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Totalitarianism Element: Describe the nature of totalitarianism and the police state that existed in Russia, Germany, and Italy and how they differ from.

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Presentation on theme: "Totalitarianism Element: Describe the nature of totalitarianism and the police state that existed in Russia, Germany, and Italy and how they differ from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Totalitarianism Element: Describe the nature of totalitarianism and the police state that existed in Russia, Germany, and Italy and how they differ from authoritarian governments. Vocabulary: totalitarianism, authoritarian government

2 Nature of Totalitarianism
Description: government that takes total, centralized state control over every aspect of public and private life used large amounts of propaganda (biased information, often untrue, to win the loyalty of the people) through state-controlled advertising and education used terror and fear to force their plans on society

3 Germany Under Totalitarianism
Hitler outlawed all other political parties. Produced Nazi propaganda. Burned many books. Children joined Hitler Youth.

4 In Summary… Explain the policy of totalitarianism.
How did Hitler establish a totalitarian regime?

5 The Police State Description:
used terror and fear to force members of society to go along with their plans

6 Stalin’s Police State Stalin’s secret police (NKVD) arrested millions of “traitors” (phones, mail, etc.) the Great Purge, a mission to execute anyone who was a threat to Stalin’s power (10 million)

7 Hitler’s Police State The Night of Long Knives
between June 30 and July a purge that took place in the Nazi party (Operation Hummingbird) any that opposed Hitler was put to death

8 The Nazi SS used the SS or “Guard Squadrons”
under the direction of Heinrich Himmler controlled all the police forces Terror included repression, murder, and death camps Himmler’s goal was to further the Aryan race

9 Mussolini’s Police State
controlled the armed local fascist militia, the MVSN, or "Blackshirts" terrorized emerging resistances in the cities and provinces

10 How they Differed Totalitarianism Authoritative Government
created a new mass society that had complete control over the people control politics, economy, culture, and social life of the people only interested in political power

11 How they Differed Totalitarianism Authoritative Government
the people are expected to actively participate in national goals conquering foreign territories building a strong military establishing a fascist/socialist state expected its people to accept its authority as they conduct their independent, daily lives

12 How they Differed Totalitarianism Authoritative Government
led by charismatic men that are gifted in oration and promise better times brings about radical changes led by conservative forces who simply wanted to protect the nation’s traditional way of life and resist radical changes

13 How they Differed Totalitarianism Authoritative Government
Stalin’s government in the Soviet Union Mussolini’s government in Italy Hitler’s government in Germany most of the countries of eastern Europe replaced parliamentary governments with authoritative governments

14 How They Compared democracy does not exist, no tradition of democracy
government led by authoritative figure or party concerned with preserving a social order

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