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Does your website speak Chinese? Thom Robbins

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Presentation on theme: "Does your website speak Chinese? Thom Robbins"— Presentation transcript:

1 Does your website speak Chinese? Thom Robbins Twitter: @trobbins

2 Agenda Importance of multi-language Adding cultures Translating content Best practices

3 Importance of multi-lingual sites Country Targeting Tactics: Country specific domain ( Hosting in local country Physical local address Google Webmaster Central geo-targetting settings Verified address with Google Maps Links from in-country websites Use of local language It’s a two part problem… Country Targeting…Language Targeting…

4 Switch to the Cultures tab and click the Add cultures button. In the pop-up dialog enter new language. FirstThe first thing we need to do is go to Site Manager -> Sites and click the Edit icon next to our site. Second Adding Cultures

5 ThirdWhen the dialog closes, you see the new culture present in the list of available site cultures. Adding Cultures

6 What do you translate? Show default culture Not all documents need to translated (Exception is Home Page) Pick key culture documents (analytics will help) Machine translation has come a long way but can be expensive If cost is an issue: Top 2-5% of geography based documents Best Practice Tip Did you know about: Site Manager ->Settings -> Web site?

7 In the content tree, click. The indicates the document hasn’t been translated yet. First Log into and make sure you are in the Edit mode. Choose the language to which you want to translate your documents the Language toolbar. Second Content Localization

8 Third In the dialog box choose and select the language version you want your document to be copied from. Then click. Adding Content

9 Fourth In the field enter the translated title of your page. Click and switch to the tab and start translating the content of your page. Adding Content

10 Fifth We are ready to view the live site for the translated page. and bring up the web site in our browser. Sixth Click. Notice the flag to the right, toggle between. Viewing the page

11 Language and URL’s All pages have the same URL URL?lang=culture Best Practice Tip To set up a custom URL go to the language page and select use custom URL path

12 Translation overview Best Practice Tip Select document and switch to Document Listing to view translation status Green – Document is translated and up to date Orange – Document is translated but out of date (default language has been modified more recently than translated version) Red – Document language version does not exist

13 Best practice – Make Language Selection Easy Make it easy – Place banners at top of page for language selection – Flags may not be the best solution as they tend to be location dependent Wikipedia Example

14 Localization Macros Supply localized values to web part properties or settings FormatDescriptionSample Value In place localization: {$=defaut_string|etc} Displays strings defined in expression {$=Hello|de-de|Hallo|it- it|Ciao$} Basic format: {$key$} Displays the string specified in Site Manager -> Development -> UI Culture or resx file in CMSResources folder {myform.firstname$}

15 Best Practice – SEO is important Acquire back links from the target country – Review top sites for countries ( When possible have native speakers write your copy – Set language bound editing in Site Manager ->Administration -> Users ->Edit User -> Language tab – Create culture dependent workflow scopes (custom workflow for a language) (Option) Create separate sites for each country (Option) Register different domains

16 Additional Information Best samples are in your project! Documentation - Code Snippet Library - Marketplace - Questions: @trobbins

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