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BAROQUE PERIOD 1600 – 1750 The word “Baroque” means highly decorated. Some say it is from the Italian barocco, meaning bizarre, More likely it is from.

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Presentation on theme: "BAROQUE PERIOD 1600 – 1750 The word “Baroque” means highly decorated. Some say it is from the Italian barocco, meaning bizarre, More likely it is from."— Presentation transcript:

1 BAROQUE PERIOD 1600 – 1750 The word “Baroque” means highly decorated. Some say it is from the Italian barocco, meaning bizarre, More likely it is from an old Portuguese word meaning “rough pearl” – something that is grotesque or in bad taste. It was used by people who did not like the ornate, overly decorated art and architecture from the period. The Baroque period began during the early 17th century in Italy and lasted over a century in some parts of Europe.

2 Music was full of ornaments, several overlapping melodies, and trills and runs that decorated the music. This is the period in which ballet, opera, and oratorios began, along with most forms of instrumental music: sonata, concerto, concerto grosso, fugue, dance suite, toccata, passacaglia, chaconne, theme and variations, choral prelude and choral symphony. It is also the beginning of orchestra.


4 Basso continuo - a kind of continuous accompaniment notated with a new music notation system - figured bass.

5 The highly ornamental style of Baroque is clearly seen in its fashion.

6 Even men’s fashions were highly ornamental!

7 Also in its architecture…


9 And its art. As a style, Baroque artwork combines dramatic compositions, beautiful details, and emotionally charged subject matter to give viewers as intense a visual experience as possible. Baroque murals and paintings are often found in churches and cathedrals throughout Italy and the rest of Europe, mostly because the Roman Catholic Church of the 17th century knew that this style of art would promote the church and give an impression of power and authority.

10 The Church commissioned thousands of Baroque pieces like this one, entitled Assumption of the Virgin Mary, expressly for that purpose, using them to stir the emotion of the masses while depicting religious themes and ideals. movement-artists-and-artwork-of-the-17th- century/&h=619&w=500&sz=380&hl=en&start=14&um=1&tbnid=b2rNu5PrOX8JRM:&tbnh=136&tbnw=110&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbaroque%2Bart%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox- a%26channel%3Ds%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN

11 In 1732, Pope Clement XII commissioned Nicola Salvi to create a large fountain at the Trevi Square. Construction of the monumental baroque fountain was finally completed in 1762. Yes, that’s Mrs. Keene.

12 Opera Opera began during the Baroque period with a group of Italian noblemen and scholars called the Camerata, including Galilei (father of Galileo, the astronomer)

13 Some famous Baroque composers you should know George Frideric Handel Johann Sebastian Bach Antonio Vivaldi Domenico Scarlatti

14 Claudio Monteverdi Antonio Vivaldi George Frideric Handel Johann Sebastian Bach Domenico Scarlatti Some famous Baroque composers

15 A few final notes… This was the age of some great discoveries: Sir Isaac Newton Galileo Peter the Great (Czar of Russia)

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