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Preservation of web resources, part II Ed Pinsent, ULCC.

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Presentation on theme: "Preservation of web resources, part II Ed Pinsent, ULCC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preservation of web resources, part II Ed Pinsent, ULCC

2 JISC PoWR workshop 27th June 2008 2 Summary What are web resources? Why bother? Whose job is it? Some suggested approaches

3 JISC PoWR workshop 27th June 2008 3 Likely to be included Institutional web site, and web-based resources –Publications –Prospectuses –Corporate records - evidence of institutional activity –Digital assets of the University –Project records and project pages –e-learning objects and teaching materials –Systems for managing assessments and examinations

4 JISC PoWR workshop 27th June 2008 4 Likely to be excluded Institutional repositories (DSpace, ePrints, Fedora) - already managed Research outputs Digital libraries Digitised resources Image collections Common services (room bookings, circulations, automated student submissions) - not really worth preserving, though may need some degree of management

5 JISC PoWR workshop 27th June 2008 5 Why bother? Uniqueness Audit Authenticity Money Heritage

6 JISC PoWR workshop 27th June 2008 6 Whose job is it? Collaborate – don’t go it alone Team of information professionals: –IT manager –Web master –Sys admin –Information manager –Asset manager –Records manager –Archivist

7 JISC PoWR workshop 27th June 2008 7 Some options Protect web site short to medium term Manage web site content as part of an RM programme Preserve web sites and web resources permanently

8 JISC PoWR workshop 27th June 2008 8 Protect For example, as part of digital asset management programme Ensure continuity and longevity Asset can be shared and repurposed Not necessarily the same as “forever”

9 JISC PoWR workshop 27th June 2008 9 Manage Within University RM programme Web site is itself a record OR a place where records can occur Retention and disposal programme Legal and regulatory framework Information-compliance University business needs

10 JISC PoWR workshop 27th June 2008 10 Preserve Archive web site –In entirety –Selectively –By snapshots Most expensive option

11 JISC PoWR workshop 27th June 2008 11 Conclusion Identify your resources Collaborate Choose the appropriate approach (or approaches) You may not need to keep everything

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