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МБОУ «Гимназия №2» Зырянова Ирина Петровна Английский язык Учимся писать личные письма 5 класс (УМК «Звёздный Английский 5»)

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Presentation on theme: "МБОУ «Гимназия №2» Зырянова Ирина Петровна Английский язык Учимся писать личные письма 5 класс (УМК «Звёздный Английский 5»)"— Presentation transcript:

1 МБОУ «Гимназия №2» Зырянова Ирина Петровна Английский язык Учимся писать личные письма 5 класс (УМК «Звёздный Английский 5»)

2 What is an informal email or letter? Informal emails and letters are pieces of writing we send to people we know well. E.g. relatives, equals (friends, pen palls, classmates, schoolmates)relativesequals

3 Relatives Mum Grandma / granddad Sister or brother

4 Equals

5 Structure Informal greeting IntroductionIntroduction Paragraph 1 (opening remarks/ reasons for writing) Main body Main body Paragraph 2 (the main subject of the letter/email) Conclusion Paragraph 3 (closing remarks, reference for future contacts)closing remarks An informal ending

6 Starting an informal email /letter Dear Mum, Dear Dad, Dear Aunt Claire, Dear Grandpa, Dear Tom, Dear Lucy etc.

7 Opening remarks Hope you’re OK How are you doing? Hi! How are you? When you are answering Thanks for your letter/email Sorry I didn’t write earlier, but I… Sorry for not writing for so long It was good to hear from you I haven’t heard from you for a while

8 Reason for writing I wanted to drop you a line to tell you my news/to tell about… I just wanted to ask/remind/thank you… Just a quick email to tell you… I wondered if you’d like to… This is just to let you know… I was a bit worried and wanted to see if you’re OK… I’m sorry to hear about…

9 Making reference to future contact Drop me a line sometime. I hope to hear from you soon. Give me a call later. Let me know if you can make it or not. I was glad to hear about… Let me know as soon as possible.

10 Closing remarks Email me soon. Write to me soon. I’d better get going. Bye for now. I must go now. Got to go now.

11 Ending an informal email / letter Yours Best wishes Love Take care Hugs and kisses Write soon Much love + your first name

12 Introduction Main body Conclusion Para 2 Para 3 How are you doing? Sorry for not writing for so long. I’m doing a lot these days. I wanted to drop you a quick line to tell you about my sister’s new job. She’s working in a clothes shop when she’s not at the university. She’s a shop assistant there. She puts clothes in the right places in the shop. She works two nights a week from 5pm until 8pm and on Saturdays from 9am to 5pm. On her first day she learned where everything in the shop is. It was a bit tiring but it’s great to have a job. She wanted a new mobile phone and now she has bought one! Also she’d like to buy some clothes from the shop! Drop me a line soon! Yours, Anna Dear Claire, Para 1

13 Good Luck!

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