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12/2/08 BR: What is the “legal issue” in the Heller case? Today: The Arguments Reminder: NU Mock Trial This Saturday!

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Presentation on theme: "12/2/08 BR: What is the “legal issue” in the Heller case? Today: The Arguments Reminder: NU Mock Trial This Saturday!"— Presentation transcript:

1 12/2/08 BR: What is the “legal issue” in the Heller case? Today: The Arguments Reminder: NU Mock Trial This Saturday!

2 To do:  Get a partner and pick up the worksheet  Do step 1 and step 2. Also..  For each of the 10 arguments label each argument DC if you think it is an argument that would be made for the District of Columbia or H if you think it is an argument for Heller.  Label the 3 least persuasive arguments (L1 for least persuasive and so on)

3 Homework: Discussion Preparation  Using all of the information you have so far prepare a list of “talking points” for a discussion.  We will have a discussion “Socratic Seminar” style of Wednesday.  You will be scored on your contribution to the discussion and you will hand in this list of talking points

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