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What is Worship? Thanksgiving Praise Worship.

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3 What is Worship?


5 Thanksgiving Praise Worship

6 Biblical Definitions Hebrew shachah Greek proskuneo

7 The Four Essentials Recognition of the other’s status Recognition of your own status A voluntary act

8 But the hour is coming and now is when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.John 4:23

9 The Four Essentials Recognition of the other’s status Recognition of your own status A voluntary act Additionally, in the Christian sense, it includes a response driven by love.

10 The Lord’s Supper What it is It is a time when those of a local church gather together in unison as those redeemed by Christ and in recognition of the calling of their priestly office with the object of exalting Christ and worshipping Him in thanksgiving and praise.

11 The Lord’s Supper (some facts) It was on the first day of the week. (1 Cor 16:2; Acts 20:7) Initially it was probably held daily (Acts 2:46) but later weekly (1 Cor 16:2). It was a meeting without professional ministry. (1 Cor 14:26)

12 When you assemble, each one has a psalm has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation...1 Cor 14:26

13 The Lord’s Supper (some facts) It was on the first day of the week. Initially it was probably held daily. It was a meeting without professional ministry. It was a meeting led by the Holy Spirit (implicit in 1 Cor 14).

14 The Practicals (the meeting in general) The seven components: Opening Prayer Hymns Sharing from the Bible Silence Passing the elements and taking the offering Closing

15 The Practicals (the believers) Requirements It is assumed the participant is a believer. As a believer, he must not be in sin. He must be in peace with the other elders. No special gift is required—only a worshipful heart.

16 The Practicals (the three components of public ministry) Pathos Logos Ethos

17 Pathos—practical tips 1.When giving a Bible reference, give a few moments for the others to find the passage. 2.Use a loud voice (don’t assume that others have your good hearing) 3.Don’t speak into your Bible 4.Don’t go too long 5.Use inflection in your voice

18 Logos—practical tips 1.Your devotional thought should correspond with the purpose of the meeting 2.Should be Christ-centered 3.Relatively short 4.Extemporaneous or pre-prepared (you decide!)

19 Aspects of the Meeting Prayer 1.Preferable to stand 2.Use of “You” and “Thou” 3.Use of “I” and “we” 4.For those unsure of their “oratory” in public…

20 Aspects of the Meeting Hymns 1.Well known hymns are preferable in the Lord’s Supper because usually there is no instrumental accompaniment to guide us. 2.After giving the number, provide a few moments for the people to find the hymn before beginning singing. 3.Although certainly not necessary, it is always appropriate to read a pertinent portion of the hymn prior to actually singing it.

21 Aspects of the Meeting Passing the Elements and Taking the Offering A simple word of caution…

22 Aspects of the Meeting Moments of Silence Silence is not always bad. In fact, it may be good—and of the Lord! It should be used for meditation. If it is prolonged and obviously not Spirit-led, perhaps a hymn should be suggested.

23 The Silent Brethren (possible reasons) 1.Timidity 2.Feelings of inadequacy 3.Thinking you have nothing worthwhile to share 4.One’s own conscience 5.Worries about “squeezing in”

24 What if a brother errs? 1.If it is a serious doctrinal error, it must be corrected, but in the gentlest way possible. 2.If it is a minor error, perhaps speak to the brother after the meeting in private. 3.If it is a slip-up, best to just forget it.

25 The Practicals (other matters) Punctuality Where to sit Children. Interruptions or other distractions

26 The Practicals (other matters) When visiting other assemblies… (a bit of Jim’s advice)

27 Then I looked and…the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands and thousands, saying with a loud voice: Worthy is the Lamb who was slain To receive power and riches and wisdom And strength and honor and glory and blessing! Rev 5:11-12

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