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*Reading over break **Oral history: due Tuesday Agenda Warm-up: imperialism Intro lecture Inquiry: Vietnam Objectives Identify and explain causes for anti-war.

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Presentation on theme: "*Reading over break **Oral history: due Tuesday Agenda Warm-up: imperialism Intro lecture Inquiry: Vietnam Objectives Identify and explain causes for anti-war."— Presentation transcript:

1 *Reading over break **Oral history: due Tuesday Agenda Warm-up: imperialism Intro lecture Inquiry: Vietnam Objectives Identify and explain causes for anti-war protests in Vietnam Why was there such a sizeable and passionate anti-war movement against Vietnam? “Bigger” question: how does a democracy respond to a war?

2 Warm-up intro Post WWII growth of nationalism Increasing amounts of former colonies were declaring independence from their former imperial rulers Examples: Indonesia and the Netherlands (1945-50), Vietnam and France (1945-54), Egypt (1952), and Iran (1951)

3 Effect on the Cold War? “the United States used aid packages, technical assistance and sometimes even military intervention to encourage newly independent nations in the Third World to adopt governments that aligned with the West. The Soviet Union deployed similar tactics in an effort to encourage new nations to join the communist bloc, and attempted to convince newly decolonized countries that communism was an intrinsically non-imperialist economic and political ideology.” – US Office of the Historian

4 Back to Vietnam

5 1964 Opinions on war 1964 Gulf of Tonkin resolution: gives President Lyndon B Johnson ___ House of Representatives 416-0 Senate: 88-2 1964 election year: Johnson (Democrat) and Goldwater (Republican) both advocate for US escalation in Vietnam

6 In 1967… What does this video tell us about America’s opinion about the War in Vietnam? Does this video suggest continuity or change from opinions expressed in 1964 (Johnson, Goldwater, Gulf of Tonkin resolution)?

7 In view of developments since we entered the fighting in Vietnam, do you think the US made a mistake sending troops to fight in Vietnam?

8 Media Why was there a sizeable and passionate anti- war movement against Vietnam? Vietnam= first war to allow freedom of the press TV= by 1960, nearly 2/3 of Americans have TVs

9 My Lai Massacre (March 16, 1968)

10 Vietnamese after Napalm Attack (June 8, 1972)

11 Fall of Saigon, 1975

12 Kent State University, May 4, 1970

13 Discussion questions Why was there a sizeable and passionate anti- war movement against Vietnam? How does a democracy respond to war? What change do we see with anti-Vietnam protest?

14 Why was there a sizeable and passionate anti-war movement against Vietnam? No threat to the US There were problems at home -> “cruel irony” Jim Crow It was televised!

15 Why was there a sizeable and passionate anti-war movement against Vietnam? Doubting containment Had domestic issues Television  a lot of men were drafted

16 Are you in favor of withdrawing from Vietnam? Sorted by race Percent saying

17 Draft US soldiers in Vietnam: 80% volunteer, 20% draft 1965-73: draft used for escalation 8,700 men convicted for draft dodging

18 Support of the War in Vietnam- Gallup poll. What is America’s opinion by 1968?

19 US Troop levels in Vietnam

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