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C RITICAL A NALYSIS Writing the 5 paragraph essay.

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1 C RITICAL A NALYSIS Writing the 5 paragraph essay

2 L EARNING T ARGET I can explain and identify the components and structure of a 5 paragraph critical analysis essay.

3 T HE F IVE P ARAGRAPH E SSAY Format: Introduction 3 body paragraphs (bulk of essay) Conclusion Purpose: Practice/assess writing skills, analytical skills, etc. Demonstrate depth and insight in a sustained fashion about one topic Develop foundational skills that will serve as a basis for other modes of writing

4 I NTRODUCTION Purpose: To make the audience aware of the work(s) (in this case, Catcher in the Rye ) To offer the audience some details of the work(s) as they relate to the argument To pose an argument (response to the prompt) as a basis for analysis

5 I NTRODUCTION Format: Opening sentence: Author, title, and subject matter of the text 3-4 sentences of summary: Conflict, major and minor characters, setting Brief recap of the plot or action Primary claim: MOST IMPORTANT SENTENCE!!! Address the prompt

6 P RIMARY CLAIM Prompt: Argue whether Holden is a realistic or unrealistic character. Example primary claims: Salinger portrays Holden as an unrealistic character through his superficial experiences and underdeveloped relationships with other characters. Salinger portrays Holden as a realistic character through his juvenile actions and his adolescent speech.

7 B ODY P ARAGRAPHS ( THREE TOTAL ) Secondary claim 1 (body paragraph 1) Evidence and reasoning 1 Evidence and reasoning 2 Evidence and reasoning 3 Secondary claim 2 (body paragraph 2) Evidence and reasoning 1 Evidence and reasoning 2 Evidence and reasoning 3 Secondary claim 3 (body paragraph 3) Evidence and reasoning 1 Evidence and reasoning 2 Evidence and reasoning 3

8 B ODY P ARAGRAPHS : Secondary Claim: One of three statements that you make to support your primary claim Evidence: An example from the text to support your claim (can use a quote or paraphase here) Reason: Your explanation of how your evidence proves your claim; must be based on more than personal preferences or opinions—demand evidence, information, and logic

9 C ONCLUSION Main purpose: to wrap up your argument Don’t be redundant; do not repeat primary claim Summarize the outcome of the text Relate the ending of the text back to your topic Relate the ending back to a universal theme; connect to humanity

10 Y OUR T URN !!! Prompt: Explain how Holden struggles to come to terms with himself in the novel. Try to write out a primary claim that addresses the above prompt. I will have a few of you write yours on the board.

11 S ECONDARY C LAIMS Now try to write out three secondary claims that support your primary claim (remember that this is the guiding ideas of your body paragraphs) I will have a few of you share yours with the class

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