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JOÃO PAZ MARIZA ALVES PATRÍCIA FIDALGO SANDRA SARAIVA Few comments on e-learning - evaluation methods and plagiarism.

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Presentation on theme: "JOÃO PAZ MARIZA ALVES PATRÍCIA FIDALGO SANDRA SARAIVA Few comments on e-learning - evaluation methods and plagiarism."— Presentation transcript:

1 JOÃO PAZ MARIZA ALVES PATRÍCIA FIDALGO SANDRA SARAIVA Few comments on e-learning - evaluation methods and plagiarism.

2 b-on Research E-learning + evaluation methods + plagiarism + social sciences = +- 320 Eric Database 20 chosen / 6 read. Part were related to investigate the extent of involvement of students in academic dishonesty practices; Part were related to pursue correct on-line assessment (by improving better assessment structure and better writting skils)

3 Academic offences and e-learning: individual propensities in cheating. Jean Underwood and Attila Szabo. British Journal of Educational Technology Vol 34 No 4 2003 467–477 Academic dishonesty : Acts of plagiarism; Using concealed notes to cheat on tests; Exchanging work with other students; Buying essays or Asking others to sit examinations for you. PLUS Internet use: Cutting and pasting of information from electronic media, hand-held scanners ; students may ask for assistance from others through electronic discussion groups and then cut and paste. Common characteristics of students’ personality committing academic offences: Lower ability than their peers; Great academic pressure; Social approval; Lack of internal locus of control and frequency of malpractice; Lack of a better informed staff in terms of new technological short cuts; Students are always ahead of Staff’s internet qualifications.

4 Group Assessment in the On-Line Learning Environment - John A. Nicolay NEW DIRECTIONS FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING, no. 91, Fall 2002 © Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Well defined project with broad opportunities for original research; Construct the Groups and Match membership; Monitor and Communicate effectively; Evaluate Consistently; provide critical feedback on the submissions.

5 “When students think about their research, formulate ideas about it, and then present it, we eliminate (or severely reduce) the amount of plagiarism.” Useful Tips on Avoiding Plagiarism - Maryellen Hamalainen - 40 LIBRARYMEDIACONNECTION March 2007 WHO CAN DO BETTER THAN WORLD BOOK ON LINE? The first tip for eliminating plagiarism has to do with how we structure assignments: avoid all assignments that ask students to research a topic and present information on that topic. No more reports on anything; No more posters; No more slide shows or brochures that only share information gathered from other resources.

6 Plagiarism in the Internet Age Using sources with integrity is complex. The solution is teaching skills, not vilifying the Internet. Rebecca Moore Howard and Laura J. Davies Educational Leadership/March 2009. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development “Students don’t need threats; students need pedagogy” Teachers should focus on the supposedly simple technique of summarizing sources. NOT SIMPLE. What Will Work: Start with Values; Guide Students in Online Research; Teach Summarizing.

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