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Geospatial data for Africa: the Brazilian contribution Gilberto Câmara Director, INPE (23 September 2008)

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Presentation on theme: "Geospatial data for Africa: the Brazilian contribution Gilberto Câmara Director, INPE (23 September 2008)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geospatial data for Africa: the Brazilian contribution Gilberto Câmara Director, INPE (23 September 2008)

2 The fundamental question of our time fonte: IGBP How is the Earth’s environment changing, and what are the consequences for human civilization?

3 Global Change Where are changes taking place? How much change is happening? Who is being impacted by the change?

4 INPE´s vision for the future A constellation of satellites and sensors will provide free earth observation data for all countries on Earth

5 “A few satellites can cover the entire globe, but there needs to be a system in place to ensure their images are readily available to everyone who needs them. Brazil has set an important precedent by making its Earth-observation data available, and the rest of the world should follow suit.”

6 CBERS as a global satellite CBERS ground stations will cover most of the Earth’s land mass between 30 0 N and 30 0 S

7 “If Brazil can do it, US can do it too”

8 INPE’s space technology agenda “Global EO” – Brazil as global player in earth observation Multilateral Agreements (CEOS, GEO) Bilateral agreements (China, Germany, UK)

9 Space Technology: INPE´s 2020 Plan 202020162014 CBERS-5 GPM 2012 Lattes-1 2011 CBERS-4 2010 Amazônia-1 2009 CBERS-3 2013 MAPSAR 2015 Amazônia-2 2018 CBERS-6 2017 Lattes-2 2019 CBERS-7 (med-resol) SCD Advan. (1) MMP Nanosat Specified Under discussion CPA/INPE/out-07 CBERS

10 Amazônia-1 AWFI 780 km swath 120 km 40 m ground resolution 5 days global coverage CBERS-3/4 MUX CBERS-3/4 CCD 60 km CBERS-3/4 AWFI 720 km largura Future sensors for monitoring tropical areas 60 m ground resolution 5 days global coverage 20 m ground resolution 26 days global coverage 5 m ground resolution 52 days global coverage (5 days with mirror)

11 CBERS-2B Sensor Configuration mm WFI 260 m (890 km) CCD 20 m (120 km) Built by ChinaBuilt by Brazil PAN 2.5 m (27 km)

12 CBERS-2 CCD, Minas Gerais, Brazil

13 CBERS-2B CCD-HRC combined image in São Felix (Pará, Brasil) Approximate scale 1:10.000

14 CBERS 3 – 4 Sensor Configuration mm 2.1 WFI 73 m (860 km) MSS 40 m (120 km) CCD 20 m (120 km) MUX 10 m (60 km) PAN 5 m (60 km) Built by ChinaBuilt by Brazil

15 Amazônia-1 (cooperation with UK) Global land imaging every 3 days together with CBERS-3 (RAL-UK will alsoinclude a 10-meter camera) AWFI Spectral Bands(  m) 0,45-0,52 B 0,52-0,59 G 0,63-0,69 R 0,77-0,89 NIR Spatial resolution(m) 40 Ground swath(km) 780 Revisit (days) 5

16 SRTM DEM Coverage 30 m and 90m DEM

17 SRTM for Africa INPE will produce and distribute an STRM-based elevation data in 30 x 30 m for Africa

18 Interpolation of SRTM data Original 90x90 m SRTM (9x zoom) Interpolated 30x30 m Kriged SRTM

19 477 1389 Topography derived from SRTM

20 Shaded relief from SRTM

21 Terrain shape from SRTM

22 166-112 116-113 116-112 TerraAmazon – open source software for large-scale land change monitoring

23 One world, one dream... Free Earth Observation data for all!

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