine how fast they are moving and in what direction

40 The Universal “Red Shift” Doppler effect was used to observe that galaxies in space are moving away from each other. This is some of the foundational evidence for the “Big Bang Theory”, the idea that our universe was created all at once by an enormous release of energy that expanded to become the cosmos.

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