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Temple Carrig School General Guidelines for 2 nd Year Parents Thursday 24 th September 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Temple Carrig School General Guidelines for 2 nd Year Parents Thursday 24 th September 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Temple Carrig School General Guidelines for 2 nd Year Parents Thursday 24 th September 2015

2 2 nd Year Information Evening 1.The perils of Second Year! 2.Raising your child’s chances of success 3.Homework & Study 4.Support Structures 5.2015 Issues 6.Other Information and Reminders

3 The perils of Second Year!

4 Common 2 nd Year Discipline Issues 1.(Uniform) 2.(Smoking) 3.Unkindness to others 4.Misuse of personal devices 5.Standards of work 6.Distracting others in class

5 Raising the Chances of Success

6 Raising the chances of success 1.BE AMBITIOUS! 2.Make a commitment to their education 3.Maximum Attendance in School 4.Fill in the gaps where performance is weak 5.Work in partnership with teachers 6.Homework & Study 7.

7 Homework & Study

8 Homework Continuing academic work at home on a regular basis reinforces learning. Parents can help a lot by making sure that all work set is completed, at home, to the best possible quality and in the best possible conditions.

9 Homework and STUDY Homework should take 1.5-2 hours every weeknight and will comprise: Homework (set by teachers) & Study (additional)

10 Homework Organisation Storage of digital resources: –Schoology, Microsoft 365 –Each student will end up with a “Digital portfolio” Assignments will be posted on Schoology All work is equally important

11 New Help Available! Schoology messaging –Teacher help –Peer tutoring, student collaboration Internet –Screencast tutorials –Websites e.g.

12 What is Study? 1.Organising notes and keeping up-to-date 2.Revising and self-testing 3.Researching 4.Reading ahead There is a comprehensive Study Skills course on the TCG website

13 Challenges Big difference between Junior and Leaving Cert regarding what is expected of students Students can quickly learn to “ coast ” Students need to learn to be more independent Establishing a good work ethic and regular study habits is crucial Challenging more able students to go further Supporting students with learning difficulties

14 Support Structures

15 Form Teachers Altidore Ms Horgan AvondaleMr Hurley BellevueMS BATTYE KillrudderyDr Fitzroy PowerscourtMs Gibson TinakillyDR CATHCART Head of Second Year: Ms McCarthy

16 Support Structures Learning Support Team –Ms. Hudson, Ms. McCarthy, Mr. Hurle –Ms Dorcey, SNA A student can come and talk to ANY teacher The “i-Team” – for all your technical needs

17 Counselling Support Internal –Rev.Breen –Mr Sheridan External counselling service – Ann Prendergast

18 2015 Issues

19 1.Thank you for your patience 2.Lockers 3.Lost Property 4.School Bus Transport 5.Prize Night 6.Extra-Curricular Activities

20 Information/Reminders 1.Sickness, Lateness, Absence, Leaving Early 2.Parents Parking 3.Litter – please bring it home!

21 Financial

22 Financial Matters 1.Administration Fee Note: This includes 24-hour personal insurance cover

23 Financial Matters 1.Administration Fee 2.Voluntary Contribution 3.Tax Rebate 4.Extra-Curricular Activities Fee 5.Bursary Fund

24 The Yearbook!

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