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Today’s LEQ: Why did Europeans violently conquer the native people where they colonized?

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s LEQ: Why did Europeans violently conquer the native people where they colonized?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s LEQ: Why did Europeans violently conquer the native people where they colonized?

2 Spain Builds and Empire  They conquered two of the greatest native empires of the Americas, the Aztecs and the Incas

3 Encomienda System  Established in the Caribbean  A colonist was given land and a Native American labor force.  The colonist then Christianized the natives.

4 Encomienda System Fails  Natives were overworked and often mistreated.  Europeans brought smallpox, tuberculosis and measles and the natives had no resistance and millions died

5 Hernan Cortes  Conquistador who attacked Moctezuma II  Moctezuma was dislike by the people he had conquered  Cortes befriended Moctezuma’s enemies

6 Tenochtitlan

7 INFER – What do you think is happening in this painting?

8 The Conquest of Peru  Pizarro, having heard about the wealth of the Incan Empire, led an expedition to Peru.  Smallpox had killed many even before Pizarro’s arrival.

9 Atahualpa  New leader  Previous ruler had died of smallpox

10 Huayana Capac  The last undisputed Incan  Huascar was his son  Atahualpa was his Huascar’s half brother

11  PREDICT:  What event is taking place?  Where is the evidence that proves your answer to be correct?

12 The Spaniards Kill Atahualpa  Atahualpa gave Pizarro a huge fortune in silver and gold, but the Spaniards still killed him and headed to Cuzco.

13 Cuzco, Peru – present day

14 Life in the Spanish Empire  Spain gained control of Peru and Mexico.  The Spanish King chose officials called viceroys to rule over American holdings.  Bartolome de Las Casas was a vocal reformer who defended the plight of the native Americans.

15 Primary Source Analysis  The Treatment of Native Americans  Please record answers in your notes.  ANALYZE: According to Las Casas, how have the Spanish mistreated Native Americans?  INFER: For what audience do you think Las Casas was writing? What evidence supports your response? ***Refer to page 80 in your textbook. ***

16 The Portuguese in Brazil  Limited by the Treaty of Tordesillas – 1494  East = Portugal.  Brazil’s jungles made mining and farming difficult.


18 Portuguese Settle in the 1530s  Established huge farming estates  Used Native American labor and African slaves as farm workers

19 French, Dutch, and English Colonies  Leaders in France, England and the Netherlands decided that they too needed to establish colonies in the Americas.  Gold?  Glory?  God?

20 New France  No gold   No silver   Fish, furs, and forests!!  Fox, lynx, otter and beaver furs sold for high prices in Europe.  French moved in small groups  What does this next image suggest about life in the French colonies?


22 Native Hunters Were the Main Source for French Furs

23 Rene Robert La Salle  Canoed down the entire Mississippi River, trying to get to Asia via the Pacific Ocean  Lousiana – La Salle named it after King Louis XIV

24 The Dutch of New Netherland  New Netherland was settled along the Hudson River  Founded New Amsterdam which is what present day city?  Dutch focused on sugar in the Caribbean and spices from southeast Asia much more than New Amsterdam


26 English Colonies  Jamestown, VA ~ 1607  Hoped to find gold, silver  and a route to the Pacific  Instead they found marshy ground and impure water  1620 ~ Pilgrims  English viewed Native Americans with distrust and anger

27 British-French Conflict  French and English settlers clashed in the upper Ohio River valley  English named the French and Indian War  Native Americans fought on both sides

28 1700 1763

29 English Claim Victory  War had been costly  English king tried to make his American colonists pay the cost of the war.  Resentment among the colonists begins to simmer.



32 3-2-1  List and define three vocabulary terms that you learned today  Name two explorers and the groups they conquered.  Name the one most valuable resource found in France’s colonies.

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