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EWB Communication Strategy 2010 Jonathan Bruck. Methods Of Communication 1.Primarily by the use of Email

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Presentation on theme: "EWB Communication Strategy 2010 Jonathan Bruck. Methods Of Communication 1.Primarily by the use of Email"— Presentation transcript:

1 EWB Communication Strategy 2010 Jonathan Bruck

2 Methods Of Communication 1.Primarily by the use of Email

3 What we communicate 1.Our events 2.Our volunteer opportunities 3.Cross promotion If you are organising an event. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for getting all the necessary information on an EWB event page. – Facebook is optional

4 Why strategise? Reduce email volume Improve email readability Improve member engagement Reduce executive workload Everything here is up for discussion!! Please ask questions!! I am writing this in response to feedback and mistakes I’ve personally made.

5 Relationship Database Don’t over communicate to people we have a relationship with Make sure we maintain relationships even if the volunteer leaves EWB Organise the relationship by: – Team->Company/Organisation/Field Make sure you include: – Who is the point of contact for them and us – What do we expect from this relationship – How you communicate with them Relationship Database page on the NSW Chapter

6 Events Events are listed in up to FOUR places: 1.EWB Event (required!!) 2.EWB Announcement (more detailed than newsletter) 3.EWB Newsletter (through Vertical Response) 4.Facebook group (optional)

7 Events – All EWB Events MUST go on the EWB webpage Details on – NSW Chapter – Event “+” – Lat and Long can be found by visiting and right clicking on the location and going to “what’s here.” The coordinates appear in the search – Submit Event – Share Events with relevant chapters

8 Events – (optional) Details on Facebook – Chapter “Groups” – EWB Fan page – Duplicate details – Direct members to

9 Email etiquette Write the Announcement First. The rich text editor Use the EWB-Style by using headings, paragraph and body text. Try to reduce custom formatting Post the newsletter to the chapter (not the Team) and then share with relevant chapters

10 Email etiquette Frequency – State Monthly (in the first few days) – Uni: No more than once a week. Usyd: We can email Kay Fielding and have her send it to the entire faculty. When should the newsletter go out?

11 Email etiquette Use Word to write the email, you will copy paste it later. Greeting Introduction sentence. Mention you can unsubscribe and view the full newsletter on List calendar items in chronological order List other items like recent events Calendar items providing brief details and linking to the event webpage on Other items linking more details to the announcement

12 Emails continued – the hard part Each item should in the email (remember full details are on the announcement) should be as succinct as possible. No item should be longer than ~70words

13 Sending Emails Vertical Response Username and Password will be provided by Patrick on request Don’t forget to Delay and Review! Detailed instruction on next slide Review email readership after it has been sent

14 Vertical Response 1.Email 2.New Email (right top corner) 3.Custom Canvas 4.Copy email text into rich text editor and fix any errors in formatting. 5.Make sure links work by selecting the link and pressing the link button (looks like chain link or a sideways “8”) 6.Check the unsubscribe button at the bottom 7.Select the text only tab, and click copy text from HTML. Fix up any errors in formatting

15 Vertical Response 8.Select Finish 9.Preview 10.Send test message to yourself and read it through. Are there silly errors? Are items ambigous? 11.Distribute. Select a time a few hours from now, (rec: 6 hours)

16 Responding to Emails Be nice. Tell them about what EWB is. Tell them about our programs, upcoming events Direct them to the website to become a member and tell them all our info will be posted there. Add their email to the email list if they want it. (Ask first!)

17 Used for finding peoples availabilities for times and dates. Great for volunteer scheduling Also used for polls Very simple to use. You don’t even need an account to participate, or even set up a schedule. Make sure get the participants to write their email in the comment section, or send you an email (with their phone as well?) so you can contact them after the poll is finished.

18 Google Docs Online collaborative Documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations, Forms Great for very quick membership forms at stalls like Oweek.

19 Web test team Report bugs in the website, problems or test new things here. Bug reports go as a new discussion item

20 Inter-Chapter collaboration team aptercollaborationteam aptercollaborationteam Discuss between chapters. The use of this is yet to be really worked out. Used for national teleconf minutes.

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