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Stereotypes & Behavior. IB Syllabus Says: Explain the formation of stereotypes and their effect on behavior.

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Presentation on theme: "Stereotypes & Behavior. IB Syllabus Says: Explain the formation of stereotypes and their effect on behavior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stereotypes & Behavior

2 IB Syllabus Says: Explain the formation of stereotypes and their effect on behavior

3 Key Terms: Stereotype – cognitive process - categorizing others Prejudice – attitude – combination of emotion and cognition Discrimination: behavior – treating people differently based on the group they belong to

4 Definition of a stereotype: A social perception of an individual in terms of group membership or physical attributes It is a cognitive process – a generalization is made about a group and then attributed to all members of that group. Such generalizations can be either positive or negative. E.g. Women are talented speakers or women are bad drivers Stereotyping is a form of social categorization which affects the behavior of those who hold the stereotype and those who are labeled by a stereotype – it can lead to prejudice and discrimination Researchers now explain stereotyping as a result of schema processing.

5 Seminar discussion on the formation of stereotypes This Friday, in groups, you will lead a 10 to 15 minute seminar on your assigned topic The main topic of your seminar is the How are stereotypes formed and what is their effect on behavior? You will prepare questions for the discussion, and also a 1 page of A4 notes for the seminar – this should be printed out before class We will sit around in a circle, and you will share your knowledge of the section you have been assigned, and lead the discussion when it comes to your section For the bibliography: the handout comes from Crane, J. & Hannibal, J. (2009). Psychology: A course companion. Oxford: Oxford University Press

6 Seminar Discussion Topics – textbook p.106-110 1.Definition of stereotypes, the effect of stereotypes on individuals performance (Aaronson, 1995- stereotype threat) (Steele, 1997- spotlight anxiety) (Spencer et al. 1977 – effect on intellectual performance) (Herrnstein, 1994- positive stereotypes) Louis & Alessandra, Audrey 2.Stereotypes effecting behavior by leading to prejudice and discrimination (Elliot, 1968 – See your SIT scavenger hunt notes for this) Zach & Dillon 3.The formation of stereotypes: (Tajfel, 1978 - Social Categorization & SIT )(Campbell, 1967 – gatekeepers & grain of truth) Micah & Nikki 4.The formation of stereotypes: (Moscovici, 1973; Howarth 2002 - social representations/ schemas ) Klaire & Katalyna 5.The formation of stereotypes: (Hamilton & Gifford, 1976- illusionary correlation) (Snyder & Swann- confirmation bias ) Christina & Krystal

7 To Do.. 1.Read and research your assigned section/ produce your handout 2.Prepare who within your group will present on each section 3.Prepare 5 discussion topics to ask the group on the section you present on – use real life examples to bring it to life. 4.Complete handout and printout before lesson – you must bring 11 copies to class 5.Everyone must also read pages 108/110 of the textbook to be prepared for the seminar

8 Key words… Stereotypes Spotlight anxiety gatekeepers Grain of truth Illusory correlation Confirmation bias Social desirability effect Prejudice & Discrimination

9 rubric

10 Summary Writing: (Type up your notes expanding on the points noted below using real research examples) 1)List all the reasons why stereotypes form : a) SIT & social categorization (Tajfel, 1978) b) The Illusory Correlation (Hamilton & Gifford, 1976), c) Confirmation Bias (Snyder & Swann, 1978) d)The Grain of Truth Hypothesis (Campbell, 1967) 2)List the effects that stereotypes have on behavior – providing evidence to support this: a)Discrimination (Elliot, 1968) b)Stereotype threat/Spotlight anxiety & performance (Aaronson, 1995) (Steele, 1997) (Herrnstein, 1994)

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