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Serendipity Early Learning Centre: Outdoor Environment Policy Reflects their Philosophy. By Jade Thomsen 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Serendipity Early Learning Centre: Outdoor Environment Policy Reflects their Philosophy. By Jade Thomsen 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Serendipity Early Learning Centre: Outdoor Environment Policy Reflects their Philosophy. By Jade Thomsen 1

2 Alterations required to ensure that Serendipity’s Outdoor Environment Policy reflects their Philosophy! 2

3 The Importance of an Outdoor Environment Policy “When educators create environments in which children experience mutually enjoyable, caring and respectful relationships with people and the environment, children respond accordingly. When children participate collaboratively in everyday routines, events and experiences and have opportunities to contribute to decisions, they learn to live interdependently.’ -(DEEWR, 2009). 3

4 First Step 4 QA3 QA3.1.1 Outdoor and indoor spaces, buildings, furniture, equipment, facilities and resources are suitable for their purpose. QA3.1.3 Facilities are designed or adapted to ensure access and participation by every child in the service and to allow flexible use, and interaction between indoor and outdoor space. QA3.2.1 Outdoor and indoor spaces are designed and organised to engage every child in quality experiences in both built and natural environments. QA3.2.2 Resources, materials and equipment are sufficient in number, organised in ways that ensure appropriate and effective implementation of the program and allow for multiple uses. Regulation 73 Educational Programs. Regulation 105 Furniture, materials and equipment. Regulation 108 Space requirements- outdoor space. Regulation 113 Outdoor space- natural environment. LO2Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment. Children develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities and an understanding of the reciprocal rights and responsibilities necessary for active community participation. Link to Quality standards (ACECQA, 2014). Link to Education and Care Services Regulations Qld 2014 (Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, 2015). Link to Early Years Learning Framework (DEEWR, 2009).

5 Second Step Sun Protection Policy Physical Environment Policy Supervision of children Policy Risk benefit Policy Environmental sustainability policy 5 Serendipity’ s the Outdoor Environmen t Policy

6 Sustainable Practices “We surround the child with natural beauty and embrace the use of natural and improvised materials to provide rich sensory experiences and foster creative thinking skills. At Serendipity we aim to support a deep connection with the natural world through the learning environment and relationships with others. These connections we believe will underpin their future interactions with each other and their world and encourage more sustainable living practices.” 6

7 Sustainability Policy 7 At Serendipity Early earning Centre we encourage…… Identifying Sustainable Policies connections with legislation and regulatory documentation. After the table then it should be the introduction. QA3QA3.3 The service takes an active role in caring for it’s environment and contributes and contributes to a sustainable future QA3.3.1Sustainable practices are embedded in service operation Regulation 73Educational Programs Regulation 113Outdoor space- natural environment LO2Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment

8 Turning policy into practice Recycling Gardening Energy conservation Water conservation Sustainability equipment purchases (NSW Government’s environmental Trust, n.a). 8  Serendipity Early Learning Centre will embrace the following strategies to encourage environmental friendly practices:  Embed and include recycling is as part of the everyday practices at the service. Recycling containers will be provided throughout the Centre to encourage Educators to role model sustainable practices.  Provide opportunities for children to observe sustainable practices through modelling and learning programs..  Discuss sustainable practices with the children as part of the services curriculum.

9 Thank you! 9

10 Reference List ACECQA. (2014).Guide to the Education and Care Services National Law and the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011. Retrieved from DEEWR. (2009). Belonging, Being & Becoming, The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. earning_framework_for_australia.pdf earning_framework_for_australia.pdf Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel. (2015). Education and Care Services Regulation 2013. Retrieved from NSW Government’s environmental Trust. (n.a). Little Green Steps. Retrieved from 10

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