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Presentation on theme: " supported by the Local Government Association a local government initiative sharing nationally to improve services locally Storing,"— Presentation transcript:

1 supported by the Local Government Association a local government initiative sharing nationally to improve services locally Storing, publishing and sharing information – Complying with requirements efficiently Recording information assets, publishing datasets and sharing inventories with

2 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Publish an inventory of data held a register of open datasets datasets themselves – meeting FOI requirements dataset definitions (aka ‘schemas’) Discover how other councils publish similar data data from multiple councils intelligence by combining data across councils Our needs

3 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Inventories and aggregators of local data Common inventory formats for harvesting Common dataset formats for combing similar data from different councils Common vocabularies to identify similar datasets and formats (Services List + Functions List)

4 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative LA and inventories and features

5 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Confused? Don’t be. Use DataShare * Output data from your systems into DataShare Copy formats adopted by councils for the same functions / services * if you use you own software, create an inventory of the format auto-generated by DataShare

6 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative DataShare Publish your data in explicit tabular format Reference against Functions List and Services ListFunctions List Services List Share data formats (aka ‘definitions”) used by other councils

7 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Harvest inventories of unpublished and published datasets and their renditions Support discovery, including by Function and Service Provide a discovery API Host schemas giving common dataset formats

8 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative esd standards Publish and maintain Functions List and Services ListFunctions List Services List Index datasets against each Index schemas for each

9 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Data aggregator Import council datasets of the same formats Provide an API for analysis of aggregated data Feed to third party analysis tools (eg LG Inform)

10 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Further information @MikeThacker

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