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The First Ten Days of School Harry and Rosemary Wong

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Presentation on theme: "The First Ten Days of School Harry and Rosemary Wong"— Presentation transcript:

1 The First Ten Days of School Harry and Rosemary Wong

2 It’s all in how you begin. Success with your students begins on the very first day of school. You want to have both your academic curriculum and your management plans for the first ten days ready to go. This presentation/activity deals with that management preparation. Work with your team/mentor on the academic preparation.

3 A Well-Managed Classroom A well-managed classroom has a set of procedures and routines that structure the classroom for learning.

4 Procedure Perks Procedures allow a wide variety of activities to take place during the school day, often simultaneously, with a minimum of confusion and wasted time. If there are no procedures, much time is wasted organizing and explaining each activity, even for recurring activities. The lack of procedures also leads to students’ acquiring undesirable work habits and behaviors that are subsequently hard to correct.

5 Students and Procedures Students readily accept the idea of having a uniform set of classroom procedures because it simplifies their task of succeeding in school.

6 Using the attached resource The companion resource to this presentation gives you the example of what teachers can do, in addition to academic instruction, to establish procedures and expectations during the first ten days of school. As you examine each of the suggestions for each day, decide which ones match your needs/discipline plan and substitute in others that you will require that have not been represented here. Transfer your plan to your plan book.

7 The big idea Each sample day includes ideas of procedures to teach your students. Days 2-10 also include which procedures to reinforce.

8 Telling is not Teaching You will need to be sure to teach each procedure. This entails more than just telling the students about it. You will need to demonstrate the procedure, have the students practice it and then be sure to review and reinforce. Remember that it will take practice and reinforcement to make these procedures into routine habits.

9 It’s worth it! The number one problem in the classroom is not discipline; it is the lack of procedures and routines. A vast majority of the behavior problems in the classroom are caused by the failure of students to follow procedures and routines. Your time spent in establishing procedures and routines will affect your entire school year for the better.

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