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Speaking and Listening. Do you love chocolate? We are going to make a chocolate bar. All ideas will be considered!

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Presentation on theme: "Speaking and Listening. Do you love chocolate? We are going to make a chocolate bar. All ideas will be considered!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Speaking and Listening

2 Do you love chocolate?

3 We are going to make a chocolate bar. All ideas will be considered!

4 Which ingredients will you use ? The chocolate Milk White Dark Fillings Dried Fruit Raisins Cherries OrangeCereal Corn flakes Puffed rice Chocolate puffed rice Discuss in your groups

5 Now name it! Now you have decided on your bar, what are you going to call it? Discuss in your groups ?

6 Try as many combination of these words as possible to invent a new name. cocoa milk cool choco crunch choo krisp cherry bite puff

7 Speaking and Listening Remember – To use a clear voice. To present ideas clearly to others. To listen carefully to the ideas of others. To ask relevant questions.

8 You are going present your ideas, be persuasive.

9 Making your presentation Consider how to use eye contact tone of voice How you will stand? A nervous presenter will keep their body still and not make eye contact. A confident presenter will be able to scan the audience and use gestures.

10 Our chocolate bar As the groups are making their presentation you can evaluate their speaking skills. Were the words spoken loudly and slowly enough to be clear? Did the presenter make eye contact? Did the person stand comfortably/ use gestures? Were their word choices persuasive?


12 Speaking and Listening Making a chocolate bar advertisement. Today you should try to: Use a slogan Listen to the ideas of others. Create an introduction

13 Today you and your group are going to create an advertisement. Look at the following slogan. “Its choc full of chocolate.” Discuss in your group your thoughts. Do you like it ? Why ?

14 Listening to other’s opinions. In groups you are going to look at a range of slogans. You need to listen carefully to each others’ ideas. You must agree on a chocolate bar slogan for your group - be creative. A good slogan is at the heart of a good advertisement.


16 Setting the Scene As well as a slogan an advert will have other information too. A slogan will be memorable but the customer needs to be persuaded that the bar is what they want or even need. Discuss what can make a good advertisement – tricks and tips.

17 Some chocolate bars are gone in a moment. Some chocolate bars become quite boring after a while. Some chocolate bars are just right. But only one chocolate bar is just perfect. When you have decided on your introduction name and slogan it’s time to rehearse your advert. Think carefully how to deliver the advert using an appropriate speed and tone of voice.


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