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STUDENT SUCCESS INITIATIVE Districtwide Student Initiatives.

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Presentation on theme: "STUDENT SUCCESS INITIATIVE Districtwide Student Initiatives."— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDENT SUCCESS INITIATIVE Districtwide Student Initiatives

2 OVERVIEW What is SSI First Administration Second Administration Third Administration GPC Special Populations

3 TEC 28.0211 A mandate that a student may not be promoted to: (1) The sixth grade program to which the student would otherwise be assigned if the student does not perform satisfactory on the fifth grade mathematics and reading assessment instruments under Sec 39.023; or (2) The ninth grade program to which the student would otherwise be assigned if the student does not perform satisfactorily on the eighth grade mathematics and reading assessment instruments under Sec 39.023

4 FIRST ADMINISTRATION -Administer STAAR to eligible students -Receive results within 10 working days -Notify parents within 5 working days -Document notification in students’ file -Develop and implement intervention plans of accelerated instruction -Ensure that instruction-group size requirements are met -Monitor and document student progress

5 FIRST ADMINISTRATION -GPC does not meet at this time -AIP’s are required – 10 to 1 student to teacher ratio -AIP should be based on: -Assessment of specific student needs -Research-based instructional practices -Use of variety of instructional models -Document in My Data Portal -Create a portfolio of student work during accelerated instruction

6 FIRST ADMINISTRATION -Students that are serviced by the Special Ed department must have the A.R.D. meet to determine whether the student will take the second administration -Students that are receiving special services require that an amendment to their IEP be made so that they can receive accelerated instruction. This has to be done through the A.R.D. -A.R.D. serves as GPC for students receiving special services -For the ARD to convene, parents must receive a 5 day notice of the ARD -Parents can sign a waiver to reduce the 5 day waiting period -Consult LPAC for ELL students

7 SECOND ADMINISTRATION -Administer STAAR to eligible students -Receive results within 10 working days -Notify Parents within 5 working days -Notify parents of GPC Meeting -A.R.D. serves as GPC for students receiving special services -For the ARD to convene, parents must receive a 5 day notice of the ARD -Parents can sign a waiver to reduce the 5 day waiting period -Document notification in students’ file

8 SECOND ADMINISTRATION -Consult LPAC for ELL students -Convene GPC with required Members -Review Membership -Review AIP and assessment Data -Review Waiver Request -Prescribe and implement AIP -AIP’s must be created for student that failed the 2 nd administration -This documentation must occur in the GPC Meeting Minutes as well as in My Data Portal

9 SECOND ADMINISTRATION -Prescribe and implement AIP -AIP should be based on: -Assessment of specific student needs -Research-based instructional practices -Use of variety of instructional models -10 – 1 Student to Teacher ratio -Document in My Data Portal -Continue to add to the students portfolio of work during accelerated instruction.

10 THIRD ADMINISTRATION -Administer STAAR to eligible students -Receive results within 10 working days -Notify Parents within 5 working days -Notify parents of GPC Meeting -Document notification in students’ file -Consult LPAC for ELL students

11 THIRD ADMINISTRATION -Parents are notified about automatic retention -Provide Parents with the opportunity to appeal -Parents have 5 days from notice of student retention to appeal -Convene GPC with required Members -Review Membership -Review AIP and assessment Data -Review Appeal and vote on appeal -Prescribe and implement AIP

12 THIRD ADMINISTRATION -Prescribe and implement AIP -AIP should be based on: -Assessment of specific student needs -Research-based instructional practices -Use of variety of instructional models -Document in My Data Portal -Retained: -AIP is followed during the following year to ensure that the student is receiving the accelerated instruction that is necessary to ensure that the student will be successful in the next grade. -Promoted: -AIP is followed during the following year to ensure that the student is receiving the accelerated instruction that is necessary to ensure that the student will be successful in the next grade.

13 THIRD ADMINISTRATION -ALL GPC Decisions are final

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