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Candy Friday! Will your class qualify? 1. Intro to Timeline of My Life Project 2. Criminal Minds HW/ Coming up: Nothing due besides sending yourself pictures.

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Presentation on theme: "Candy Friday! Will your class qualify? 1. Intro to Timeline of My Life Project 2. Criminal Minds HW/ Coming up: Nothing due besides sending yourself pictures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Candy Friday! Will your class qualify? 1. Intro to Timeline of My Life Project 2. Criminal Minds HW/ Coming up: Nothing due besides sending yourself pictures that you will use in the project Goal(s): Be able to differentiate between one of psychology’s most important, still ongoing debates: nature or nurture. 1. Pick up the bell work. 2. Work on the bell work.

2 Thought of the Day * 8 th period- please place chairs on top of desks

3 1. A Timeline of My Life project HW/ Coming up: Email yourself pictures of yourself by tomorrow! Project due Friday of next week (same day as the test is)! Test- study- Friday of next week! Study guide due then and any missing work, too! Goal(s): To examine the eight stages of human emotional and social development described by psychologist Erik Erikson AND review other information about human development. 1. Work on the bell work.

4 * Going over grades individually * Handing work out, too!

5 1. Work individually (ask your partner for help, if need be) in the LAB. 2. Follow instructions given on the sheet. 3. Behave in the LAB. 4. Due the day of the test! 5. Print out your project and turn it in the day of the test! NO emails!

6 So far, do you agree with Erik Erikson’s theory? Why or why not? Hand this to me as you are walking out of the LAB. * 8 th period- please place chairs on top of desks

7 1. Go over the Criminal Minds Nature vs. Nurture question! 2. Keep working on the project- A Timeline of My Life project! HW/ Coming up: Project due next Friday! Test- study- Friday of next week! Study guide due then and any missing work, too! Goal(s): To examine the eight stages of human emotional and social development described by psychologist Erik Erikson AND review information learned about human development so far. 1. Work on the bell work.

8 1. Behave in the LAB. 2. You will have Monday in the computer lab to finish what you don’t finish today! 3. Due next Friday! 4. Print out your project and turn it in on Friday! NO emails!

9 How do Erikson's views of the stage of role confusion vs. identity match with your experiences? Explain your answer. Hand this to me as you are walking out of the LAB. * 8 th period- please place chairs on top of desks

10 1. Study Guide 2. View of Adolescence and Adulthood T-Chart 3. Adolescence-Adulthood Main Questions 4. Song Activity HW/ Coming up: Project- due Friday of next week! Test- study- Friday of next week! Study guide due then and any missing work, too! Goal(s): Be able to analyze songs and write about the messages adults want to instill in adolescents about growing up. 1. Work on the bell work.

11 Due the day of the test, at the beginning of class, for three points extra credit!

12 * On a separate piece of paper, create a t-chart. * On one side, write out as many characteristics in which you think adults view adolescents. * On the other side, write out as many characteristics in which you think adolescents view adults.

13 * Let’s go over this! * Hold on to your answers for now.

14 Main questions to answer during adolescence, per Erik Erikson: * Identity vs. Role Confusion * Who am I? * What clique do I fit in with? * What should I do when I am older? * How can I better myself? * If I do not find myself, I may develop an identity crisis.

15 19-25 years old Physical- All physical abilities essentially peak by our mid twenties Main questions to answer: Intimacy vs. Isolation * Who am I? * How do I balance work and relationships? * What are my priorities? * Is this the right job/career for me?

16 26- 59 Main questions to answer: Intimacy vs. Isolation AND then Generativity vs. Stagnation * Do I want to get married? * Is everything going as planned? * Am I happy with what I created, with what my life has become? * Mid-life crisis (a myth?)

17 * Complete this on the back of the t-chart sheet. * For each song: * Write down its title. * Underneath, write down 2-3 messages that it is providing to adolescents about growing up. * Bullet points are okay.

18 * Let’s go over these!

19 * Pass your handouts and your answers up!

20 * Write a reaction to this quote: * “When you are in the final days of your life, what will you want? Will you hug that college degree in the walnut frame? Will you ask to be carried to the garage so you can sit in your car Will you find comfort in rereading your financial statement? Of course not! What will matter then will be people. If relationships will matter most then, shouldn’t they matter most now?” - Max Lucado

21 Candy Friday? * Does your class qualify? 1. SAT Practice 2. CNN Student News HW/ Coming up: Project- due Friday of next week! Test- study- Friday of next week! Study guide due then and any missing work, too! Goal(s): 1. Work on the bell work. Be informed as to strategies to do better on tests such as the SAT. Be aware of what is going on in the world.

22 * Pass up the bell works from this week and place them on the turn in table!

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