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GEOSS Web Services (GWS) OGC support of GEOSS Workshops Telecon 7 September 2007 George Percivall Open Geospatial Consortium

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Presentation on theme: "GEOSS Web Services (GWS) OGC support of GEOSS Workshops Telecon 7 September 2007 George Percivall Open Geospatial Consortium"— Presentation transcript:

1 GEOSS Web Services (GWS) OGC support of GEOSS Workshops Telecon 7 September 2007 George Percivall Open Geospatial Consortium

2 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GWS Telecon - Agenda GEOSS Workshop Series and GWS - George Percivall Plan for AfricaGIS2007, September GEOSS Workshop Plan for OGC TC Boulder, September GEOSS Workshop Any Other Business

3 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically The Workshop Series 2007 “The User and the GEOSS Architecture” Apr-07IEEE SoS and Signal Conferences Hawaii, USASOSE and Information infrastructure for GEOSS Jun-07Intl Symp on RS of Environment - ISRSE San Jose, Costa Rica Sustainable dev through EO, Agriculture Jul-07IGARSS07Barcelona, Spain GEOSS System components Aug-07IPY GeoNorthYellowknife, Canada Climate and biodiversity Sep-07AfricaGIS07Burkina FasoEO for water, health Sep-07OGC TCBoulder, CO USA Regional Decisions for Climate Change Nov-07Asian Conference on Remote Sensing Kuala Lumpur, MY Environment Disaster/ Tsunami

4 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically OGC participation in GEOSS Workshop Series’07 Apr-07IEEE SoS and Signal Conferences Hawaii, USASimon Cox, CSIRO Jun-07Intl Symp on RS of Environment - ISRSE San Jose, Costa Rica Karl Benedict, Univ. New Mexico Jul-07IGARSS07Barcelona, Spain Rudy Husar, Wash Univ-StL Aug-07IPY GeoNorthYellowknife, Canada FGDC, GeoConnections, Compsult, CIESIN, INA Sep-07AfricaGIS07Burkina FasoESRI and UCL Sep-07OGC TCBoulder, CO USA Nov-07Asian Conference on Remote Sensing Kuala Lumpur, MY Shailesh Nayack, INCOIS

5 GEOSS Workshop/Demo - AfricaGIS “Earth Observation to benefit Water and Health” Burkina Faso, Saturday/Sunday September 15/16

6 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop at AfricaGIS 2007 forum for discussing the development and operational issues of an advanced global information system for supporting national, regional and global decisions impacting society. Specific emphasis will be on the use of earth observation for management of water and health in Africa. and go to GEOSS and then workshops at the top of the home page.

7 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GWS Demo Session at AfricaGIS Open Standards for GEOSS Interoperability –presentation by George Percivall, OGC GEO Web Portal Candidate by ESRI –Presentation and demo by Emanuele Gennai, ESRI Disease Tracking Following Flooding –Presentation and demo by Ian Dowman and Jeremy Morley, Univ College London (UCL) Timing for elements -

8 GEOSS Workshop/Demo - OGC TC “Regional Decisions for Climate Change ” Boulder, Friday/Saturday, Sept 21/22

9 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop at OGC TC, Sept 2007 GEOSS Architecture support of citizens and policy makers in making decisions based upon regional predictions of climate change –Recognizing that the science to predict regional changes in climate is still advancing, –Address interoperability arrangements for decision support tools and predictive models used around the globe to support policy and management decisions. Agenda for the workshop – Workshop description and logistics – Registration - no fee –

10 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Regional Climate Demonstrations in Boulder Potential resources for this demo: –IPCC Data Distribution Centre at the British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC) - Andrew –IPCC Data Distribution Centre at Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) - Bob and Greg –NCDC data, e.g., NCEP North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) - Glenn –Climate and Biodiversity including GBIF IP3 demo - Stefano –GEON and CUAHSI HIS, e.g., hydrologic observational data and clients - Ilya –National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) - Tim Near term need for Boulder; update after Boulder leading to EO Summit.

