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Impact of erosion prevention measures on yield and economic benefits of maize production in NW Vietnam Oleg Nicetic Centre for communication and social.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact of erosion prevention measures on yield and economic benefits of maize production in NW Vietnam Oleg Nicetic Centre for communication and social."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact of erosion prevention measures on yield and economic benefits of maize production in NW Vietnam Oleg Nicetic Centre for communication and social change School of journalism and communication


3 Improved market engagement for sustainable upland production systems in the North West Highlands of Vietnam Vietnamese partners: Northern Mountainous Agriculture and Forestry Science Institute (NOMAFSI) Centre for Agrarian Systems Research and Development (CASRAD) Plant Protection Research Institute (PPRI) Hanoi Agricultural University (HUA) Australian commissioned organisation: University of Queensland Centre for communication and Social Change

4 Present practice Feb Mar Dry season Burn Apr May Moderate rain Sowing June Sep Rainy season Crop develop Harvest Oct Feb Dry season Free grazing DFeb Marry season Dry season MT + Mulch No tillage (2011) Apr May Moderate rain Sowing 1 st crop June July Rainy season Crop develop Harvest End Aug Nov Moderate rain-dry from October Second crop Erosion Experimental practice Feb Mar

5 Lung Su Phin –Ta Ngao - Sin Ho – Lai Chau

6 Household education profile

7 Profile of agricultural production 1.46 ha (SE=0.21 and med=1.40) of agricultural land

8 Distance between fields and farmer’s house

9 Proportion of cultivation on slopes/flats

10 Erosion prevention experiment Mini-terraces Mulch + Fertiliser Mini-terraces No-Mulch + Fertiliser Farmer practice (not part of design) Burn and no inputs

11 Mini-terraces + mulch+ fertiliser vs. burn + no inputs

12 Yield Ta Ngao

13 Farmer’s feedback Mini terraces require lot of work: 3 days for 1000 m 2 and our way only 2 days. Fertilisers are expensive may be to big investment. You may not understand but Hmong don’t want to sell. If we get lot of corn we will store it for 2 years but will not sell.

14 UnitPrice (dong)AmountValue (dong) FarmerMT+MulchMTFarmerMT+MulchMT Variety (local) kg00000 Biofertiliser Song Gianh kg2,70001,000 02,700,000 Urea kg6,8000330 02,244,000 NPK (5:10:3) kg3,7000500 01,850,000 Photphate kg3,0000500 01,500,000 Kaliclorua kg14,0000240 03,360,000 Pestiside 0 0 0 0 00 Labour day6810090 I-INPUT COST 011,654,000 II-INCOME kg4,5002,5006,2905,18711,250,00028,305,00023,342,000 III-PROFIT dong 11,250,00016,651,00011,688,000 IV PROFIT/ LABOUR DAY Dong/ day 173,077166,510129,866 Economic analysis based on farmers information

15 Na Ha– Na Ot – Mai Son

16 Household education profile

17 Profile of agricultural production 2.97 ha (SE=0.64 and med=2.90)

18 Distance between fields and farmer’s house

19 Proportion of cultivation on slopes/flats

20 Production of rice on terraces and coffee on slopes

21 Map of erosion experiment Burned organic materialMini-terrace + mulchMulch Mini-terrace + mulchBurned organic material MulchMini-terrace + mulch Trench to collect eroded soil 3 replications, 5 m wide + 1m buffer and 20 m long.

22 Experimental design T2-R1 T1-R1 T3-R2 T2-R2 T4-R2 T1-R2

23 Mini-terraces 70 cm

24 Minimum tillage

25 Impact of erosion prevention cultivation on yield

26 Yield

27 Unit Cost (dong)AmountValue (dong) FarmerMT+MulchMulchFarmerMT+MulchMulch Variety (LVN10) kg38,0001700646,000 Variety (LVN 99) kg60,000017 1,020,000 Manure kg3501000035,000 Ure kg6,80050300 340,0002,040,000 NPK (5:10:3) kg3,30010000330,000 Phosphate kg3,1000500 1,550,001,550,000 Kaliclorua kg14,0000150 2,100,000 Pestiside 300,000 Labour day85.5130124 I-INPUT COST 1,351,0007,010,000 II-INCOME kg4,0003,5505,4005,10014,200,00021,600,00020,400,000 III-PROFIT dong 12,850,00014,590,00013,390,000 IV PROFIT/ LABOUR DAY Dong/ day 150,292112,230107,984 Economic analysis based on farmers information

28 Hung Phong – Ban Bo – Tam Duong

29 Household education profile

30 1.20 ha (SE=0.18 and med=1.18) of agricultural land

31 Range of crops are grown

32 Not enough corn for extensive pig production


34 Experiments Variety experiment Intercropping experiments Second crop

35 Intercropping design Black beanMaize 10040353035

36 Variety and intercropping trial – Ban Bo

37 Impact of green mulch (intercropping) and mulch on maize productivity – Moc Chau

38 UnitCost (dong)AmountValue (dong) FarmerProjectFarmerProject Variety (CP999) kg55,000170 Variety (CP999) kg55,000017 Biofertiliser Song Gianh kg2,70001,00002,700,000 Ure kg7,6004003303,040,0002,508,000 NPK (5:10:3) kg3,300500 1,650,000 Photphate kg3,100050001,550,000 Kaliclorua kg14,000024003,360,000 Pestiside 600,000 Labour day84100 I-INPUT COST 4,690,00012,368,000 II-INCOME kg4,5004,0006,72018,000,00030,240,000 III-PROFIT dong 13,310,00017,872,000 IV PROFIT/ LABOUR DAY Dong/ day 158,452178,720 Economic analysis based on farmers information



41 Second crop Maize mono NK4500 Inter-crop maize + peanut Maize mono NK4500 Inter-crop maize + peanutMaize mono NK4500Inter-crop maize + peanut


43 Comparison between erosion prevention strategies Comparison Number of trials Yield T2>T1 Average difference (T/ha) T1T2 BurnMulch77 (4)0.7 (16%) BurnMT+Mulch77 (4)0.9 (20%) MulchMT+Mulch44 (1)0.4 (9%) MTMT+Mulch33(1)0.3 (7%) Mono- cropping Inter-cropping66 (5)0.8 (18%)

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