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Harby Junior High School Welcome Parents and Fifth Graders!

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Presentation on theme: "Harby Junior High School Welcome Parents and Fifth Graders!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Harby Junior High School Welcome Parents and Fifth Graders!

2 Dress code, absences & PTO Roll Call ---------- “Johnny?” “Here!” “Lisa?...Lisa? Has anyone seen Lisa today?”

3 For additional info, call 281-245-2124. Roxie Patton Site Coordinator Academic Support Self Esteem/Social Skills College and Career Awareness Heath and Human Services-Backpack Buddy, clothing, basic needs Before school activities-homework groups Enrichment Mentoring-girls & boys groups Lunch groups


5 Magnet Academic Program (MAP) RegularPre-APMAP 6th grade material at a 6th grader pace 6th grade material at a faster pace 6th, 7th, and 8th grade material at a faster pace

6 MAP Math Course Progression Please note that MAP students must qualify to advance to each math course in the progression by successfully completing each MAP math course in addition to passing the STAAR or EOC for each particular class.

7 MAP Science Course Progression

8 MAP Humanities

9 Magnet Academic Program Qualifications Math/Science

10 Magnet Academic Program Qualifications Humanities Round 1 5th Grade STAAR Reading Simulation (Week of February 15 th ) Students who receive a Level 3 Advanced score will move on to Round 2 Round 2 Humanities Writing Assessment (Week of April 11 th ) The Humanities Writing Assessment consists of grade level and above grade level material Students who participated in Round 1 and Round 2 assessments will be placed on a matrix along with the student's Reading class average

11 Students zoned for a non-MAP junior high who qualify and accept program will be a “transfer” student to their MAP junior hig h. Transportation is provided for MAP transfer students. Transfers & Transportation

12 Junior High Advanced Academics Pre-AP language arts, math, science, & social studies AP Spanish Academic UIL Duke TIP Talent Search - 7 th grade ACT/SAT Duke TIP Boot Camp - 7 th grade National Junior Honor Society SAGE – Supporting Alvin’s Gifted Education

13 Pre-AP Contract Integrity Guidelines Grading/Late Work Policy Rigor Level More in-depth Varied Curriculum Classwork Outside assignments, such as summer reading

14 Contact us:

15 Harby Junior High Bell Schedule “A” Week BELL FOR STUDENTS TO GO TO 1 ST PERIOD 8:40 1 ST PERIOD8:40 – 9:36 2 ND PERIOD 9:40– 10:31 3 RD PERIOD10:35 – 11:26 4 TH PERIOD 11:30 – 1:20 (4 TH period includes a 30-min. lunch, class & homeroom) 5 TH PERIOD1:24 – 2:15 6 TH PERIOD2:19 – 3:10 7 th PERIOD3:14 – 4:05

16 Harby Junior High Bell Schedule “B” Week BELL FOR STUDENTS TO GO TO 1 ST PERIOD 8:40 7 th PERIOD8:40 – 9:36 6 th PERIOD 9:40– 10:31 3 RD PERIOD10:35 – 11:26 4 TH PERIOD 11:30 – 1:20 (4 TH period includes a 30-min. lunch, class & homeroom) 5 TH PERIOD1:24 – 2:15 2 nd PERIOD2:19 – 3:10 1 st PERIOD3:14 – 4:05

17 Sample of a Typical Sixth-Grade Schedule PeriodFirst SemesterSecond Semester 1 ELA Reading 6 2 Math 6 3 Social Studies 6 4 Art 6Theatre Arts 6 5 ELA Writing 6 6 P.E. Wellness 7 Science 6

18 Instructions for Completion of Course Selection Sheet You will receive your course card along with detailed instructions next week at Hood-Case and Mark Twain! DUE DATE: Your course selection sheet must be turned into your teacher with ALL SIGNATURES and required INITIALS a week later!

