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Adaptation in Walloon Region Julien HOYAUX

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Presentation on theme: "Adaptation in Walloon Region Julien HOYAUX"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptation in Walloon Region Julien HOYAUX

2 2 Adaptation in Walloon Region Structural coordination Examples of action Strategy

3 3 Adaptation in Walloon Region Structural coordination Examples of action Strategy

4 4 Structural coordination National Working Group on Adaptation Walloon Network on Adaptation  Set up since end 2008 and coordinated by the Walloon Agency for Air and Climate (AWAC)  Objectives:  Exchange information on adaptation issues on different levels (regional  international) between different sectors (agriculture, health, water, …)  Coordinate the walloon position to adaptation issues and official reports (e.g. 5th National Communication on CC)  Guide reflexions on the future adaptation strategy

5 5 Structural coordination National Working Group on Adaptation Walloon Network on Adaptation  Sectors represented:  Air  Agriculture  Forestry  Biodiversity  Water (groundwater & surface water)  Health  Country planning

6 6 Adaptation in Walloon Region Structural coordination Examples of action Strategy

7 Examples of action - Water Plan PLUIES Prévention et LUtte contre les Inondations et leurs Effets sur les Sinistrés (Prevention and struggle against the floods and their impacts on flood victims) 5 objectives: 1.Increase the knowledge on the flood risk 2.Decrease and slow down the runoff on watersheds 3.Landscape rivers beds and alluvial plains 4.Decrease the vulnerability in flood areas 5.Improve the crisis management 7

8 Examples of action - Water Plan PLUIES Prévention et LUtte contre les Inondations et leurs Effets sur les Sinistrés (Prevention and struggle against the floods and their impacts on flood victims) 32 actions of whom 2 more specifics in relation to climate change: 1.Collaboration with Air & Climate 2.AMICE project Other link with impacts of climate change: Flood Directive 2007-60-CE 8

9 Examples of action - Water AMICE Project (2009-2013) Adaptation of the Meuse to the Impacts of Climate Evolutions Interreg research project (Fr-Be-Ge-Neth.) Assessment of the CC impacts all along the river basin 5 Working Package: 1.Impacts of future floods and low-flows 2.Natural Water retention 3.Control of water quantities 4.Flood crisis management software 5.Communication and dissemination of results 9

10 Examples of action - Forestry 10 Forestry Research Framework Improve fundamental knowledge of forest ecosystems Develop decision-making tools Update of the « Ecological File on Forest Species » and the « Afforestation Guide » New Walloon Forest Code Advocates a mixed-species, mixed-age forest, adapted to climate change and able to mitigate certain effects

11 Examples of action - Agriculture Modelling/Studies of climate change impacts in agriculture 2009Climate change and erosivity of rain: adaptation of the models and adaptation capacity of agronomical techniques (ClimEro project). 2008Temporal and spatial evolutions of aerial inoculums of cereals fungi pathogens in relation to climate and impact on the dynamic of the diseases. 2008Impact of climate change on aphid species & virus in potatoes crops: effect on the transmission and alternatives control methods. 2008Assessment of the impact of Asian beetles invasion on Walloon agriculture and relations with the integrated pest management programs. *Assessment of the CLIMatic impact of AGRO-environmental measures (CLIMAGRO project). Adaptation 2009Cultural techniques strategies for the sugar beet adapted to climate change: economic and environmental impacts of an earlier sowing. 11

12 12 Adaptation in Walloon Region Structural coordination Examples of action Strategy

13 The Walloon Adaptation Network allows Exchange of experts advices A global view of the adaptation issue Therefore, it will guide the elaboration of the future regional adaptation plan. 13

14 Strategy The future regional adaptation plan Preliminary study Climate change indicators Win-win & no regret measures Synergies/Antagonism between sectors Links with other plans Walloon Air-Climate Plan Plan PLUIES … 14

15 Strategy Planning 15 201020112012 Preliminary study Development of RAP Continuous collaboration within the WAN Continuous collaboration with the National WG Adaptation

16 Conclusions Climate changes (will) have impacts on (all) different sectors Mitigation & adaptation are needed to face climate change issues “mitigation aims to avoid the unmanageable and adaptation aims to manage the unavoidable” (Laukkonen et al., 2009) Concertation and good communication are crucial 16

17 Thank you for your attention ! Julien HOYAUX

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