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Organelles in Plant and Animal Cells

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1 Organelles in Plant and Animal Cells

2 Cell Diversity Not all cells are alike! They vary in… A) size B) shape C) internal organization SIZE: range from .2m – 0.2um (most are 10-50um) -not all are microscopic (most are) ex: giraffe’s nerve cells extend 6.5 ft. down it’s leg!! Cells are limited in size by the ratio between their outer surface area and their volume

3 Eukaryotes THE NUCLEUS separate the genetic material from the rest of the cell Variety of organisms; large and complex

4 Internal Organization
Organelles: parts of a cell, have specific jobs Tissues: groups of cells that have a similar function

5 Skin Cells

6 Organ Systems Organ systems- a group of organs that work together to perform a set of related tasks. Digestive system includes: the stomach, esophagus, intestines and mouth. Cells→Tissues→Organs→Organ Systems

7 Human Circulatory System

8 Cell Organelles! Cell Membrane – separates cell from external environment, gives shape and flexibility to cell selectively permeable – some substances can pass while others cannot Lipid bilayer Hydrophillic (water loving) Hydrophoic (water fearing)

9 Continue… Cytoplasm: Portion outside the nucleus
Gelatin like aqueous fluid called cytosol Cytoplasmic streaming Mostly water but also salts and organic molecules

10 Continue… Mitochondia: power house of the cell! Where cellular respiration occurs Convert chemical energy stored in food  production of ATP Has it’s own DNA Cristae: inner membrane creating many folds to increase surface area

11 Continue… Ribosomes: where proteins are made; found throughout cytoplasm; protein “factory” Free Floating Ribosome: make proteins for the cell Ribosomes attached to ER: make proteins to be exported from the cell

12 Continue… Endoplasmic Reticulum: (ER) acts as a highway for molecules to move around the cell. Smooth ER: does NOT contain ribosomes; Contains enzymes that detoxify drugs (in liver cells) or synthesizes lipids Rough ER: does contain ribosomes; Produces proteins for other membranes or for secretion (export)

13 Continue… Golgi Apparatus (bodies) processes, packages, and secretes
a) product is assembled (moves from ER to golgi, where it is put together and adjusted) b) product is packaged (in new sacs) c) product is mailed out (sent out of cell)

14 Continue…. Cilia: short hair like projections beat together to move an organism ex: humans trachea cilia move fluids and mucus! YUM

15 Continue… Flagella: long, whiplike projections, single or in pairs, rapid movement, ex: sperm

16 Continue…. Nucleus: brains! Control center of cell, DNA & RNA are made here! Nuclear envolope: double membrane with pores Chromatin: fine strands of DNA & protein Nucleolus: inside nucleus where ribosomes are made

17 Continue… Lysosome: digestive enzymes, digest food, disease causing bacteria, old organelles, ex: lysosomes eat up tissue between fingers in embryos, usually only in animal cells

18 Continue… Cytoskeleton- helps shape & support cells
Microtubules: long slender protein tubes form spindle fibers during mitosis (separate chromosomes during mitosis) Microfilaments: fine protein threads (actin), flexible framework for the cell, participate in cytoplasmic movements

19 Animal cell only! Centrioles: cell reproduction; organize cell division Centrosome: cell reproduction

20 Animal Cell

21 Oranelles in Plant Cells ONLY
Cell Wall: rigid covering made of cellulose, protects cell, goes OUTSIDE cell membrane, porous enough for certain substances

22 Continue…. Central Vacuole: huge structure which may take up 90% of the space in plant cell Holds water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates Increases rigidity

23 Contractile vacuole Some unicellular organisms have a contractile vacuole to pump out excess water

24 Continue…. Plastids a) chloroplasts : site for photosynthesis; green pigment  chlorophyll; capture energy from sunlight and convert it into food for chemical energy b) chromoplasts: stores red and yellow pigment c) leucoplasts: non pigmented


26 Prokaryotes DO NOT separate genetic material within a nucleus
Simpler than eukaryotes Still carry out life processes

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