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Cell Cycle Regulation. Regulating the ____ ____ is necessary for healthy ______.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Cycle Regulation. Regulating the ____ ____ is necessary for healthy ______."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Cycle Regulation

2 Regulating the ____ ____ is necessary for healthy ______.

3 Mitotic Regulation There are both _____ and _____ factors that _______ cell division. External factors include ______ and chemical signals. Proteins that _______ cell division are known as _______ _______.

4 Mitotic Regulation Most ________ cells form a _____ layer in a culture dish and stop _______ once they touch other _____.

5 Mitotic Regulation Two of the most important _____ factors are ______ and ______ (both proteins). External factors ________ the internal factors which affect the cell cycle.

6 Regulating the Cell CycleCellCycle InternalFactors ExternalFactors

7 Contact Inhibition Type of cell to cell _________ that tells the cell to _____ dividing when an ____ is ___ (Remember the healthy growth in the culture dish?). If a ______ occurs with the cell’s ______, cancer can result.

8 The Body’s Control Mechanism ________: Programmed cell death –It is a _______ feature of _______ organisms –Caused by a cell’s production of self – destructive ________ –Occurs during the development of _______

9 Uncontrolled Mitotic Division Cancer : the ________ dividing of cells Reasons cancer can occur: 1._________ to produce certain enzymes 2.__________ of enzymes at the wrong time 3.Mutations that occur from _______ ____ incorrectly 4.___________ factor that _______ your DNA

10 Cancer cells Cancer cells form _______ clumps called _______ _____ ______ = not cancerous (will not spread and take over healthy cells) ______ tumors = __________ (can metastasize, or break away to take over healthy cells)

11 Treatments ________ = doctor who studies cancer _________ 1. _________ = chemicals _______ into body that ___ rapidly dividing cells Problems Problems: _______, vomiting, loss of hair, and kills _____ healthy and cancerous cells

12 Treatments ______ 2. ______ = _____ aimed at cancer that attacks the cells and other healthy cells in that area Problems Problems: kills other ______ ____that are in the way. Can only be used for ______ ______.

13 Treatments ______ 3. ______ = take out ____ _____ that is affected Problems Problems: could miss some of the cancer cells or could make ____ ____ grow back even _____ then before A biopsy is also done to initially _______ if the ______ is malignant or benign.

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