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Göran Carlsson, Chair Arnoldas Jurgutis, ITA NDPHS Primary Health Care Expert Group NDPHS EXPERT GROUP ON PRIMARY HEALTH CARE Activities in late 2008 and.

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Presentation on theme: "Göran Carlsson, Chair Arnoldas Jurgutis, ITA NDPHS Primary Health Care Expert Group NDPHS EXPERT GROUP ON PRIMARY HEALTH CARE Activities in late 2008 and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Göran Carlsson, Chair Arnoldas Jurgutis, ITA NDPHS Primary Health Care Expert Group NDPHS EXPERT GROUP ON PRIMARY HEALTH CARE Activities in late 2008 and early 2009 PHC EG Meeting, March 3rd, 2009, Brussels

2 ToR of PHC EG Overall objective of ND PHC work: inclusion of policies to emphasize the priority of primary health care on political agendas, support efforts towards the improvement of health service systems and health sector reforms, promote networking and partnership building among relevant stakeholders

3 PHC EG Partner representatives Belarus (since October 2008) Estonia Finland Latvia Lithuania Norway Poland (co-lead partner) Russia Sweden (lead partner) WHO/Euro (active until May 2008)

4 Activities of PHC EG 2008 - 2009 Report on Primary Health Care in the ND Region finalized International Seminar “PHC in the ND Countries” Vilnius May 23rd, 2008 ● Decisions to move from situation analysis towards action through an application to BSR Programme 2007- 2013 ● Application of the project proposal have been submitted in March, 2009

5 Project title “Improvement of public health by promotion of equitably distributed high quality primary health care systems ” Objective of the BSR project ● Promote the equitable distribution of high quality primary health care services in the BSR ● Increase the cost-efficiency of the public health system and efficiently counteract communicable diseases as well as health problems related to social factors

6 Expected project outcomes Policy instruments for increasing overall PHC resources identified Mechanisms for equitable distribution of PHC services developed Models to improve performance of PHC professionals in addressing health risks related to social factors and counteracting communicable diseases tested Strategies and tools for improving quality of PHC services recommended

7 Partners involved 13 organisations from 7 countries (BY, LV, LT, EE, PL, SE,FI) 6 MoH as associate partners (BY, LV, LT, EE, SE,FI) Attemps to mitigate effects of non-signing of ENPI Financial Agreement by EU and Russian Federation Two associate partners from Russia (MoH of Kaliningrad oblast and Central Research Institute of Health Organization and Informatization ) ● Limited external Funds possibly available from: Germany – Ministry of Health Norway – Ministry of Health and Care through NDPHS pipeline Sweden - Sida Baltic Sea Unit; Swedish East Europe Committee

8 Additional activities of PHC EG in late 2008 Views on the EU Baltic Sea Region Strategy communicated to NDPHS Secretariat Input to SWG on the future role of and conditions for Expert Groups conveyed to SWG Chair

9 PHC EG 7th Meeting in Kaliningrad Includes two thematic workshops ● Experiences of Primary Health Care reform in Kaliningrad, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland ● Tomorrow´s role of Family Doctor and Nurse First experience to combine EG meeting wih involvement of more local experts Discussions on how to better address social wellbeing issues Planned Position paper – first of several position papers which also will include policy conclusions

10 Position paper on “Tomorrow’s role of family doctor and nurse” What future challenges are expected for health systems and what should be a new role of PHC proffesionals? ● Demographic changes ● Changing disease panorama ● Complex and co-morbid patients ● Increasing health and health care inequalities ● New technology ● Information overflow ● Increasing gap between people’s expectation and the available financial resources ● The knowledge base - from experience based to evidence based ●...

11 Planned future activities Position paper on Tommorow’s role of Family doctor’s and Nurse PHC EG 8th Meeting is planned to be hosted by Belarus MoH in Minsk Septmeber 10-11th Mid term vision and goals should be developed Input related to Prison Health isues for PAC Meeting

12 Thank you!

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