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NCLS Research Workshop Dr Ruth Powell Proclaim Conference August 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "NCLS Research Workshop Dr Ruth Powell Proclaim Conference August 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCLS Research Workshop Dr Ruth Powell Proclaim Conference August 2012

2 Overview About NCLS Research Core Qualities of healthy parishes How faith-sharing links with parish health Attitudes of individuals regarding evangelization. How do people feel about sharing their faith with others? Do people invite others to church? What holds them back? Activities of parishes regarding evangelization. What are the characteristics of churches who have a strong culture of evangelization? Who offers training? What planned procedures are there for integration? How many newcomers and who are they?

3 ABOUT NCLS RESEARCH Built on a history of collaboration Anglican Apostolic Assemblies of God Baptist Brethren Catholic Christian Missionary Alliance Christian City Church COC Australia Congregational CRC Churches International Church of the Nazarene Churches of Christ More than 22 denominations and movements including: Four Square Gospel Lutheran Presbyterian Christian Reformed Churches Salvation Army Seventh-day Adventist Uniting Church Vineyard Fellowship Grace Communion and Independent congregations, House churches and other Christian communities. Sponsors Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Australian Catholic University Uniting Church NSW/ACT Uniting Mission and Education Anglicare Sydney

4 Nation-wide ecumenical venture: 23 denominations The largest nationwide survey after the ABS National Census Twenty years old: first took place in 1991, Happens every five years at the same time as the National Census Over 4500 local churches and around 260 000+ individuals from 23 denominations took part in 2011 Around 10 000 leaders took part 75% of churches did the Survey in Nov 2011 In eight languages: English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Tongan, Italian, Arabic and Dinka (Sudanese) Fast facts about the 2011 NCLS

5 CHURCH HEALTH NCLS Research has identified 9 Core Qualities and 3 Attendance Measures. They are:  based on 15 years of research in Australian and international churches  all central to the life of a church  all interrelated yet also separately understood ABOUT CHURCH VITALITY Dimensions of Vitality

6 ABOUT CHURCH VITALITY Nine Core Qualities of Church Life Internal Core Qualities The inner life of the community of faith Inspirational Core Qualities Relate to leadership and direction Outward Core Qualities How churches focus beyond themselves

7 An Alive and Growing Faith Your faith commitment? Relationship with God? Private devotional practices? Growth in faith? Vital and Nurturing Worship Services bring to you an experience of God? Growth in relationship with God? Helpful preaching? Strong and Growing Belonging Your sense of belonging in this church? Levels of friendliness? Levels of conflict? Your level of participation in the life of this church? CHURCH HEALTH CHURCH HEALTH Clear and Owned Vision A vision that is shared? Goals that are real and achievable? Leadership looking to the future? Inspiring and Empowering Leadership Leadership inspiring and empowering? Leadership communicates clearly? Leadership focuses on the wider community? Imaginative and Flexible Innovation Leadership encourages innovation? Congregation open to try new things? Openness to different worship style? Practical and Diverse Service Involved in the church’s welfare programs? Involved in community service organisations? Helping others informally? Willing and Effective Faith-sharing Involved in the church’s evangelistic programs? Share faith with others? Invite others to church? Discuss faith matters at home? Intentional and Welcoming Inclusion How are new arrivals welcomed? How are those drifting away followed-up? Core Qualities: a way to measure health


9 Faith-sharing matters As a Core Quality it has the greatest number of strong associations with other Qualities. That is All Core Qualities are inter- related. BUT if you focus on ‘Faith- Sharing’, you will also have an impact on many other Core Qualities.

10 Note: Protestants are different to Catholics…

11 Q. Which of the following best describes your readiness to talk to others about your faith? a. I do not have faith, so the question is not applicable b I do not like to talk about my faith; my life and actions are sufficient c I find it hard to talk about my faith in ordinary language d I mostly feel at ease talking about my faith and do so if it comes up e I feel at ease talking about my faith and look for opportunities to do so ABOUT CHURCH VITALITY Readiness to share faith

12 Which of the following best describes your readiness to talk to others about your faith? ABOUT CHURCH VITALITY Readiness to share faith All NCLS 2006 Catholic 2006 11 1318 1916 51 1613 Source: 2006 NCLS - Catholic Church

13 Attenders who are most likely to state that they feel at ease talking about their faith and look for opportunities to do so are, amongst other factors: highly involved in church life experiencing personal growth in faith helping people in practical ways ABOUT CHURCH VITALITY Who is ready to share faith?

14 ABOUT CHURCH VITALITY Readiness to share faith Source: 2006 NCLS - Catholic Church Younger attenders more likely to say they find it hard to share faith in ordinary language

15 ABOUT CHURCH VITALITY Faith-sharing in families Parents and families critical Research studies confirm the emphasis of the Catholic Church in placing importance on the role of parents educating their children in the faith. Results suggest that the influence of parents is the most powerful predictor from a person’s childhood of their current religious involvement. In the Catholic Church 32% frequently discuss matters of faith at home (compared to 44% across all denominations). Of this group, 10% discuss faith in formal ways, through family or household devotions (vs 14% overall). Source: 2006 NCLS - Catholic Church

16 ABOUT CHURCH VITALITY Young adult retention Discussing faith at home, along with the presence of church programs oriented at youth, and a larger church size, are all factors that lead to a higher level of young adult retention in parish life. Source: 2006 NCLS - Catholic Church Among church attenders in the Catholic Church who have children aged 15 and over still living at home, 45% of those children do not attend any church. Among Protestant churches in 2006, this figure was 35%.

