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8 th Literature Monday, September 8 th. QUOTE OF THE DAY.

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1 8 th Literature Monday, September 8 th


3 Bell Ringer Prompt: Subgenres of Folktales List and define the following types of stories: epic epic fairy tale fairy tale myth myth

4 Bell Ringer Answers List and define the following types of stories: epic- larger-than-life hero goes on a quest (long journey_ epic- larger-than-life hero goes on a quest (long journey_ fairy tale- naïve main character falls in love and is aided by magical characters to stop an evil antagonist fairy tale- naïve main character falls in love and is aided by magical characters to stop an evil antagonist myth- gods/goddesses help explain natural phenomena myth- gods/goddesses help explain natural phenomena

5 Agenda Rule #14 Vocab- Unit One Introduce Erg, Urg 2 nd period- AR 7 th period-Coyote Vocab Builder Read story Closure

6 Objectives By the end of class the 8 th grade students will be able to do the following: Explain what makes Coyote Steals the Sun and Moon a myth and why it is unlike other myths Define the word parts “erg” and “urg” and the words from unit one with those root words

7 UNIT ONE Back to Table of Contents

8 SURGICAL The rifle battalion, made up of the best marksmen in the world, targeted its enemy with surgical exactness. adj. Very precise; clear and accurate G. kheir, “hand,” + ergon = hand-work ERG, URG Unit One Back to Table of Contents Greek ERGON, “work”

9 ENERGETIC Whenever the weather was too hot, Ethan was not interested in energetic activity and preferred to stay home in air-conditioned comfort. adj. Active and lively G. en, “in” + ergon = into work syn: active ant: lazy ERG, URG Unit One Back to Table of Contents Greek ERGON, “work”

10 ERG, URG Unit One Back to Table of Contents Greek ERGON, “work” The GNOME rearranged his den to make it more ERGONOMIC. ERGONOMIC The ergonomic layout of the cockpit helped the pilots focus on flying and reduced their work-related injuries. adj. Intended to decrease discomfort and maximize work G. ergon + nomic, “science or study of” = study of work

11 Closure By the end of class the 8 th grade students will be able to do the following: Define the word parts “erg” and “urg” and the words from unit one with those root words surgicalenergeticergonomic

12 8 th Literature Tuesday, September 9 th


14 Bell Ringer Prompt: Storytelling Techniques List and define the following storytelling techniques and which folktale subgenres typically include them: proverb proverb hyperbole hyperbole personification personification

15 Bell Ringer Answers List and define the following storytelling techniques and which folktale subgenres typically include them: proverb- lesson that can’t be understood literally- fable (stated moral) proverb- lesson that can’t be understood literally- fable (stated moral) hyperbole- extreme exaggeration- tall tale hyperbole- extreme exaggeration- tall tale personification- giving human qualities to nonhuman things- fairy tale, fable personification- giving human qualities to nonhuman things- fairy tale, fable

16 Agenda Rule #15 Vocab- Unit One Introduce Vig Answer review questions over Coyote Complete Vocab and Grammar Practice Closure

17 Objectives By the end of class the 8 th grade students will be able to do the following: Answer comprehension and literary device questions about Coyote Define the word part “vig” and the words from unit one with those root words

18 VIGOROUS Reggie’s vigorous exercise routine always made him flushed and sweaty. adj. Done with power, force or energy syn: robust, spirited ant: lethargic, lazy VIG Unit One Back to Table of Contents Latin VIGERE, “be lively, be energetic”

19 INVIGORATE The brisk morning breeze invigorated the crowds of people walking to work. v. To fill with strength and energy L. in, “into,” + vigere = to put energy into VIG Unit One Back to Table of Contents Latin VIGERE, “be lively, be energetic”

20 Coyote Review Answer these questions on your own notebook paper with correct heading, title, in complete sentences and restating the questions. 1.Who is the protagonist? 2.Who is the antagonist? 3.What is the conflict (problem)? 4.How does Coyote suggest they solve the problem? 5.List three reasons Eagle allows Coyote to carry the box. 6.What is the theme of the story. What lesson do we learn from Eagle’s mistake. 7.Why is this story considered a myth?

21 Coyote Review 8.Why does Coyote ask Eagle to hunt with him? 9.What is the reason Coyote gives for wanting light? 10.What supplies the light? 11.Why does Coyote open the lid of the box? 12.Whom does Eagle blame for what happens? Do you agree? 13.What is the main idea of the story?

