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AP Physics Week 02 Take out: Fluids notes Diver F.R. problem Turn in: Forms - Nick Z  Classroom Supplies? Bellwork08-31-09.

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2 AP Physics Week 02

3 Take out: Fluids notes Diver F.R. problem Turn in: Forms - Nick Z  Classroom Supplies? Bellwork08-31-09

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6 Objectives08-31-09  TSWBAT find the buoyancy force on a floating or submerged object  Find the velocity of a fluid from a leaking tank or pipe system

7 Class Plans08-31-09  Finish Fluids notes  Lab tomorrow on buoyancy: “Sink or Swim”  FR questions packet: 2002 – 2009  HW: Fluids #1 Due Wednesday  Download from our JF website:  “Fluids FR packet” and Answers  Bring to class Wed.  Quiz Friday: will be a timed FR question  Help Session: Thurs Morn – Topic - When to apply which EQ?!

8 Fluids Equations/Relationships Practice Problems  P = F / A  Only relationship with both P and F  NOT buoyancy F  Often used in combination with more intricate problems  Force of fluid on sub window:  2004 Q4 (c)

9 Fluids Equations/Relationships Practice Problems  P = P o + ρg h  “Total” / “Absolute” Pressure at depth  “Gauge” Pressure is just (ρg h), or (P – P o )  Gauges read difference between total P and atm P  Divers / submarines  May be combined with P = F / A to find F on object  2003 Q6 (a), (b)  2004 Q4 (a), (b)

10 Fluids Equations/Relationships Practice Problems  F buoy = ρV g  Floating object: F buoy = Fg object = m g  Submerged object: V fluid = V obj = m / D obj  2002 Q6 (c) & (d)  2003 Q6 (c)  2005 Q5 (a – c)  2009 Q5 (a – d) *

11 Fluids Equations/Relationships Practice Problems  A 1 v 1 = A 2 v 2  Flow Continuity Relationship  “Volume Rate of Flow” = m 3 /s  Finding speeds of escaping water  2003B Q6 (b) i  2007 Q4 (a – b)  2008 Q4 (b)  2008B Q4 (a)  2009B Q3 (a)

12 Fluids Equations/Relationships Practice Problems  P 1 + ρg y 1 + ½ ρv 1 2 = P 2 + ρg y 2 + ½ ρv 2 2  Bernoulli’s EQ.  “P + ρg y + ½ ρv 2 = constant” – EQ list  Relationship between moving fluid at different heights and often different pressures  Finding P’s or v’s at two points in a system (usually pipes of different sizes)  The points are usually at different heights  Different sized pipes means use A 1 v 1 = A 2 v 2  To find v 2

13 Fluids Equations/Relationships Practice Problems  P 1 + ρg y 1 + ½ ρv 1 2 = constant  2003B Q6 (b) ii  2007 Q4 (c – d)  2008 Q4 (c) – P gauge = P o – P pipe  2008B Q4 (b)  2009 Q3 (b)

14  Prepare for “Sink or Swim” Lab:  Blank piece of paper  Turn in any Classroom Supplies Bellwork09-01-09

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16 Objective  TSWBAT model the buoyancy force

17 Class Plans  Sink or Swim Lab  Report: Write out detailed procedures and include findings in data tables  HW: Fluids #1 online due tomorrow night  Download from our JF website:  “Fluids FR packet” and Answers  Bring to class tomorrow!  Quiz Friday: will be a timed FR question  Help Session: Thurs Morn – Topic - When to apply which EQ?!

18  Hand in Report (Procedures and Results) for Sink or Swim Lab  Take out Fluids FR packets and answers Bellwork09-02-09

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20 Objective  TSWBAT mathematically describe fluid dynamics using Bernoulli’s relationship

21 Class Plans  Bernoulli’s video – Julius Sumner Miller  Demos: floating ball, blow up large bag, blow paper together  FR Practice Problems  HW: Fluids #1 online due tonight  Quiz Friday: will be a timed FR question  Help Session: Tomorrow Morn – Topic - When to apply which EQ?!

22  Take out Fluids FR packets and answers Bellwork09-03-09

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24 Objective  TSWBAT mathematically describe any situation involving fluid dynamics

25 Class Plans  Fluids review  FR Practice Problems – in teams  HW: Fluids #2 online due Sunday night  Quiz Tomorrow: will be a timed FR question

26  Prepare for FR quiz:  Calculator, pencil, EQ list Bellwork09-04-09

27 + Bernoulli’s Relationship P 1 + ρ g y 1 + ½ ρ v 1 2 = constant

28 Objective  TSWBAT mathematically describe any situation involving fluid dynamics

29 Class Plans  Quiz: timed FR question  R.I.G. it – “Red Ink Grade” it  HW: Fluids #2 online due Sunday night  Download Thermo FR packet and answers print and bring to class by Tues.

30 Plans Monday  Get Labs back  Thermo notes

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