17 ABOUT CHURCH VITALITY Inviting people to church Q. Would you be prepared to invite to a church service here any of your friends and relatives who do not currently attend a church? a. Yes, and I have done so in the past 12 months b. Yes, but I have not done so in the past 12 months c. Don’t know d. No, probably not e. No definitely not

18 Catholic 2006 All NCLS 2006 % 2837 3336 1713 2013 21 The most common way for people to become frequent church attenders is because friends and relatives invite them. Source: 2006 NCLS - Catholic Church

19 What most discourages you from inviting people to this parish? I do not see the need to do so I don't know many people from outside church My friends and contacts live too far away Lack of confidence in talking about my faith Fear of rejection / damaging relationships They may not like the style of worship here They may not be made to feel welcome here They may not be interested Other Don't know

20 What most discourages you from inviting people to this congregation/parish? Catholic 2006 All NCLS 2006 I do not see the need to do so 1910 I don't know many people from outside church 910 My friends and contacts live too far away 89 Lack of confidence in talking about my faith 810 Fear of rejection / damaging relationships 57 They may not like the style of worship here 59 They may not be made to feel welcome here 23 They may not be interested 18 Other 66 Don't know 129 Source: 2006 NCLS Attenders Survey I. Responses for 'I'm generally happy to invite' are not shown.

21 Some churches have developed a strong 'culture of inviting', where are large percentage of attenders are actively inviting others to church. Characteristics of such churches are: local church mission activities are present attenders feel empowered and mobilised churches are inclusive and enriching ABOUT CHURCHES Churches with an inviting culture Source: 2006 NCLS - Catholic Church

22 Has this parish offered significant training for lay people in the following leadership or ministry roles in the past 2 years? (Mark ALL that apply) Teaching/ preaching Music ministry Children's ministry (eg Sunday school, R.E.) Youth ministry Small group leadership Social group leadership Leading church services Management/ admin roles (eg parish council) Pastoral care/ visitation role Outreach/ evangelisation role Community service role Other (specify):

23 Source: 2006 NCLS - Catholic Church ABOUT CHURCHES Parishes providing training

24 Source: 2006 NCLS - Catholic Church ABOUT CHURCHES Parishes with plans to help integration Once a person has joined your parish, are there any planned procedures designed to ensure that he or she becomes integrated into the life of the parish? (Mark ALL that apply) Follow-up visits by clergy or other people from the parish People extend hospitality and invite them for meals A group or course for new Christians / orientation programs for new members Invitation to join a social, faith discussion or other group Invitation to take up a task within the life and ministry of the church Other (please specify) There are no planned procedures

25 What proportion of current Mass attenders could be described as ‘new’ in the past five years? ‘New’ = returning after a long absence or have never regularly attended Mass.

26 Source: 2006 NCLS - Catholic Church ABOUT CHURCHES Inflow of Newcomers 3% of all Mass attenders are ‘new’ in the last five years. 2% are returning after a long absence and 1% say they have never regularly attended church.

27 Source: 2006 NCLS - Catholic Church ABOUT CHURCHES Age profile of newcomers

28 Source: 2006 NCLS - Catholic Church ABOUT CHURCHES Demographic profile of newcomers

29 Source: 2006 NCLS - Catholic Church ABOUT CHURCHES Profile of newcomers Compared to other attenders, newcomers are less likely to be Catholic have a Catholic spouse live in the parish Accept the teaching of the Catholic Church with no difficulty

30 Source: 2006 NCLS - Catholic Church ABOUT CHURCHES Newcomers and faith

31 Source: 2006 NCLS - Catholic Church Newcomers most want their parishes to focus on Building strong sense of community Encouraging people to discover/use their gifts here Supporting social action and aid ABOUT CHURCHES What newcomers think should get attention


33 Faith-sharing Two thirds of Catholic mass attenders are at ease with sharing their faith (13% look for opportunities) A third frequently discuss matters of faith at home Inviting 28% have invited someone to church in past year 19% do not see the need to do so 11% of parishes offer training for evangelisation role There has been a shift in methods for integration towards small groups and offering tasks Newcomers 3% of all Mass attenders Are in their 30s and 40s Are tentative in faith, but local parish importan In summary…

34 About the 2011 NCLS Church Life Pack

35 The Church Life Pack w Cover letter Church Life Profile Church Life Profile Workbook Enriching Church Life (Second Edition) Church Consultants Directory Gift - Cartoon postcards Has been sent to all participating churches

36 Dr Ruth Powell NCLS Research/ACU 02 9701 4475 Locked Bag 2002 Strathfield 2135

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