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Digital Design with SM Charts

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1 Digital Design with SM Charts
발표자 : 김 태 완 발표일자 :

2 Contents SM Charts properties Derivation of SM Charts
Implementation of the Dice game Alternative realizations for SM Charts using Microprogramming Linked State Machine

3 SM Charts properties ASM (Algorithmic State Machine)
Often used to design control units for digital systems Useful in the H/W design of digital systems Easier to understand the operation Leads directly to a hardware realization

4 Components of SM chart xxx (c) Conditional (a) State box
State_name/ Output list xxx Optional State code (a) State box condition 1 (true branch) (false branch) (b) Decision box Conditional Output list (c) Conditional Output box

5 Example of an SM chart S1/Z1Z2 SM block n exit paths One entrance path
One state SM block Link Path a 1 X1 Link Path b X3 Z3 Z4 1 1 X2 Z5 1 2 3 n n exit paths

6 Equivalent SM Blocks S1/Z1 Z2=1 if X1=0 S2 if X2=0 S3 if X2=1 S1/Z1
1 X1 1 X2 1 Z2 X1 X1 1 X2 Z2 Z2 S2/ S3/ S2/ S3/ (a) (b)

7 Equivalent SM Charts for a combinational Network
1 S0/ A 1 1 A+BC C 1 B Z1 Z1 (a) (b) Z1=A+A`BC=A+BC

8 SM Block with feedback Every valid combination of input variables
must have exactly one exit path defined No internal feedback within an SM block is allowed S0/ S0/ x x 1 1 (a) Incorrect (b) Correct

9 Conversion of a state Graph to an SM chart
1/0 1/0 So/ Za S1/ Zb S2/ Zc 1/Z2 0/0 (a) State graph 0/0 0/Z1 00 S0/Za Link 1 (b) Equivalent SM chart x 1 01 S1/Zb Link 2 x 1 Link 3 S2/Zc 11 x 1 Z1 Z2

10 Derivation of SM Charts
First, draw a block diagram of the system we are controlling Next, define the required input and output signals to the control network Then, construct an SM char that tests the input signals and generates the proper sequence of output signals

11 EX1.SM Chart for Binary Multiplier
St 1 Load St : start, M : LSB, Ad : add, Sh : shift, K : last shift S1/ 1 M Sh Ad K S2/Sh 1 1 K S3/Done

12 EX1.VHDL for SM Chart Entity Mult is port(CLK,St,K,M: in bit;
when 1 => if M=‘1’ then M (state 1) Ad<=‘1’ ; Nextstate<=2; else M’ Sh<=‘1’; if K=‘1’ then Nextstate<=3; K else Nextstate<=1; K’ end if when 2 => Sh<=‘1’; (state 2) if K=‘1’ then Nextstate<=3; K else Nextstate<=1; K` when 3 => Done <= ‘1’; Nextstate <= 0; (state 3) end case; end process; process(CLK) begin if CLK = ‘1’ then State <= Nextstate; update state on rising edge end if ; End SMbehave ; Entity Mult is port(CLK,St,K,M: in bit; Load,Sh,Ad,Done: out bit); End Mult; Architecture SMbehave of Mult is signal State, Nextstate : integer range 0 to 3; begin process(St, K, M, State) Load<=‘0’ ; Sh<=‘0’ ; Ad<=‘0’ ; case State is when 0 => if St=‘1’ then (state 0) --- St Load<=‘1’; Nextstate<=1; else Nextstate<=0; St’

13 EX2.Dice Game Rule The player wins if the sum is 7 or 11
The player loses if the sum is 2,3,12 otherwise, the sum is referred to as a point and roll again The second or subsequent, the player wins if the sum equals the point the player loses if the sum is 7, Otherwise, the player roll again until player wins or loses

14 EX2.Dice Game <Block Diagram for Dice Game> DiceGame Module
Display Display Control Rb 1-to-6 Counter 1-to-6 Counter Roll Reset Adder D7 Test Logic Win Sum D711 D2312 Point Register Lose Comparator Eq Sp <Block Diagram for Dice Game>

15 Flowchart for Dice Game
Roll dice Y Sum = 7 or 11 N N Sum = 2,3,12 Y Store sum in Point register Roll dice Y Sum = Point N Sum = 7 N Y Win Lose Y Reset N N Reset Y

16 SM chart for Dice Game S0 : No button S1 : Button Pressed S2 : Win
Rb 1 Roll S1 / 1 Rb Press and Release 1 D711 1 D2312 S3/Lose S0 : No button S1 : Button Pressed S2 : Win S3 : Lose S4 : No button S5 : Button Pressed Sp Reset S4 / 1 Rb 1 Roll S5 / 1 Rb 1 Eq S2 / Win D7 1 Reset 1

