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Virginia House Bill 2 – Funding the Right Projects Intelligent Transportation System Activities May 19, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Virginia House Bill 2 – Funding the Right Projects Intelligent Transportation System Activities May 19, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Virginia House Bill 2 – Funding the Right Projects Intelligent Transportation System Activities May 19, 2016

2 Agenda Introduction to House Bill 2 House Bill 2 Criteria Significant Criteria – Congestion Significant Criteria – Reliability 2015 HB2 Intelligent Transportation Systems Project Results & Lessons Learned 2016 House Bill 2 Schedule 2

3 Intro to House Bill 2 Represents an objective, measure based process to evaluate and score transportation projects for inclusion in the Six-Year Improvement Program Funding subject to HB2 process State and federal transportation funds Funding not subject to HB2 process Asset management Revenue sharing Regional revenues CMAQ federal funds Highway Safety federal funds Transportation Alternatives Program funding 3

4 Intro to House Bill 2 4 Project System Regional Entity (MPOs, PDCs) Locality* (Counties, Cities, Towns) Public Transit Agencies Corridor of Statewide Significance Yes Yes, with a resolution of support from relevant regional entity Yes, with resolution of support from relevant regional entity Regional Network Yes Yes, with resolution of support from relevant entity Urban Development Area NoYesNo Eligible Applicants * Localities are also eligible to submit projects addressing a safety need identified in VTrans 2040 under the District Grant Program

5 Intro to House Bill 2 Included Highway improvements  Widening projects  Operational improvements  ITS/Technology  Access management Transit and rail capacity expansion projects Transportation demand management  Van Pools  Park & Ride facilities  Telecommuting Excluded Asset Management  Structurally deficient bridges  Reconstructive paving  Routine maintenance  Transit and Rail State of Good Repair projects 5

6 House Bill 2 Factors and Measures 6Safety Congestion mitigation Accessibility Environmental quality Economic development Land use and transportation coordination (areas with over 200,000 people) Fatal+Severe Injury Crash Frequency Fatal+Severe Injury Crash Rate Increase Person Throughput Decrease Person Hours Delay Change in job access (all) Change in job access (disadvantaged) Multimodal access Economic Development Support Intermodal Access Reliability Transportation and Land Use Policy Air Quality and Energy Potential for Environmental Impact

7 House Bill 2 Congestion 7 V C V C No build Build Before Speed After Speed Transit, P&R Capacity Improvement Technology

8 House Bill 2 Criteria Reliability 8

9 9 Major Project TypeSub Project Type Incidents Impact Weather Impact Travel Lanes Design Add travel lanes21 Intersection modifications - turning lanes21 Traffic Signals Signal timing systems10

10 House Bill 2 2015 Results Intelligent Transportation Systems SummaryProjectsProjects w/ ITS/Signals Projects Submitted32183 Projects Screened In28783 Projected Advanced16353 10

11 House Bill 2 2015 Results Intelligent Transportation Systems 11 Note: Each ITS activity is counted separately in the above charts.

12 House Bill 2 2015 Results Intelligent Transportation Systems 12 Note: Each ITS activity is counted separately in the above charts.

13 HB2 Lessons Learned 13 ITS elements were largely found in urban projects ITS projects are a challenge to score Research needed on impact to safety – develop and refine Crash Modification Factors Research needed on impact to delay: example – installation of adaptive signal controllers on oversaturated networks ITS projects do well when combined with other activities Performance metrics have been replicated to allocate ITS projects from other funding sources Innovative Transportation & Technology Fund

14 2016 House Bill 2 Schedule April – May – Public meetings on SYIP May - Draft SYIP was presented to the CTB June CTB meeting – Adopt FY17-22 SYIP June/July – Training and outreach for Round 2 July – CTB takes action on refinements to the HB2 process August 1 st – HB2 application process starts August 15 th – deadline to provide key information in HB2 project application to guarantee technical assistance from State September 30 th – deadline to submit HB2 application October 1 st to January 1 st – Analysis and Scoring January to June – Project selection and programming 14

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