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1.02 Interpret roadblocks to personal development.

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1 1.02 Interpret roadblocks to personal development

2 Health Roadblocks: Teen Pregnancy, sick family member, terminal illnesses Substance abuse: overindulgence in or dependence on an addictive substance, especially alcohol or drugs. Misuse of illegal drugs Addictions can be both physical and psychological: a physical or mental dependence on continued does of a substance Taking the drug away or stopping the drug will cause withdrawals Drug abuse is the use of a legal or illegal drug for a purpose other than its intended use.

3 People may become addicted to alcohol because it relaxes them and they enjoy that feeling. May use drugs to try and overcome problems that they are faced with on a daily basis Name a few problems that could cause additions Substance abuse will and does seriously affect all family members. Spouse and children of the addict often have the hardest time dealing with or accepting the problem. Children and spouse may blame themselves for what has happened

4 Mental abuse: is a form of violence that affects the mind, often leaving the abused feeling worthless and lacking empowerment Eating disorders: Anorexia Nervosa is characterized by the refusal to eat. It can affect anyone of any gender or age but disproportionately affects young women in their late teens and early twenties. Bulimia Nervosa is characterized by cyclical bingeing and purging episodes. Bingeing is defined as the consumption of more food than most other people would eat in a similar circumstance over a discrete period of time accompanied by a sense of lack of control over the food consumption.

5 What is suicide?? How can we help prevent suicide?? First you have to recognize the warning signs: Extreme mood swings Giving away favorite possessions Talking about death or killing oneself

6 Lack of Opportunities can be caused by…. Where you live Socioeconomic status Parents Peer groups What is socioeconomic status..? Socioeconomic status is an economic and sociological combined total measure of a person’s work experience and of an individual’s or families economic and social position in relation to others, based on income, education, and occupation.

7 What effects can socioeconomic status have.. Has been shown to increase links to diseases, such as: obesity People with low socioeconomic status get limited amounts of sleep each night ~Question: Why do you think socioeconomic status can effect these things and what else do you think it can effect

8 Air Anything that pollutes the air Smog, Carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases Carbon dioxide is put off by cars, planes, power plants and other human activities that involve the burning of fossil fuels such as gasoline, and natural gas Industry Pollution that can be directly linked with industry Makes up 50% of the nations pollution for the entire planet Can effect land, air and water Land Is the deterioration of the earth’s surfaces, often directly and indirectly as a result of mans activities and their misuse of land resources Caused by crops, animals, farm residues, ashes from burning, sewage, garbage waste, and many different kinds of chemials Water Contamination of water bodies often from human activities Happens when pollutants are put into the water

9 Criminal acts: harmful acts towards other individuals or the community ~ 1 in 9 murders were committed by youth under 18 30-40% of males and 16-32% females say they have committed a violent crime before the age of 17 Family issues: Signs of problems: frequent arguing, disagreements, breakdown in communication, angry outburst, avoidance, physical conflict Triggers for family issues: Difference in opinion, personalities, change in family (new baby, divorce), financial problems, stress, issues relating to sexuality, alcohol or drug use, natural disasters Truancy: is the act of staying away from school without good reason, it is intentional

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