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* * 0 Sixth Grade Social Studies United States History The Early Colonies to the Constitution Mr. Tarrazi Team 6-1.

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Presentation on theme: "* * 0 Sixth Grade Social Studies United States History The Early Colonies to the Constitution Mr. Tarrazi Team 6-1."— Presentation transcript:

1 * * 0 Sixth Grade Social Studies United States History The Early Colonies to the Constitution Mr. Tarrazi Team 6-1

2 * * 0 Why study history? v=vgmNkYUL_Cw v=vgmNkYUL_Cw

3 * * 0 Why else do we study history? v=xcHF9tEWGVA v=xcHF9tEWGVA

4 * * 0 What are we going to cover? ●Civics, the American government, and the election ●Early North American settlements ●The colonies (geography, daily life, economy) ●The road to revolution and the Revolutionary War ●The Constitution and early government ●Geography

5 * * 0 How are we going to learn about all of these things? ●Reading and discussion –Either at home or in school ●Group work ●Projects –Either in groups or independently ●Lots of film clips ●Research projects ●Internet assignments

6 * * 0 How is your grade determined? ●Tests –50% ●Quizzes & Projects –40% ●Homework –10%

7 * * 0 What are you going to need? Set yourself up for success!! ●Your textbook will be kept at home or found online ●Notebook (For vocabulary and notes) ●Folder ●Pen or pencil ●Bathroom pass ●Homework agenda ●Student ID ●Homework

8 * * 0 Classroom Procedures This class is set up for your success....follow the rules and procedures and you will succeed! ●Enter the classroom with all your necessary will not go back to your locker for them! ●Take a DO-NOW from the DO-NOW basket and complete the DO-NOW. ●Have your homework on your desk while working on your DO-NOW. ●After the DO-NOW activity, look at the board for the your homework assignment and write it in your homework agenda. ●If you finish early, begin working on your homework.

9 * * 0 Classroom Procedures Continued.... ●Participate and pay attention during the every lesson. ●Complete our closing activity. ●Take all your possessions with you.

10 * * 0 Classroom Rules ●Society’s Golden Rule applies in this classroom: Do to others as you want done to yourself! ●Bathroom: First Five/Last Five rule ●No cellular phones or portable music devices ●No gum chewing, food, or water bottles

11 * * 0 Classroom Rules Continued.... ●Help with, and questions about, homework, tests, quizzes, or projects should be asked before the class the assignment is due ●Four lates to class is an office referral ●Any technology being used in the classroom is not to be touched by anyone unless instructed to do so by Mr. Tarrazi ●When working on projects, work neatly and quietly, and after the project is complete, the classroom should be spotless

12 * * 0 Classroom Rules Continued.... ●When you are unprepared for class, do not ask me for anything, it is your responsibility to be prepared ●Behavior: I adhere to the school standards found in your agenda ●Fire Drills/Assemblies: Quiet and exceptions

13 * * 0 Homework ●Homework: –Will be checked while you work on your DO- NOW, not later. It is due at the beginning of class. –It must be complete in order to receive full credit. –Homework must be at least 70% complete in order to receive half credit. –Homework WILL NOT be accepted late.

14 * * 0 What happens if your absent? Homework is always posted on my website and Edmodo! ●Your missed work is your responsibility-no excuses ●You are responsible for getting the missed work and completing the missed work ●You will have as many days as you are absent to make up missed work. (Absent Monday, the work is due Wednesday) ●It is your responsibility to be prepared, when you return, with the work that was due the day of your absence.

15 * * 0 Edmodo ●Social networking for the classroom ●Everyone will be set up with an account and it is free ●What is it used for: –Online quizzes –Submission of computer based projects –Current events –Missed work –Posting of materials for class –Announcements –Parent/Teacher/Student communication –Not used for socializing!

16 * * 0 In Conclusion..... ●This class is set up for you to succeed whether you are a gifted artist, a diligent studier, a great listener, a brilliant reader, or an awesome test- taker. ●You will determine your level of success! ●You will determine your grade! ●You will determine whether you enjoy or despise this class! ●I will give you everything you need to succeed, you must want to succeed!

17 * * 0 As Alexander the Great once said, "There is nothing impossible to him who will try."

18 * * 0 As Joey Ramone of the Ramones once sang, “I believe in miracles. I believe in a better world for me and you.”

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