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NEW WAVE TECHNOLOGY MOBILE COMPUTING. I ntroduction With digitalization the difference between telecommunication and computer net-working is fading.

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3 I ntroduction With digitalization the difference between telecommunication and computer net-working is fading and the same technologies are used in both fields. However, the convergence does not progress as rapidly as expected. Moving applications and ser-vices from one field to the other has proven to be very difficult or in many cases impossible. The explanation is that although the technologies in use are rather similar there are crucial differences in architecture and concepts..

4 Analysis of current mobile service architectures Voice communication Supplementary services with intelligent network Enabling services on the SIM with SIM Application Toolkit (SAT) Text services with Short Message Service (SMS) Internet access with WAP

5 Voice communication

6 Supplementary services with intelligent network

7 E nabling services on the SIM with SIM Application Toolkit (SAT)

8 Text services with Short Message Service (SMS)

9 Advanced Mobile Services Separation of service content and logic Multi-domain services PAN-based Services Collaborative Services

10 Separation of service content and logic

11 Multi-domain services

12 PAN-based Services

13 Collaborative Services It is possible for several people to collaborate by exchanging information through several channels and devices simultaneously.

14 Freedom from collocation

15 Challenges  Harsh Communication Environment  Connection/Disconnection  Variable Bandwidth



18 Research Issues  Seamless Connectivity over multiple overlays  Wireless Communications  Mobility  Probability


20 R eferences  J.B.Andersen,T.S.Rappaport,S.Yoshida,”Propagation Measurements and Models for Wireless Communications Channels,” IEEE Communications Magazine.  G.H.Forman,J.Zahorjan,”The Challenges of Mobile Computing,”IEEE Computer.  Gunnar Heine, GSM Networks: Protocols, Terminology and Implementation.  http\\  ETSI, Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Specification of the SIM Application Toolkit (SAT) for the Subscriber Identity Module  http\\



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