22 Closure By the end of class the 8 th grade students will be able to do the following: Define the word part “vig” and the words from unit one with those root words vigorousinvigorate

23 8 th Literature Wednesday, September 10 th


25 Bell Ringer Prompt: Vocab Words Week One List and define the following vocab words or word parts: urg, erg- urg, erg- ergonomic- ergonomic- vig- vig- invigorate- invigorate-

26 Bell Ringer Answers List and define the following vocab words or word parts: urg, erg- work urg, erg- work ergonomic- intended to decrease discomfort and maximize work ergonomic- intended to decrease discomfort and maximize work vig- be lively, be energetic vig- be lively, be energetic invigorate- to fill with strength and energy invigorate- to fill with strength and energy

27 Agenda Rule #16 Vocab- Unit One Introduce Ig, Ag, Act, Eg Coyote Complete Vocab and Grammar Practice Quiz A Closure

28 Objectives By the end of class the 8 th grade students will be able to do the following: Answer comprehension and literary device questions about Coyote on a quiz Define the word parts “Ig, Ag, Act, Eg” and the words from unit one with those root words

29 PRODIGAL Gerald’s prodigal tendencies eventually left him penniless and on the streets. adj. Wasting money or resources L. pro, “forth,” + agere = drive forth, drive away (money) syn: wasteful ant: thrifty IG, AG, ACT, EG Unit One Back to Table of Contents Latin AGERE, ACTUM “do, drive, act”

30 AGITATE 1. Though the American colonists agitated for more power and independence, King George III was deaf to their demands. 2. Loud noises agitate Angela so much that she cannot endure them. v. 1. To publicly demand; petition for; 2. To move vigorously or violently; to upset IG, AG, ACT, EG Unit One Back to Table of Contents Latin AGERE, ACTUM “do, drive, act”

31 ENACT As part of the agreement, the United States agreed to enact legislation to prevent further environmental damage from greenhouse gases. v. To make legal or official L. en, “in” + actum = driven into (law) syn: decree ant: repeal IG, AG, ACT, EG Unit One Back to Table of Contents Latin AGERE, ACTUM “do, drive, act”

32 Closure By the end of class the 8 th grade students will be able to do the following: Define the word parts “Ig, Ag, Act, Eg” and the words from unit one with those root words prodigalagitateenact

33 8 th Literature Thursday, September 11 th


35 Bell Ringer Prompt: Vocab Synonyms and Antonyms List the following words and the vocab word that it is a synonym or antonym for: decree (syn)- decree (syn)- lazy (ant)- lazy (ant)- robust, spirited (syn)- robust, spirited (syn)- thrifty (ant)- thrifty (ant)-

36 Bell Ringer Answers List the following words and the vocab word that it is a synonym or antonym for: decree (syn)- enact decree (syn)- enact lazy (ant)- energetic lazy (ant)- energetic robust, spirited (syn)- vigorous robust, spirited (syn)- vigorous thrifty (ant)- prodigal thrifty (ant)- prodigal

37 Agenda Rule #17 Vocab- Unit One Introduce Ig, Ag, Act, Eg (words 4-6) Put vocab words in quizlet for unit one AR/Turn in Log #2 Closure

38 Objectives By the end of class the 8 th grade students will be able to do the following: Define the word parts “Ig, Ag, Act, Eg” and the words from unit one with those root words Put definitions of an unit one word parts and words in quizlet

39 REACTIONARY The bank preferred to stick to reactionary strategies rather than adapt to new conditions. adj. Strongly opposed to change; conservative L. re, “back,” + actum = driving back IG, AG, ACT, EG Unit One Back to Table of Contents Latin AGERE, ACTUM “do, drive, act”

40 AGILE A less agile swimmer would never have been able to make the quick turns that Sarita did. adj. Able to move quickly and lightly syn: nimble ant: stiff IG, AG, ACT, EG Unit One Back to Table of Contents Latin AGERE, ACTUM “do, drive, act”

41 ALLEGE The reporter alleges that at four o’clock this afternoon, a local politician took part in an armed robbery. v. To put forth as true; claim L. ad, “toward,” + litis, “lawsuit,” + agere = to drive towards a lawsuit syn: assert ant: rebut; deny IG, AG, ACT, EG Unit One Back to Table of Contents Latin AGERE, ACTUM “do, drive, act”

42 Closure By the end of class the 8 th grade students will be able to do the following: Define the word parts “Ig, Ag, Act, Eg” and the words from unit one with those root words reactionaryagileallege

43 8 th Literature Friday, September 12 th


45 Bell Ringer Prompt: Vocab Unit One Cont. List the following words and their definitions: prodigal prodigal reactionary reactionary allege allege

46 Bell Ringer Answers List the following words and their definitions: prodigal- wasting money and resources prodigal- wasting money and resources reactionary- strongly opposed to change reactionary- strongly opposed to change allege- to put forth as true; claim allege- to put forth as true; claim

47 Agenda Rule #18 Vocab- Unit One Put vocab words in quizlet for unit one ARClosure

48 Objectives By the end of class the 8 th grade students will be able to do the following: Define the word parts and words from unit one Put definitions of an unit one word parts and words in quizlet

49 Closure By the end of class the 8 th grade students will be able to do the following: Define the word parts and words from unit one agitate (both definitions)

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