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Ryohei Fukuda 1, Motoaki Saruwatari 1, Masa-aki Hashimoto 1, Shin-ichiro Fujimoto 2 1 Department of Physics, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 2 Department of.

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Presentation on theme: "Ryohei Fukuda 1, Motoaki Saruwatari 1, Masa-aki Hashimoto 1, Shin-ichiro Fujimoto 2 1 Department of Physics, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 2 Department of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ryohei Fukuda 1, Motoaki Saruwatari 1, Masa-aki Hashimoto 1, Shin-ichiro Fujimoto 2 1 Department of Physics, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 2 Department of Electronic Control, Kumamoto National College of Technology, Kumamoto M. Saruwatari, M. Hashimoto, R. Fukuda and S. Fujimoto, “R-process Nucleosynthesis in MHD Jet Explosions of Core-Collapse Super- novae,” Journal of Astrophysics, vol.2013, Article ID 506146, 13pages, 2013

2  r-process ◦ One of the mechanisms to produce the elements heavier than Fe ◦ High entropy or low electron fraction Y e are needed. (Hoffman+1999) ◦ r-abundance pattern of r-process rich low metallicity stars : consistent with the solar one ◦ Sites : supernovae (e.g., Winteler+2012) or neutron star mergers (e.g., Korobkin+2012) Cowan & Sneden 2006

3  Nishimura et al. 2006 ◦ Adiabatic explosion without neutrino effects ◦ R-elements distribution is almost consistent with the solar system abundances. ◦ Neutrino capture processes enhance Y e and reduce the production of r-elements?  Winteler et al. 2012 ◦ 3D MHD simulation with neutrino effects ◦ Abundant r-elements ◦ Short simulation time  To confirm the possibility of the r-process in SNe, we performed 2D MHD simulation including neutrino effects with longer simulation time

4  MHD simulation ◦ ZEUS-2D code (Stone & Norman 1992) ◦ Shen EoS (Shen et al. 1998) ◦ presupernova model : 3.3 M  He core (Hashimoto 1995) ◦ 0 < r < 4000 km, 0 < θ < π/2 (300 (r )×30 (θ ) grid) which covers the Fe core and inner part of Si- rich layer ◦ Including neutrino effects (leakage scheme)  Nucleosynthesis calculation ◦ ~4000 nuclear species ◦ FRDM & ETFSI mass model

5 Model Model1000000 Model20.50.1115.25.4×10 12 Model30.50.10.517.91.0×10 13 Model40.50.1 142.95.2×10 13 Model51.50.1 172.95.2×10 13

6 Model Model 1111283000.023-- Model 21253116.910.0530.127-- Model 31293298.740.1160.164-- Model 41334338.800.1421.130.111- Model 518062415.30.3390.4840.0225.90×10 -3 Model 5 produces jet like explosion. Only third peak is reproduced.

7  We performed 2D MHD simulation of magnetorotationally driven SNe with neutrino effects using the leakage scheme.  Strong jet-like explosions are obtained in model 5.  We calculate nucelosynthesis inside the ejecta including the r-process.  The third peak is reproduced by model 5.  Supernova explosions cannot be excluded as a site of the r-process.

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