19 Required Junior High Classes English Language Arts Reading English Language Arts Writing Math Science Social Studies P. E. Wellness (or Karate @ HJH/MJH/RPJH)

20 Sixth-Grade Electives Fine Arts Requirement OR AVID Beginning Choir Beginning Band Art / Theater Arts 06 Starting with the 2010- 2011 school year and thereafter, all students in grades 6, 7, or 8 must take a Fine Arts course. Texas Education Agency

21 Due Date: ___________________________ Your choice below. Course #Course NameUnits Teacher Initials English LANGUAGE ARTS (SELECT ONE.) 1600Language Arts Reading & Writing 62 1630 Language Arts Reading & Writing 6 Pre-AP 2 MS You will need your current teacher's initials to be placed into a PAP class. Please sign with an ink pen. MATH (SELECT ONE.) 2600Math 61 2630Math 6 Pre-AP1 SCIENCE (SELECT ONE.) 3600Science 61 3630Science 6 Pre-AP1 SOCIAL STUDIES (SELECT ONE.) 4600Social Studies 61 4630Social Studies 6 Pre-AP1 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Choose PE OR Kickstart. 5600PE 61 5607 Kickstart Karate (Only HJH/MJH/RPJH) 1 # your choices ELECTIVES Number electives 1-3, with #1 as your first choice. 2 7000Band: Instrument_________1 Note: If you do not pass the STAAR assessment, you may be placed into a Math or Reading Intervention Class. 1 8000Choir1 6700AVID (application and interview required)1 3 6600/6601Art 6/ Theater Art 61 6061Spanish 1A Dual Language HS1 HS = High School Credit & GPA (based upon attendance and grade earned) Must have a schedule with enough classes to fill 7 units! C O U R S E S E L E C T I O N SHEET

22 Instructions for Completion of Course Selection Sheet A indicates that a teacher’s initials are required to recommend you for the course. Without those initials, you will NOT be placed in that class. Teachers will consider your grades, work habits, conduct, test scores, etc., and are NOT required to sign your sheet!

23 English Language Arts 6 Pre-AP English Language Arts 6 Pre-AP Summer reading is REQUIRED prior to the first day of school for students enrolled in English Language Arts Reading & Writing Pre-AP.

24 Those students who do NOT pass the STAAR Math, Writing, Reading and/or Science tests may be placed into a tutorial class designed to better prepare them for the state-mandated tests. Reading Intervention or Math Accel class will be in addition to the regular academic courses and will take the place of an elective. State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) Read pages 2 & 19 of the Guide.

25 It is important that course selection be given serious consideration. PLAN CAREFULLY NOW. After school begins, schedule changes will ONLY be made to correct scheduling errors or to equalize class sizes.  STUDENTS’ REQUESTS FOR PREFERED LUNCH, TEACHER, OR CLASS PERIOD WILL NOT BE HONORED! But, what if I later change my mind about my classes ?

26 Hawk Camp for Incoming Sixth Graders Coming soon in August 2016 Session I 9 a.m.—12 noon Session II 1 p.m.—3 p.m. Parent Meeting 12—1 p.m.

27 Advancement Via Individual Determination College prepared vs. college ready? AVID Parent Meeting To Be Announced Harby Junior HS

28 EXPECT to Sing Something GREAT!!! Harby Junior High Choir “do re mi fa so la ti do” from The Sound of Music

29 Directors David Richard & Lance Laster Junior High Bands Symphonic Band I Symphonic Band II Beginning Band

30 Beginner Band & Instrument Tryouts To select the best instrument for you attend any ONE of the meetings below at Fairview J. H. band hall Mon., March 7th 5:30—8 p.m. Tues., March 8th 5:30—8 p.m. Thurs., March 10th 5:30—8 p.m. Sat., April 9th 9:00 a.m.—12 noon BEFORE SCHOOL IS OUT!

31 Join Theatre Arts with Mrs. Whitlock!

32 Art

33 Sixth Graders’ Pieces



36 Kickstart Building strong moral character through martial arts!  Complete application when school starts  $25 equipment fee (scholarships available) to be paid when school starts  Takes the place of P. E.  Includes physical & mental conditioning Harby J. H. & Manvel J. H. Mr. Jenkins, Instructor

37 QUESTIONS??? Contact the counselors! Julie Saldivar (A-K) 281-245-2909 Michelle Seay (L-Z) 281-245-2883


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