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NHS Student Bursaries ARC SAM 23 October 2014. Contents New NHS Student Bursaries management structure Bursary Processing update position: o New students.

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1 NHS Student Bursaries ARC SAM 23 October 2014

2 Contents New NHS Student Bursaries management structure Bursary Processing update position: o New students update o Continuing students update o COSA update Six month deadline for applications Winter Term Applications Childcare Reconciliation Publications update Student Services stakeholder event – November 2014

3 Management Structure NHS Student Bursaries

4 NHS Student Bursaries – Management Team Kerry Hemsworth Head of Student Services Irene Tonge Student Services Manager – Service Delivery Louisa Ruman Student Services Manager – Stakeholder Engagement Michelle Bateman Operations Manager Matt Rainbow Senior Information/Quality Analyst Nathan Hodges Team Manager Hayley Ashworth Team Manager Michael Durnan Team Manager Emma O’Gunby Team Manager Peter Kane Team Manager

5 Bursary Applications - Processing Update Position at 17 th October 2014

6 New Students Update

7 Continuing Students Update

8 COSA Update To date we have processed COSA for 19,000 students. Our records indicate that we have received all COSA forms from HEIs. There are 3,000 students whose application is awaiting processing who may appear on an already received COSA. All COSAs received have been processed within KPI’s ensuring students receive timely payments.

9 Six month deadline for applications

10 Six month application ruling All students have six months from the start of their academic year to make a bursary application and submit all requested supporting documents. Any applications / evidence received after this date will be rejected. This means they will not be entitled to:  The Non Means Tested Grant of £1000  Additional Allowance (e.g. Childcare Allowance or Dependants Allowance)  Practice Placement Expenses  Disabled Students Allowance All continuing students that have not applied have received several email and text reminders asking them to apply. One final reminder will be issued in November. We would appreciate HEI support in getting the six month ruling message out into the student domain as no exceptions to this rule will be accepted.

11 Winter Term Applications

12 The application window for winter term applications in now open. Continuing winter term students will receive an emailed invite to re-apply over the coming months dependent on the month their course commenced. New winter term students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible (all start months). The table below shows the deadline for the completed application to be returned to ensure timely payment. Month of StartDeadline to Apply January 201528 November 2014 February 201531 December 2014 March 201530 January 2015 April 201527 February 2015 May 201527 March 2015

13 Childcare Reconciliation

14 All students in receipt of childcare allowance will have their estimated childcare costs reconciled against their actual costs. This is to ensure the correct amount of childcare allowance is being paid. We will reconcile the costs quarterly and therefore we will contact students four times a year in order for them to verify their actual costs. All students awarded childcare have been contacted to inform them of this and of the importance of retaining receipts of their childcare costs. Once reconciled, any overpayment in the quarter will be recovered (either via reducing future childcare payments or by separate arrangement with our finance department). Any underpayment in the quarter will be issued to the students immediately. More information about this procedure is available in the FAQ and Ask Us sections of our website.

15 Publications Update

16 The following publications have been recently issued: Completing your NHS Bursary application - A step by step guide to the Bursary Online Support System (BOSS) This is available to download on our website Your guide to NHS Student Bursaries 2015/16 This is available to download on our website 60,000 copies of this were sent to HEI’s – further hard copies available upon request from our communication team

17 Student Services Stakeholder Event Kings College London – 6 November 2014

18 Student Services Stakeholder Event The next Student Services national stakeholder event is kindly being hosted by Kings College London at their Stamford Street Lecture Theatre on the 6 November 2014. Registration begins at 10am for a 10.30am start and the event will finish no later than 3pm. There are still places available, please contact to reserve your The free event is your opportunity to hear updates from our operations team and news on our latest developments, including plans for an online Practice Placement Expenses system. Information will also be provided about the ‘Childcare Reconciliation’ process and student withdrawals. In addition, attendees will be involved in helping to refresh and shape our student charter to ensure it meets the needs of all our students. We look forward to seeing you there.

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