17 Behavioral Model for Dice Game
Entity DiceGame is port (Rb, Reset, CLK: in bit; Sum: in integer range 2 to 12; Roll, Win, Lose: out bit); End DiceGame; Library BITLIB; Use BITLIB.bit_pack.all; Architecture DiceBehave of DiceGame is signal State, Nextstate: integer range 0 to 5 signal Point: integer range 2 to 12; signal Sp: bit; begin process(Rb, Reset, Sum, State) Sp<=‘0’ ; Roll<=‘0’ ; Win<=‘0’ ; Lose<=‘0’ ; case State is when 0 => if Rb=‘1’ then Nextstate<=1; end if; when 1 => if Rb=‘1’ then Roll<=‘1’; elsif Sum =7 or Sum=11 then Nextstate<=2; elsif Sum=2 or Sum=3 or Sum=12 then Nextstate<=3; else Sp<=‘1’ ; Nextstate<=4; end if;

18 Behavioral Model for Dice Game
when 2 => Win<=‘1’; if Reset=‘1’ then Nextstate<=0; end if ; when 3 => Lose<=‘1’; when 4 => if Rb=‘1’ then Nextstate<=5; end if when 5 => if Rb=‘1’ then Roll<=‘1’; elsif Sum=7 then Nextstate<=3 ; else Nextstate<=4; end if; end case; end process; process(CLK) begin if rising_edge(CLK) then state<=Nextstate; if Sp=‘1’ then Point<=Sum; end if; end DiceBehave;

19 Complete Dice Game Entity Game is
port(Rb, Reset,Clk : in bit; Win, Lose: out bit); end Game; Architecture Play of Game is component Counter port(Clk, Roll : in bit; Sum : out integer range 2 to 12); end component; component Dicegame port(Rb, Reset,Clk : in bit; Sum : out integer range 2 to 12; Roll, Win, Lose : out bit); end component; signal roll1 : bit; signal sum1: integer range 2 to 12; begin Dice:Dicegame port map(Rb,Reset,Clk,sum1,roll1,Win,Lose); Counter port map(Clk,roll1,sum1); end Play1;

20 Implementation of Dice game
Rb PLA Reset Win D711 Lose D7 Roll D2312 Sp Eq C+ D Q CK C B+ B A+ A Clock <PLA Realization of Dice Game Controller>

21 PLA Table for Dice Game ABC Rb Reset D7 D711 D2312 Eq A+ B+ C+ Win
Lose Roll Sp 1 000 - 2 3 001 4 5 6 7 010 8 9 011 10 11 100 12 13 101 14 15 16 17 110 18 111

22 Maps Derived from the previous table
A+ = A’B’CRb’D’711D’2312+AC’+ARb+AD’7Eq’, B+ = A’B’CRb’(D711+D2312)+Breset’+ACRb’(Eq+D7) C+ = B’Rb+A’B’CD’711D2312+BCReset’+ACD7Eq’, Win = BC’, Lose = BC, Roll = B’CRb Sp = A’B’CRb’D’711D’2312

23 Data Flow Model for Dice Game
architecture Dice_Eq of DiceGame is signal Sp, Eq, D7, D711, D2312 : bit : =‘0’; signal DA, DB, DC, A, B, C, : bit : =‘0’; signal Point : integer range 2 to 12 ; begin process(CLK) if rising_edge(CLK) then A<=DA; B<=DB; C<=DC; if Sp=‘1’ then Point<=Sum; end if; end if end process ;

24 Data Flow Model for Dice Game
Win <=B and not C: Lose <=B and C; Roll <= not B and C and Rb; Sp <= not A and not B and C and not Rb and not D711 and not D2312; D7 <=‘1’ when Sum=7 else ‘0’; D711 <=‘1’ when (Sum=11) or (Sum=7) else ‘0’; D2312<=‘1’ when (Sum=2) or (Sum=3) or (Sum=12) else ‘0’; Eq <=‘1’ when Point=Sum else ‘0’; DA <= (not A and not B and C and not Rb and not D711 and not D2312) or (A and not C) or (A and Rb) or (A and not D7 and not Eq) DB <=( (not A and not B and C and not Rb) and (D711 or D2312) ) or (B and not Reset) or ( (A and C and not Rb) and (Eq or D7) ); DC <= (not B and Rb) or (not A and not B and C and not D711 and D2312) or (B and C and not Reset) or (A and C and D7 and not Eq); End Dice_Eq;

25 Alternative realizations for SM Charts using Microprogramming
<Control Network Using an Input MUX to Select the Next State> PLA or ROM or PAL TEST NSF NST OUTPUT Register Inputs MUX1 MUX2 ◁ The only input to PLA come from state register ◁ Test controls MUX1 with inputs ◁ NSF or NST decided by input’s BOOLEAN (NST: Next State True) ◁ Must have only Moore outputs (Outputs depend on only current state)

26 Linked State Machine A sequential machine becomes large and complex,
Desirable to divide the machine into several smaller machines linked together. Each of the smaller machines is easier to design and implement. Machine B (called machine) Machine A (calling machine) SOME STATES IDLE ZA SA / ZA 1 OTHER STATES ZB 1 SB/ ZB OTHER STATES

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