11 CUAHSI HIS Water Resources Client Developed as part of CUAHSI HIS server, deployed at hydrologic observatories (see,, etc.) ASP.NET application over ArcGIS Server 9.2 Can display WMS layers A possible scenario would involve WMS of climate change parameters, and WMS of stations. Station layers can be displayed over climatic variables. Once stations of interest (perhaps in areas most vulnerable) are identified, WaterML requests can be spawned to generate charts of hydrologic parameters corresponding with the climate dynamics variables –Note: CUAHSI Web services are not yet OGC compliant; there is an OGC discussion paper describing CUAHSI WaterML which is used as the output schema Another possible scenario: serving WMS layers of observation stations (from USGS NWIS, EPA STORET and NCDC ASOS networks) to another client We can also load an observation network of interest WMS WaterML WMS WaterML Observations databases and catalogs Other clients HIS Server External sources

12 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Draft script Display area of interest for context –Base layers, e.g, roads, boundaries, Landsat imagery, etc. – Display the current situation of water resources –Station layers: USGS NWIS, EPA STORET and NCDC ASOS networks –Historical climatic variables (NARR at NCDC, others?) –Socioeconomic layers (CIESIN) –Drought layers ? Access detailed data for stations of interest (most vulnerable) –Access WaterML to generate charts of hydrologic parameters corresponding with the climate dynamics variables Discover climate model prediction servers –Search a catalog (using a GEO Web Portal Candidate?) Display climate model prediction layers –IPCC Data Distribution Centre at BADC: SRES and IS92 Scenarios –Compare current situation to predicted

13 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically area of interest Water resources in the American west Front range of Rockies in Colorado Boulder 40.02N -105.25W (Elev. 5356 ft) Denver 39.78N -104.88W (Elev. 5278 ft) Steamboat Springs, CO 40.48N -106.83W (Elev. 6701 ft)

14 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically IPCC Data Distribution Centre at the British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC) Development WMS is accessible here: – WCS 1.1 is very close to working. –building a Python WCS 1.1 client for integration in client-side code For *climatology* data, there are some conceptual issues we've been working on - eg. modelling 'climatological calendars' (eg. a recurring calendar of annual seasons 'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'), and representing climatological parameters as compound phenomena in the SWE model. Andrew Woolf

15 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically IPCC DDC Scenario Visualisation pages BASELINE CLIMATE DATA: –View observed fields: This option allows you to view global maps of observed surface climate variables over land areas for 1961-90 and other periods, and also to examine the differences between observed and modelled 1961- 90 mean fields. –View observed regional time series: This option allows you to plot observed climate timeseries for the period 1901- 1995 for a user-defined region of the global land surface, and for a selection of variables and months or seasons. IPCC SRES SCENARIOS: –View Global Time-series - Under Construction: This option allows you to view observed and modelled global/hemispheric-mean temperature and precipitation series for the DDC Models. –View SRES GCM change fields: This option allows you to examine any of the various GCM change fields for any of the three 30-year future timeslices and also to examine the difference between two user-defined GCM change fields, whether different GCMs, ensemble members or different timeslices. –View Observed and GCM fields combined - Under Construction: This option allows you to combine the observed 1961-90 global land fields with a user-defined GCM change field to generate a future climate filed for any timeslice and variable. IPCC IS92 SCENARIOS: –View Global Time-series - Under Construction: This option allows you to view observed and modelled global/hemispheric-mean temperature and precipitation series for the DDC Models. –View GCM change fields: This option allows you to examine any of the various GCM change fields for any of the three 30-year future timeslices and also to examine the difference between two user-defined GCM change fields, whether different GCMs, ensemble members or different timeslices. –View Observed and GCM fields combined: This option allows you to combine the observed 1961-90 global land fields with a user-defined GCM change field to generate a future climate field for any timeslice and variable.

16 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically CIESIN data sets via WMS and WFS project and data are described here: – The GetCapabilities URLs for the services are: – – You can view them in our client here: – Bob Chen and Greg Yetman

17 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically CIESIN IPCC data services see it in CIESIN client at: – 180,180.02083333362134,-76.5260416666815,103.48437500012918 180,180.02083333362134,-76.5260416666815,103.48437500012918 via WFS at: – st=GetCapabilities st=GetCapabilities via WMS at: – st=GetCapabilities&Service=WMS&Version=1.1.1 st=GetCapabilities&Service=WMS&Version=1.1.1

