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Prototype for website redesign Bangladesh High Commission, London Smita Roy Student of MA Web Design and Content Planning Academic session 2015-16.

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Presentation on theme: "Prototype for website redesign Bangladesh High Commission, London Smita Roy Student of MA Web Design and Content Planning Academic session 2015-16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prototype for website redesign Bangladesh High Commission, London Smita Roy Student of MA Web Design and Content Planning Academic session 2015-16

2 Content Background and overview Template for home page Template for other pages Navigation bar Footer Images Content design Responsiveness Work schedule

3 Background & overview: According to the 2011 Census, an estimated 500,000 Bangladeshis live in the UK, about half live in London The main objective of this project is to critically analysis the existing website of Bangladesh High Commission, London This will improve the accessibility, usability and traffic of the website in order to will bring value to local Bangladeshi community living in the UK. The existing site is not intuitive and lacking out consistency and online promotion. One of my key challenges is to understand the target audience and to redesign the look & feel along with the contents of the existing site in such way to satisfy the visitor’s expectations.

4 Cognate & non -cognate websites The following cognate websites have been followed Indian High Commission, London UK Government website Bangladesh High Commission, Lebanon

5 Site map for the proposed redesign Site map Home The Embassy High Commissioner High Commission officers Assistance HC Birmingham Assistance HC Manchester Consular services Visa Passport Power of Attorney Attestation Other services Download application form Bangladesh and UK relations Education and culture Economic cooperation About Bangladesh Bangladesh at a glance Father of the Nation Prime Minister Tourism Media Upcoming event Photo Gallery Video Gallery Public NoticeContact us

6 Template for Home page

7 Images for home page slide show The following images will represent the history, traditional,cultural heritage of Bangladesh

8 Template for other pages

9 Footer design The existing footer is not intuitive. In fact there is no footer other than the home page of the existing website.

10 Navigation bar Large navigation menus can be more difficult to filter. Navigation bar is categorized into three main groups which can be displayed into three locations in the home page e.g. header, body part and footer. Separate navigation bar into sections and creating a hierarchy will help the visitor to satisfy their need smoothly.

11 Home page for mobile

12 Example of online form

13 Almost 80% of the contents can be taken from the existing website. Remaining contents will be extracted from my analytical output of ‘Cultural Context’ section of the project. SEO keywords, description and Meta data will be decided when the content is ready and implemented during the site promotion phase once the core design is completed. Content design

14 Responsiveness Age of mobile and multi-device browsing, the public’s attention needs to be captured in the reaching a website. Social media impact Online expectations (complete the application forms online)

15 Work schedule for Major Project Implementation (core design ) May 2016June 2016July 2016August 2016September 16 Prototype Finalization of report Project selection, Cultural context, Commodity, Firmness, Delight Analysis and promotion This is a proposed work schedule for the Major project for MA Web Design and Content planning by Smita Roy Contingency time for before Analysis Contingency time for before Implementation Contingency time for before report writing October 16 1.Set up domain, hosting, Word Press CMS and database creation 2.Template design with CSS, HTML, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript 3.Coding (Page, menu, wizard, navigation, footer, language translator, accessibility) 4.Plug-in, API 5.On page SEO, site map 6.Set up SSL cert 7.Testing (SIT, UAT, W3C validation) and defect fix 8.Consultation with Project Supervisor and action accordingly 1.Site analysis 2.Traffic analysis 3.Performance analysis 4.Report writing 5.Consultation with Project Supervisor and action accordingly 1.Draft report 2.Harvard referencing 3.Consultation with Project Supervisor and action accordingly 4.Final project report 1.Draft design in Photoshop 2.Content and image collection 3.Explore & learn different technologies to be used Final design & report Presentation (TBA)

16 Q&A END

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