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Copyright January, 2011 1 Prof. Basuony El-Garhy Geotechnical Engineering and Foundations Civil Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering What is CE.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright January, 2011 1 Prof. Basuony El-Garhy Geotechnical Engineering and Foundations Civil Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering What is CE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright January, 2011 1 Prof. Basuony El-Garhy Geotechnical Engineering and Foundations Civil Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering What is CE 331

2 2  Course Title: Geotechnical Engineering I  Course Description: Introduction to geological engineering; Types of rocks: igneous rock, sedimentary rock, metamorphic rock; Weathering processes; Soil formation; Soil structures; Soil minerals; Basic soil properties: weight- volume relationships, definitions, laboratory tests; Soil classifications; Types of water in soil; Total and effective stresses; Hydraulic soil properties: laboratory and field soil permeability; Stresses in soil mass: stresses under point, line and distributed loads; Soil compaction: relative density, laboratory compaction tests, field compaction, compaction equipment, site control of compaction; Experimental tests.

3 What is CE 331  Prerequisite: CE321: Properties of material I 3  Course Meetings: According to studying schedules for each group

4 4 What is CE 331  Instructor: Prof. Basuony El-Garhy Professor of Geotechnical Engineering and Foundations Room: 1126 Tel: 4272172 ext: 140 Office  Office hours: Saturday; Sunday; Tuesday 2 – 4 am

5 5 What is CE 331  Required Textbook: Principles of Geotechnical Engineering, 6 editions, by Braja Das(2008)

6 6 What is CE 331  Grading: The final grades for the course will be based on the following percentages: ComponentsPercentages Assignments and quizzes 20% 1st Exam15% 2nd Exam15% Lab Exam10% Final exam40 %

7 7 What is CE 331  Grading: Final letter grades will be based on the following scale which reflects the percentages as noted above. PercentagesGrade 95 % - 100 % A+ 90 % - 94 % A 85 % - 89% B+ 80 % - 84 % B 75 % - 79 % C+ 70 % - 74 % C 65 % - 69 % D+ 60 % - 64 % D Less than 60 % F

8 8 What is CE 331  Grading:  Regular attendance is necessary to maintain pace with the lectures and the progress of the class.  If you must be absent, please make sure you know the assignment for the following class meeting and turn in any work due that day.  Generally, if a student misses an exam or a homework assignment, a score of zero will be recorded.

9 9 What is CE 331  Grading:  However, the student may be allowed to make-up an exam or turn in their homework late if a valid reason for the absence is presented to the instructor at the next class meeting.  If the student must miss an exam because of a conflict in their schedule the student must notify the instructor in writing at least two days prior to the absence.

10 10 What is CE 331  Grading:  Homework is due at the beginning of class on the due date.  To account for a missed assignment, even with a valid excuse, one homework assignment will be dropped for consideration in computing the homework average.  Late homework will not be accepted for any reason.

11 11 What is CE 331  Homework Format:  All assignments are to be submitted on engineering paper with a cover page. You may use any type of engineering paper as long as it has a background grid.  Work should be done in pencil, and a lead hardness used which produces good contrast to the paper.

12 12 What is CE 331  Homework Format:  The layout and appearance of your work should be of professional quality.  Work no more than one problem per page.  Do not use the back of a page for any reason.

13 13 What is CE 331 Any Question

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