18 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically NCDC - Glenn Rutledge Several Datasets avbl under TDS (as well as mnay others): – The NARR –The NCEP North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) assimilates a great deal of observational data. Much of the data was the same as used as in the NCAR/NCEP Reanalysis, hereafter referred to as the Global Reanalysis (GR). This dataset includes temperatures, winds, and moisture from radiosondes, as well as pressure data from surface observations. Also included in this dataset are dropsondes, pibals, aircraft temperatures and winds, and cloud drift winds from geostationary satellites. In addition to the above list, a major component of the NARR is the assimilation of precipitation. The precipitation dataset comes from a variety of sources. The data over the continental United States comes from a 1/8-degree gauge dataset analyzed using PRISM and a least-squares distance weighting algorithm. Over Canada and Mexico, the precipitation comes from 1-degree gauge datasets. Much of the rest of the domain's precipitation comes from the precipitation comes from CMAP (CPC [Climate Prediction Center] Merged Analysis of Precipitation), a merged combination of satellite and gauge precipitation. Other datasets include winds and precipitable water from TOVS (TIROS [Television InfraRed Observations Satellite] Operational Vertical Sounder) satellite radiances, wind and moisture from hourly and 3-hourly surface stations, and ship and buoy data. Snow depth comes from the 512x512 Air Force snow data set. Sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) contain a 1-degree Reynolds dataset, including the Great Lakes. Sea ice data comes from a satellite dataset used for the GR. Canadian lake ice comes from the Canadian Ice Center.

19 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically NCDC - Glenn Rutledge ISCCP Satellite DataSet/ -- HIRS Clear Sky Satellite DataSet (1978-2004)/ -- VTPR Satellite Brightness Temperature DataSet (11/1972-02/1979)/ -- Radar Dataset/ -- North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR)/ -- North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) - Monthly/ -- Global Forecast System (GFS) - high res/ -- North American Mesoscale (NAM)/ -- Rapid Update Cycle (RUC)/ -- MODIS Data for CRN sites/ -- GOES Test Data/ -- GOES Test Aggregation -- Aggregations/ -- Projects/ -- Blended Ocean Winds/ -- Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperatures/ -- SURFA/ --

20 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS GBIF IP3 demo - Stefano Nativi Impact of climate change on pine bark beetles. They say this "is certainly a topic of interest along the Colorado front range". Second demo on water may be possible. as for the first demo (let's say "regional biodiversity decisions"), we have an infrastructure which already interoperates with an Ecological Niche Model component. We need regional climate change data; Andrew's and Bob's access components to IPCC regional data might be very valuable for the demo, indeed. As to the second demo (let's say "regional water resource decisions"), we need an interoperable "water resource model" component; is there any available?

21 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop, OGC TC Sept 2007 July - Call for GWS participants July - Develop societal benefit area scenario July - Confirm Internet capabilities at workshop site July - Identify scenario specific data sources Aug - Components available on-line Aug - Client-server testing Sep - Demo scenario testing and Client Capture Sept 20 - On-site testing Sept 21-22 - Workshop Sept - posting results to OGC Network

22 GEOSS Workshop/Demo - ACRS “ Environment Disaster/Tsunami” Nov 14, 2007 - Kuala Lumpur, MY Dr. Shailesh Nayak, INCOIS

23 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop at ACRS 2007 Asian Conference on Remote Sensing - ACRS 2007 –12-16 November 2007 –Putra World Trade Center (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – OGC demonstration leadership –Dr. Shailesh Nayak, INCOIS –Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services –

24 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop Demo Schedule, ACRS 2007 Aug - Call for participants Sept - Develop societal benefit area scenario Sept - Confirm Internet capabilities at workshop site Sept - Identify scenario specific data sources Oct - Components available on-line Oct - Client server testing Oct - Demo scenario testing and Client Capture Nov 13 - On-site testing Nov 14 - Workshop Nov - posting results to OGC Network

25 Any Other Business

26 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GWS Telecon - Any Other Business Next telecon - to be confirmed during the telecon: –Friday, 27 September 2007 –UTC 1200 - 5:30 pm India, 2:00 pm CEST, 8:00 am EDT – GWS e-mail listserv additions? Any other business

27 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Demos Lessons Learned Application-specific demos are a great way to engage with user communities that would not necessarily look to OGC standards. Emphasize message about using distributed components with open standards vs. standalone application Tremendous enthusiasm and commitment of agencies and research groups to collaborate Demo provides a fast-track to skills development and knowledge transfer. Live demo is compelling but dependent upon communications networks that may not be reliable at workshops Live demo should be accompanied by a pre-recorded demo Presentation of the demo works best with two projectors: one for the client application, the other for a powerpoint presentation explanation Start early to get satellite data Desirable to involve participants from the local region Keep it simple, focus on the magic of interoperability GEOSS Demos are persistent using OGC Network –

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