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The Trait of Hope as a Predictor for Hoped-For Outcomes Patricia Bruininks & Matt Magill Whitworth University.

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Presentation on theme: "The Trait of Hope as a Predictor for Hoped-For Outcomes Patricia Bruininks & Matt Magill Whitworth University."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Trait of Hope as a Predictor for Hoped-For Outcomes Patricia Bruininks & Matt Magill Whitworth University

2 Trait Model of Hope AgencyPathways Snyder et al., 1991

3 Adult Hope Scale Athletic & Academic Achievement Physical Health Cheavens, Michael, & Snyder 2005 Psychological Well-Being

4 Adult Hope Scale HOPE ? ?

5 Agency Hopefulness for Personal Growth Hopefulness for General Future Tong, Fredrickson, & Chang, 2010

6 Two Questions 1. Does the Adult Hope Scale (AHS) predict specific hoped-for outcomes? 2. What do we mean by HOPE?

7 What do we Mean by Hope?

8 HOPE ≠ OPTIMISM more important and specific outcomes less likely outcomes less personal control over outcome Bruininks & Malle, 2005

9 WHAT DO WE MEAN BY HOPE? HOPE HOPEFULHOPING Howington, Bruininks, & Crowell, 2007


11 STUDY 1 102 participants (2:1 Female to Male Ratio) 2 first-person chronological stories 2 versions: Positive Version: Set-up item, 3 positive, 3 negative, 3 positive, 3 negative Negative Version: Set-up item, 3 negative, 3 positive, 3 negative, 3 positive Participant rated hope, fear, optimism, and worry for outcome on 9-point scale after each part of story Total of 13 ratings for each state ½ adjective (hopeful) and ½ verb (hoping) Howington, Bruininks, & Crowell, 2007

12 Study 1 Story #1: You need money to travel during winter break Negative: “You meet with one of the financial aid counselors, and discover that your family’s income does not qualify you for work study. Unfortunately, the few jobs on campus that are not under the work study program are already filled. The outlook for a job on campus is not good.” Howington, Bruininks, & Crowell, 2007

13 Study 1 Story #1: You need money to travel during winter break Positive: “On your way to the post office, you saw a poster advertising openings for article writers for the school newspaper. You decided to apply for one of the positions. Today you find out that you got the job. It doesn’t pay a lot, but it is definitely going to help.” Howington, Bruininks, & Crowell, 2007

14 Interaction Effect F Q (1,22) = 5.51, p <.05, ŋ 2 =.028


16 STUDY 1 OPTIMISTICHOPEFULHOPING POSITIVE MONEY.379.320-.082 NEGATIVE MONEY.302.192-.360 POSITIVE MOVIE.503**.193-.231 NEGATIVE MOVIE.069.220-.052 Howington, Bruininks, & Crowell, 2007 N = 27; ** p <.001

17 STUDY 2 Exam Study 102 undergraduates complete questionnaire before and after taking exam 3 times earlier in semester Right before taking exam 1 week after taking exam Right before getting exam grade Questionnaire Goal grade How optimistic, hopeful, hoping about goal grade Bruininks & Sweeny, 2008

18 STUDY 2

19 OPTIMISTI C HOPEFULHOPING BEFORE TEST.500**.339**.206 AFTER TEST.302**.118.047 Bruininks & Sweeny, 2008 N = 102; ** p <.001

20 STUDY 3 Diary Study 27 participants (3 male, 24 female) complete on-line journal for 4 weeks Write about hoped-for outcomes optimistic, hopeful, hoping Hoped-for outcome with most entries analyzed Bruininks, Crowell, & Howington, 2007

21 STUDY 3 OPTIMISTICHOPEFULHOPING AHS.170.025.003 Bruininks, Crowell, & Howington, 2007

22 STUDY 4 Part of a larger study on relationship between helping and hope Write about hopes for self, other, and community optimistic, hopeful, hoping Bruininks & Magill, 2011

23 STUDY 4 OPTIMISTICHOPEFULHOPING SELF.366*.058-.175 OTHER.142.075-.041 COMMUNITY.135.042.012 Bruininks & Magill, 2011 N = 46; * p <.05

24 summary The AHS predicted hopefulness for a goal grade on a test before taking the exam The AHS did not predict hopefulness after the exam The AHS did not predict hoping for the goal grade The AHS did not predict hopefulness or hoping in the other three studies

25 If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. - Eldridge Cleaver, 1968

26 POSSIBILITIES 1. The AHS only relates to a subset of hopes. Defining and Measuring Hope (2002)

27 POSSIBILITIES 1. The AHS only relates to a subset of hopes. 1. Self-report measure of trait not able to predict a domain-specific emotion such as hope


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