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The Philosophy of Time: A look at Presentisim and Eternalism McTaggart’s view of time in his Paper “The Unreality of Time” Zane Haley.

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Presentation on theme: "The Philosophy of Time: A look at Presentisim and Eternalism McTaggart’s view of time in his Paper “The Unreality of Time” Zane Haley."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Philosophy of Time: A look at Presentisim and Eternalism McTaggart’s view of time in his Paper “The Unreality of Time” Zane Haley

2 We Commonly Think of Time as…

3 The Asymmetry of Time

4 Presentism  William James (1842-1910)  “The present is the short duration in which we are immediately and incessantly sensible”

5 Now, ask yourself. How fast does time pass?

6 The Counter: Eternalism  Have to accept a huge assumption  4 th Dimensionality The “block universe,” on the right

7 McTaggart’s Division of Time "Accordingly the A series has to be pre-supposed in order to account for the A series. And this is clearly a vicious circle" (p. 468).

8 Personal Argument for Eternalism: Relativity  Main Argument for Eternalism  Frames of reference yield different chronological points of view.

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